Uses of Class

Packages that use Path
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return Path
 Path HierarchyManagerImpl.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.
 Path CachingHierarchyManager.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.

Overridden method simply checks whether we have an item matching the id and returns its path, otherwise calls base implementation.

 Path ItemImpl.getPrimaryPath()
          Returns the primary path to this Item.
 Path PathMap.Element.getPath()
          Return the path of this element.
 Path HierarchyManager.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type Path
 String HierarchyManagerImpl.safeGetJCRPath(Path path)
          Failsafe conversion of internal Path to JCR path for use in error messages etc.
protected  ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path, ItemId id, int next)
          Resolve a path into an item id.
protected  ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path, ItemState state, int next)
          Resolve a path into an item id.
 ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into an item id.
protected  ItemId CachingHierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path, ItemState state, int next)
          Resolve a path into an item id. Recursively invoked method that may be overridden by some subclass to either return cached responses or add response to cache.

Cache the intermediate item inside our cache.

 ItemId CachingHierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into an item id.

Check the path indicated inside our cache first.

 PathMap.Element path, boolean exact)
          Map a path to a child.
 PathMap.Element PathMap.put(Path path, Object obj)
          Create an element given by its path.
 void PathMap.put(Path path, PathMap.Element element)
          Put an element given by its path.
 PathMap.Element PathMap.put(Path path)
          Create an empty child given by its path.
 boolean PathMap.Element.hasPath(Path path)
          Checks whether this element has the specified path.
 boolean ItemManager.itemExists(Path path)
          Checks if the item with the given path exists.
 ItemImpl ItemManager.getItem(Path path)
 ItemId HierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into an item id.
 String ItemValidator.safeGetJCRPath(Path path)
          Failsafe conversion of internal Path to JCR path for use in error messages etc.
 void BatchedItemOperations.copy(Path srcPath, Path destPath, int flag)
          Copies the tree at srcPath to the new location at destPath.
 void BatchedItemOperations.copy(Path srcPath, ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, HierarchyManager srcHierMgr, AccessManager srcAccessMgr, Path destPath, int flag)
          Copies the tree at srcPath retrieved using the specified srcStateMgr to the new location at destPath.
 void BatchedItemOperations.move(Path srcPath, Path destPath)
          Moves the tree at srcPath to the new location at destPath.
 void BatchedItemOperations.removeNode(Path nodePath)
          Removes the specified node, recursively removing its properties and child nodes.
 void BatchedItemOperations.verifyCanWrite(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is writable.
 void BatchedItemOperations.verifyCanRead(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath can be read.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.getNodeState(Path nodePath)
          Retrieves the state of the node at the given path.
protected  void BatchedItemOperations.verifyCheckedOut(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is checked-out; throws a VersionException if that's not the case.
protected  void BatchedItemOperations.verifyUnlocked(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is not locked by somebody else than the current session.
protected  void BatchedItemOperations.verifyNotProtected(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is not protected.
protected  NodeState BatchedItemOperations.getNodeState(ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, HierarchyManager srcHierMgr, Path nodePath)
          Retrieves the state of the node at nodePath using the given item state manager.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock with parameters of type Path
 void XALockManager.checkLock(Path path, Session session)
          Check whether the path given is locked by somebody else than the session described. Access is allowed if the node is not locked or if the session itself holds the lock to this node, i.e. the session contains the lock token for the lock.
 void LockManager.checkLock(Path path, Session session)
          Check whether the path given is locked by somebody else than the session described.
 void LockManagerImpl.checkLock(Path path, Session session)
          Check whether the path given is locked by somebody else than the session described. Access is allowed if the node is not locked or if the session itself holds the lock to this node, i.e. the session contains the lock token for the lock.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation that return Path
 Path EventStateCollection.getPathPrefix()
          Returns the path prefix for this event state collection or null if no path prefix was set in the constructor of this collection.
 Path EventState.getParentPath()
          Returns the path of the parent node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type Path
 EventStateCollection DelegatingObservationDispatcher.createEventStateCollection(SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix)
          Creates an EventStateCollection tied to the session given as argument.
 void DelegatingObservationDispatcher.dispatch(List eventList, SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix)
          Dispatchers a list of events to all registered dispatchers.
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value with parameters of type Path
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(Path value)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type Path
WorkspaceImporter(Path parentPath, WorkspaceImpl wsp, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, int uuidBehavior)
          Creates a new WorkspaceImporter instance.

Uses of Path in

Fields in declared as Path
static Path Path.ROOT
          the root path

Methods in that return Path
static Path Path.create(String jcrPath, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path from the given jcrPath string.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, String relJCRPath, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean canonicalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and a relative path string.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path string and the given relative path string.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path string and the give name.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, int index, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and index.
static Path Path.create(QName name, int index)
          Creates a relative path based on a QName and an index.
 Path Path.getNormalizedPath()
          Returns the normalized path representation of this path.
 Path Path.getCanonicalPath()
          Returns the canonical path representation of this path.
 Path Path.computeRelativePath(Path other)
          Computes the relative path from this absolute path to other.
 Path Path.getAncestor(int degree)
          Returns the ancestor path of the specified relative degree.
static Path Path.valueOf(String s)
          Returns a Path holding the value of the specified string.
 Path Path.PathBuilder.getPath()
          Assembles the built path and returns a new Path.

Methods in with parameters of type Path
static Path Path.create(Path parent, String relJCRPath, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean canonicalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and a relative path string.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path string and the given relative path string.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path string and the give name.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, int index, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and index.
 Path Path.computeRelativePath(Path other)
          Computes the relative path from this absolute path to other.
 boolean Path.isAncestorOf(Path other)
          Determines if this path is an ancestor of the specified path, based on their (absolute or relative) hierarchy level as returned by getDepth().
 boolean Path.isDescendantOf(Path other)
          Determines if this path is a descendant of the specified path, based on their (absolute or relative) hierarchy level as returned by getDepth().

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