Class QueryImpl

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.QueryImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QueryImpl
extends Object
implements ExecutableQuery

Implements the ExecutableQuery interface.

Field Summary
protected static QueryRootNode ALL_NODES
          Represents a query that selects all nodes.
protected  SearchIndex index
          The actual search index
protected  ItemManager itemMgr
          The item manager of the user executing this query
protected  PropertyTypeRegistry propReg
          The property type registry for type lookup.
protected  QueryRootNode root
          The root node of the query tree
protected  SessionImpl session
          The session of the user executing this query
Constructor Summary
QueryImpl(SessionImpl session, ItemManager itemMgr, SearchIndex index, PropertyTypeRegistry propReg, String statement, String language)
          Creates a new query instance from a query string.
Method Summary
 QueryResult execute()
          Executes this query and returns a QueryResult.
 boolean getRespectDocumentOrder()
          If set true the result nodes will be in document order per default (if no order by clause is specified).
protected  QName[] getSelectProperties()
          Returns the select properties for this query.
 void setRespectDocumentOrder(boolean documentOrder)
          Sets a new value for this property.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final QueryRootNode ALL_NODES
Represents a query that selects all nodes. E.g. in XPath: //*


protected final QueryRootNode root
The root node of the query tree


protected final SessionImpl session
The session of the user executing this query


protected final ItemManager itemMgr
The item manager of the user executing this query


protected final SearchIndex index
The actual search index


protected final PropertyTypeRegistry propReg
The property type registry for type lookup.

Constructor Detail


public QueryImpl(SessionImpl session,
                 ItemManager itemMgr,
                 SearchIndex index,
                 PropertyTypeRegistry propReg,
                 String statement,
                 String language)
          throws InvalidQueryException
Creates a new query instance from a query string.

session - the session of the user executing this query.
itemMgr - the item manager of the session executing this query.
index - the search index.
propReg - the property type registry.
statement - the query statement.
language - the syntax of the query statement.
InvalidQueryException - if the query statement is invalid according to the specified language.
Method Detail


public QueryResult execute()
                    throws RepositoryException
Executes this query and returns a QueryResult.

Specified by:
execute in interface ExecutableQuery
a QueryResult
RepositoryException - if an error occurs


public boolean getRespectDocumentOrder()
If set true the result nodes will be in document order per default (if no order by clause is specified). If set to false the result nodes are returned in whatever sequence the index has stored the nodes. That sequence is stable over multiple invocations of the same query, but will change when nodes get added or removed from the index.

The default value for this property is true.

the current value of this property.


public void setRespectDocumentOrder(boolean documentOrder)
Sets a new value for this property.

documentOrder - if true the result nodes are in document order per default.
See Also:


protected QName[] getSelectProperties()
                               throws RepositoryException
Returns the select properties for this query.

array of select property names.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.

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