Class TextFilterExtractor

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.TextFilterExtractor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TextFilterExtractor
extends Object
implements TextExtractor

Adapter class for achieving backwards compatibility with classes implementing the deprectated TextFilter interface. This class implements the TextExtractor interface through calls to an underlying TextFilter instance.

Constructor Summary
TextFilterExtractor(String[] types, TextFilter filter)
          Creates a text extractor adapter that supports the given content types using the given text filter.
TextFilterExtractor(String type, TextFilter filter)
          Creates a text extractor adapter that supports the given content type using the given text filter.
Method Summary
 Reader extractText(InputStream stream, String type, String encoding)
          Extracts the text content of the given binary stream by calling the underlying TextFilter instance.
 String[] getContentTypes()
          Returns the supported content types.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TextFilterExtractor(String[] types,
                           TextFilter filter)
Creates a text extractor adapter that supports the given content types using the given text filter.

types - supported content types
filter - text filter to be adapted


public TextFilterExtractor(String type,
                           TextFilter filter)
Creates a text extractor adapter that supports the given content type using the given text filter.

type - supported content type
filter - text filter to be adapted
Method Detail


public String[] getContentTypes()
Returns the supported content types.

Specified by:
getContentTypes in interface TextExtractor
supported content types


public Reader extractText(InputStream stream,
                          String type,
                          String encoding)
                   throws IOException
Extracts the text content of the given binary stream by calling the underlying TextFilter instance. A dummy PropertyState instance is created to comply with the TextFilter.doFilter(PropertyState, String) method signature.

Specified by:
extractText in interface TextExtractor
stream - binary stream
type - content type
encoding - character encoding, or null
reader reader for the extracted text content
IOException - if the adapted call fails

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