Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeReferencesId
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.db This package contains the class SimpleDbPersistenceManager, a simple generic JDBC-based PersistenceManager for Jackrabbit. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of NodeReferencesId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state declared as NodeReferencesId
protected  NodeReferencesId
          identifier of this NodeReferences instance.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferencesId NodeReferences.getId()
          Returns the identifier of this node references object.
static NodeReferencesId NodeReferencesId.valueOf(String s)
          Returns a NodeReferencesId holding the value of the specified string.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferences ItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 boolean ItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 NodeReferences SessionItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 boolean SessionItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 NodeReferences ChangeLog.get(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object given its id.
 NodeReferences XAItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id

If this state manager is committing changes, this method first checks the commitLog ThreadLocal.

 boolean XAItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.

If this state manager is committing changes, this method first checks the commitLog ThreadLocal.

 NodeReferences PersistenceManager.load(NodeReferencesId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node references object.
 boolean PersistenceManager.exists(NodeReferencesId targetId)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.
 NodeReferences SharedItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 boolean SharedItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.
 NodeReferences LocalItemStateManager.getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 boolean LocalItemStateManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
NodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Package private constructor

Uses of NodeReferencesId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.db

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.db with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferences SimpleDbPersistenceManager.load(NodeReferencesId targetId)
          Load the persistent members of a node references object.
 boolean SimpleDbPersistenceManager.exists(NodeReferencesId targetId)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.

Uses of NodeReferencesId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.mem

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.mem with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferences InMemPersistenceManager.load(NodeReferencesId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node references object.
 boolean InMemPersistenceManager.exists(NodeReferencesId id)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.

Uses of NodeReferencesId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.obj

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.obj with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferences ObjectPersistenceManager.load(NodeReferencesId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node references object.
 boolean ObjectPersistenceManager.exists(NodeReferencesId id)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.

Uses of NodeReferencesId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferences XMLPersistenceManager.load(NodeReferencesId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node references object.
 boolean XMLPersistenceManager.exists(NodeReferencesId id)
          Checks whether references of the identified target node exist.

Uses of NodeReferencesId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferences XAVersionManager.getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 boolean XAVersionManager.hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.

Uses of NodeReferencesId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type NodeReferencesId
 NodeReferences AbstractVISProvider.getNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a node references object, given its target id
 boolean AbstractVISProvider.hasNodeReferences(NodeReferencesId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a node references object for a given target id exists.

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