Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeTypeDef

Uses of NodeTypeDef in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that return NodeTypeDef
 NodeTypeDef AbstractRecord.readNodeTypeDef()
          Read a NodeTypeDef from the underlying stream.
 NodeTypeDef Record.readNodeTypeDef()
          Read a NodeTypeDef from the underlying stream.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal with parameters of type NodeTypeDef
 void AbstractRecord.writeNodeTypeDef(NodeTypeDef ntd)
          Write a NodeTypeDef to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeNodeTypeDef(NodeTypeDef ntd)
          Write a NodeTypeDef to the underlying stream.

Uses of NodeTypeDef in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype that return NodeTypeDef
 NodeTypeDef NodeTypeDefStore.get(QName name)
 NodeTypeDef NodeTypeImpl.getDefinition()
          Returns the definition of this node type.
 NodeTypeDef NodeTypeRegistry.getNodeTypeDef(QName nodeTypeName)
          Returns the node type definition of the node type with the given name.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype with parameters of type NodeTypeDef
 void NodeTypeDefStore.add(NodeTypeDef ntd)
protected  void NodeTypeRegistry.checkForConflictingContent(NodeTypeDef ntd)
          Checks whether there is existing content that would conflict with the given node type definition.
static NodeTypeDefDiff NodeTypeDefDiff.create(NodeTypeDef oldDef, NodeTypeDef newDef)
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.registerNodeType(NodeTypeDef ntd)
          Validates the NodeTypeDef and returns an EffectiveNodeType object representing the newly registered node type.
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.reregisterNodeType(NodeTypeDef ntd)

Uses of NodeTypeDef in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.compact

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.compact with parameters of type NodeTypeDef
 void CompactNodeTypeDefWriter.write(NodeTypeDef d)
          Write one NodeTypeDef to this writer

Uses of NodeTypeDef in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.xml that return NodeTypeDef
 NodeTypeDef[] NodeTypeReader.getNodeTypeDefs()
          Returns all node type definitions specified by node type elements under the current element.
static NodeTypeDef[] xml)
          Reads a node type definition file.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.xml with parameters of type NodeTypeDef
static void NodeTypeWriter.write(OutputStream xml, NodeTypeDef[] types, NamespaceRegistry registry)
          Writes a node type definition file.

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