Class JCRURLConnection

  extended by
      extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JCRURLConnection
extends URLConnection

The JCRURLConnection is the URLConnection implementation to access the data addressed by a JCR Repository URL.

As the primary use of a URLConnection and thus the JCRURLConnection is to provide access to the content of a resource identified by the URL, it is the primary task of this class to identify and access a repository Property based on the URL. This main task is executed in the connect() method.

Basically the guideposts to access content from a JCR Repository URl are the following:

After having connected the property is available through the getProperty() method. Other methods exist to retrieve repository related information defined when creating the URL: getSession() to retrieve the session of the URL, getPath() to retrieve the path with which the URL was created and getItem() to retrieve the item with which the URL was created. The results of calling getProperty() and getItem() will be the same if the URL directly addressed the property. If the URL addressed the node whose primary item chain ultimately resolved to the property, the getItem() will return the node and getProperty() will return the resolved property.

A note on the InputStream available from getInputStream(): Unlike other implementations - for example for file: or http: URLs - which return the same stream on each call, this implementation returns a new stream on each invocation.

The following header fields are implemented by this class:

The size of the content is filled from the Property.getLength() method, which returns the size in bytes of the property's value for binary values and the number of characters used for the string representation of the value for all other value types.
If the property is a child of a nt:resource node, the content type is retrieved from the jcr:mimeType property of the parent node. If the parent node is not a nt:resource, the guessContentTypeFromName method is called on the path. If this does not yield a content type, it is set to application/octet-stream for binary properties and to text/plain for other types.
If the property is a child of a nt:resource node, the content encoding is retrieved from the jcr:econding property of the parent node. If the jcr:encoding property is not set, this header field remains undefined (aka null).
If the property is a child of a nt:resource node, the last modified type is retrieved from the jcr:lastModified property of the parent node. If the parent node is not a nt:resource, the last modification time is set to zero.

This class is not intended to be subclassed or instantiated by clients.

Felix Meschberger

Field Summary
protected static String APPLICATION_OCTET
          The default content type name for binary properties accessed by this connection (value is "application/octet-stream").
protected static String CONTENT_ENCODING
          The name of the header containing the content encoding (value is "content-encoding").
protected static String CONTENT_LENGTH
          The name of the header containing the content size (value is "content-length").
protected static String CONTENT_TYPE
          The name of the header containing the MIME type of the content (value is "content-type").
protected static String LAST_MODIFIED
          The name of the header containing the last modification time stamp of the content (value is "last-modified").
protected static String TEXT_PLAIN
          The default content type name for non-binary properties accessed by this connection (value is "text/plain").
Fields inherited from class
allowUserInteraction, connected, doInput, doOutput, ifModifiedSince, url, useCaches
Method Summary
 void connect()
          Connects to the URL setting the header fields and preparing for the getProperty() and getInputStream() methods.
protected  IOException failure(String method, String message, Throwable cause)
          Logs the message and returns an IOException to be thrown by the caller.
 String getContentEncoding()
          Returns the content encoding of the data as a string.
 int getContentLength()
          Returns the content length of the data as an number.
 String getContentType()
          Returns the content type of the data as a string.
protected getHandler()
          Returns the URL handler of the URL of this connection.
 String getHeaderField(int i)
          Get the header field with the given index.
 String getHeaderField(String s)
          Gets the named header field.
 String getHeaderFieldKey(int i)
          Get the name of the header field with the given index.
 Map getHeaderFields()
          Returns an unmodifiable map of all header fields.
 InputStream getInputStream()
          Returns an input stream that reads from this open connection.
 Item getItem()
          Returns the repository item underlying the URL of this connection retrieved through the path set on the URL.
 long getLastModified()
          Returns the value of the last-modified header field.
 String getPath()
          Returns the path to the repository item underlying the URL of this connection.
 Property getProperty()
          Returns the repository Property providing the contents of this connection.
 Session getSession()
          Returns the current session of URL.
protected  void setContentEncoding(String contentEncoding)
protected  void setContentLength(int contentLength)
protected  void setContentType(String contentType)
protected  void setLastModified(long lastModified)
protected  void setProperty(Property property)
Methods inherited from class
addRequestProperty, getAllowUserInteraction, getConnectTimeout, getContent, getContent, getDate, getDefaultAllowUserInteraction, getDefaultRequestProperty, getDefaultUseCaches, getDoInput, getDoOutput, getExpiration, getFileNameMap, getHeaderFieldDate, getHeaderFieldInt, getIfModifiedSince, getOutputStream, getPermission, getReadTimeout, getRequestProperties, getRequestProperty, getURL, getUseCaches, guessContentTypeFromName, guessContentTypeFromStream, setAllowUserInteraction, setConnectTimeout, setContentHandlerFactory, setDefaultAllowUserInteraction, setDefaultRequestProperty, setDefaultUseCaches, setDoInput, setDoOutput, setFileNameMap, setIfModifiedSince, setReadTimeout, setRequestProperty, setUseCaches, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String CONTENT_LENGTH
The name of the header containing the content size (value is "content-length").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String CONTENT_TYPE
The name of the header containing the MIME type of the content (value is "content-type").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String CONTENT_ENCODING
The name of the header containing the content encoding (value is "content-encoding").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String LAST_MODIFIED
The name of the header containing the last modification time stamp of the content (value is "last-modified").

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String APPLICATION_OCTET
The default content type name for binary properties accessed by this connection (value is "application/octet-stream").

See Also:
connect(), Constant Field Values


protected static final String TEXT_PLAIN
The default content type name for non-binary properties accessed by this connection (value is "text/plain").

See Also:
connect(), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public Session getSession()
Returns the current session of URL.

Calling this method does not require this connection being connected.


public String getPath()
Returns the path to the repository item underlying the URL of this connection.

Calling this method does not require this connection being connected.


public Item getItem()
             throws IOException
Returns the repository item underlying the URL of this connection retrieved through the path set on the URL.

Calling this method does not require this connection being connected.

IOException - If the item has to be retrieved from the repository Session of this connection and an error occurrs. The cause of the exception will refer to the exception thrown from the repository. If the path addresses a non-existing item, the cause will be a PathNotFoundException.


public Property getProperty()
                     throws IOException
Returns the repository Property providing the contents of this connection.

Calling this method forces the connection to be opened by calling the connect() method.

IOException - May be thrown by the connect() method called by this method.
See Also:


public void connect()
             throws IOException
Connects to the URL setting the header fields and preparing for the getProperty() and getInputStream() methods.

The following algorithm is applied:

  1. The repository item is retrieved from the URL's URLHandler.
  2. If the item is a node, the getPrimaryItem method is called on that node. If the node has no primary item, the connection fails.
  3. If the item - either from the handler or after calling getPrimaryItem is still a node, this method fails because a Property is required for a successfull connection.
  4. If the property found above is a multi-valued property, connection fails, because multi-valued properties are not currently supported.
  5. The content length header field is set from the property length (Property.getLength())).
  6. If the property's parent node is of node type nt:resource, the header fields for the content type, content encoding and last modification time are set from the jcr:mimeType, jcr:encoding, and jcr:lastModification properties. Otherwise the content encoding field is set to null and the last modification time is set to zero. The content type field is guessed from the name of the URL item. If the content type cannot be guessed, it is set to application/octet-stream if the property is of binary type or text/plain otherwise.

When this method successfully returns, this connection is considered connected. In case of an exception thrown, the connection is not connected.

Specified by:
connect in class URLConnection
IOException - if an error occurrs retrieving the data property or any of the header field value properties or if any other errors occurrs. Any cuasing exception is set as the cause of this exception.


public InputStream getInputStream()
                           throws IOException
Returns an input stream that reads from this open connection.


Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getInputStream in class URLConnection
IOException - if an error occurrs opening the connection through connect() or creating the InputStream on the repository Property.
See Also:


public String getHeaderField(String s)
Gets the named header field. This implementation only supports the Content-Type, Content-Encoding, Content-Length and Last-Modified header fields. All other names return null.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getHeaderField in class URLConnection
s - The name of the header field value to return.
The corresponding value or null if not one of the supported fields or the named field's value cannot be retrieved from the data source.
See Also:


public String getHeaderField(int i)
Get the header field with the given index. As with getHeaderField(String) only Content-Length, Content-Type, Content-Encoding, and Last-Modified are supported. All indexes other than 0, 1, 2 or 3 will return null.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getHeaderField in class URLConnection
i - The index of the header field value to return.
The corresponding value or null if not one of the supported fields or the known field's value cannot be retrieved from the data source.
See Also:


public String getHeaderFieldKey(int i)
Get the name of the header field with the given index. As with getHeaderField(String) only Content-Length, Content-Type, Content-Encoding and Last-Modified are supported. All indexes other than 0, 1, 2 or 3 will return null.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getHeaderFieldKey in class URLConnection
i - The index of the header field name to return.
The corresponding name or null if not one of the supported fields.
See Also:


public Map getHeaderFields()
Returns an unmodifiable map of all header fields. Each entry is indexed with a string key naming the field. The entry's value is an unmodifiable list of the string values of the respective header field.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getHeaderFields in class URLConnection
An unmodifiable map of header fields and their values. The map will be empty if an error occurrs connecting through connect().
See Also:


public String getContentType()
Returns the content type of the data as a string. This is just a perfomance convenience overwrite of the base class implementation.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getContentType in class URLConnection
The content length of the data or null if the content type cannot be derived from the data source.
See Also:


public String getContentEncoding()
Returns the content encoding of the data as a string. This is just a perfomance convenience overwrite of the base class implementation.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getContentEncoding in class URLConnection
The content encoding of the data or null if the content encoding cannot be derived from the data source.
See Also:


public int getContentLength()
Returns the content length of the data as an number. This is just a perfomance convenience overwrite of the base class implementation.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getContentLength in class URLConnection
The content length of the data or -1 if the content length cannot be derived from the data source.
See Also:


public long getLastModified()
Returns the value of the last-modified header field. The result is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT.

Calling this method implicitly calls connect() to ensure the connection is open.

getLastModified in class URLConnection
the date the resource referenced by this URLConnection was last modified, or -1 if not known.
See Also:


protected getHandler()
Returns the URL handler of the URL of this connection.


protected void setContentEncoding(String contentEncoding)
contentEncoding - The contentEncoding to set.


protected void setContentLength(int contentLength)
contentLength - The contentLength to set.


protected void setContentType(String contentType)
contentType - The contentType to set.


protected void setLastModified(long lastModified)
lastModified - The lastModified to set.


protected void setProperty(Property property)
property - The property to set.


protected IOException failure(String method,
                              String message,
                              Throwable cause)
Logs the message and returns an IOException to be thrown by the caller. The log message contains the caller name, the external URL form and the message while the IOException is only based on the external URL form and the message given.

method - The method in which the error occurred. This is used for logging.
message - The message to log and set in the exception
cause - The cause of failure. May be null.
The IOException the caller may throw.

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