Interface InternalFrozenVersionHistory

All Superinterfaces:
InternalFreeze, InternalVersionItem

public interface InternalFrozenVersionHistory
extends InternalFreeze

This interface defines a frozen versionable child node, that was created during a Node.checkin() with a OPV==Version node.

Method Summary
 NodeId getBaseVersionId()
          Returns the id of the base version that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
 InternalVersion getBaseVesion()
          Returns the base version that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
 InternalVersionHistory getVersionHistory()
          Returns the version history that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
 NodeId getVersionHistoryId()
          Returns the id of the version history that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalFreeze
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionItem
getId, getParent

Method Detail


public NodeId getVersionHistoryId()
Returns the id of the version history that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.

the id of the version history


public InternalVersionHistory getVersionHistory()
                                         throws VersionException
Returns the version history that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.

the internal version history.
VersionException - if the history cannot be retrieved.


public NodeId getBaseVersionId()
Returns the id of the base version that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.

the id of the base version


public InternalVersion getBaseVesion()
                              throws VersionException
Returns the base version that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.

the inernal base version
VersionException - if the version could not be retrieved

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