Uses of Class

Packages that use VirtualPropertyState
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of VirtualPropertyState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return VirtualPropertyState
 VirtualPropertyState XAVersionManager.createPropertyState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Creats a new virtual property state

Uses of VirtualPropertyState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual that return VirtualPropertyState
 VirtualPropertyState[] VirtualNodeState.getProperties()
          Returns the properties of this node
 VirtualPropertyState VirtualNodeState.getProperty(QName name)
          returns the property state of the given name
protected  VirtualPropertyState VirtualNodeState.getOrCreatePropertyState(QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Retrieves or creates a new property state as child property of this node
 VirtualPropertyState VirtualItemStateProvider.createPropertyState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Creats a new virtual property state
protected  VirtualPropertyState AbstractVISProvider.internalGetPropertyState(PropertyId id)
          Retrieces the property state for the given id
 VirtualPropertyState AbstractVISProvider.createPropertyState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Creats a new virtual property state

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