Uses of Class

Packages that use InternalValue
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 

Uses of InternalValue in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return InternalValue
protected  InternalValue[] NodeImpl.computeSystemGeneratedPropertyValues(QName name, PropertyDefinitionImpl def)
          Computes the values of well-known system (i.e.
 InternalValue[] PropertyImpl.internalGetValues()
          Returns the internal values of this property
 InternalValue PropertyImpl.internalGetValue()
          Returns the internal values of this property

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type InternalValue
protected  Property NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(QName name, InternalValue value)
          Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
protected  Property NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(QName name, InternalValue[] values)
          Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
protected  Property NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(QName name, InternalValue[] values, int type)
          Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
protected  long PropertyImpl.getLength(InternalValue value)
          Determines the length of the given value.
protected  void PropertyImpl.internalSetValue(InternalValue[] values, int type)

Uses of InternalValue in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype that return InternalValue
 InternalValue[] PropDefImpl.getDefaultValues()
          Returns the array of default values.
 InternalValue[] PropDef.getDefaultValues()
          Returns the array of default values.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype with parameters of type InternalValue
 void PropDefImpl.setDefaultValues(InternalValue[] defaultValues)
          Sets the default values.
static void EffectiveNodeType.checkSetPropertyValueConstraints(PropDef pd, InternalValue[] values)
          Tests if the value constraints defined in the property definition pd are satisfied by the the specified values.

Uses of InternalValue in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return InternalValue
 InternalValue[] PropertyState.getValues()
          Returns the value(s) of this property.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type InternalValue
 void PropertyState.setValues(InternalValue[] values)
          Sets the value(s) of this property.

Uses of InternalValue in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value declared as InternalValue
static InternalValue[] InternalValue.EMPTY_ARRAY
static InternalValue InternalValue.BOOLEAN_TRUE
static InternalValue InternalValue.BOOLEAN_FALSE

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value that return InternalValue
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(Value value, NamespaceResolver nsResolver)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(Value value, int targetType, NamespaceResolver nsResolver)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(String value, int targetType, NamespaceResolver nsResolver)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(String value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(long value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(double value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(Calendar value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(boolean value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(byte[] value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(InputStream value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(FileSystemResource value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(File value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(QName value)
static InternalValue[] InternalValue.create(QName[] values)
static InternalValue[] InternalValue.create(String[] values)
static InternalValue[] InternalValue.create(Calendar[] values)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(Path value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(UUID value)
 InternalValue InternalValue.createCopy()
static InternalValue InternalValue.valueOf(String s, int type)

Uses of InternalValue in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual that return InternalValue
 InternalValue[] VirtualValueProvider.getVirtualValues(QName propName)
          Returns the values for the given name
 InternalValue[] VirtualNodeState.getPropertyValues(QName name)
          Returns the values of the given property of null
 InternalValue VirtualNodeState.getPropertyValue(QName name)
          Returns the value of the given property or null
 InternalValue[] VirtualPropertyState.getValues()
          Returns the value of this state evt.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type InternalValue
 void VirtualNodeState.setPropertyValue(QName name, InternalValue value)
          Sets the property value
 void VirtualNodeState.setPropertyValues(QName name, int type, InternalValue[] values)
          Sets the property values
 void VirtualNodeState.setPropertyValues(QName name, int type, InternalValue[] values, boolean multiple)
          Sets the property values

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