Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeState.ChildNodeEntry
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 

Uses of NodeState.ChildNodeEntry in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return NodeState.ChildNodeEntry
protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified uuid or null if there's no such entry.
protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, QName name, int index)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified name and index or null if there's no such entry.
protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry ZombieHierarchyManager.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, QName name, int index)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified name and index or null if there's no such entry.

Low-level hook provided for specialized derived classes.

Also allows for removed/renamed child node entries.

protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry ZombieHierarchyManager.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified uuid or null if there's no such entry.

Low-level hook provided for specialized derived classes.

Also allows for removed child node entries.


Uses of NodeState.ChildNodeEntry in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return NodeState.ChildNodeEntry
 NodeState.ChildNodeEntry NodeState.getChildNodeEntry(QName nodeName, int index)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry with the specified name and index or null if there's no matching entry.
 NodeState.ChildNodeEntry NodeState.getChildNodeEntry(NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry with the specified NodeId or null if there's no matching entry.
 NodeState.ChildNodeEntry NodeState.addChildNodeEntry(QName nodeName, NodeId id)
          Adds a new ChildNodeEntry.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type NodeState.ChildNodeEntry
protected  void NodeState.notifyNodeAdded(NodeState.ChildNodeEntry added)
          Notify the listeners that a child node entry has been added
protected  void NodeState.notifyNodeRemoved(NodeState.ChildNodeEntry removed)
          Notify the listeners that a child node entry has been removed

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