Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryNode

Uses of QueryNode in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query

Subclasses of QueryNode in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query
 class AndQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines an AND operation between arbitrary other QueryNodes.
 class DerefQueryNode
          Represents query node that dereferences a reference property into a node and does an optional name test on the target node.
 class ExactQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines an exact match of a property and a value.
 class LocationStepQueryNode
          Defines a location step for querying the path of a node.
 class NAryQueryNode
          Defines an abstract query node for nodes that have child nodes.
 class NodeTypeQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines a node type match.
 class NotQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines a not operation on the child query.
 class OrderQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines the order of nodes according to the values of properties.
 class OrQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines an OR operation between arbitrary other QueryNodes.
 class PathQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines a path restriction.
 class QueryRootNode
          Implements the root node of a query tree.
 class RelationQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines property value relation.
 class TextsearchQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines a textsearch clause.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query that return QueryNode
 QueryNode[] LocationStepQueryNode.getPredicates()
          Returns the predicate nodes for this location step.
 QueryNode[] NAryQueryNode.getOperands()
          Returns an array of currently set QueryNode operands of this QueryNode.
 QueryNode QueryNode.getParent()
          Returns the parent QueryNode or null if this is the root node of a query tree.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type QueryNode
static void QueryTreeDump.dump(QueryNode node, StringBuffer buffer)
          Dumps a query node tree to the string buffer.
 void LocationStepQueryNode.addPredicate(QueryNode predicate)
          Adds a predicate node to this location step.
 void NAryQueryNode.addOperand(QueryNode operand)
          Adds a new operand (child node) to this query node.
 boolean NAryQueryNode.removeOperand(QueryNode operand)
          Removes an operand (child node) from this query node.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type QueryNode
NodeTypeQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName nodeType)
          Creates a new NodeTypeQueryNode.
DerefQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName nameTest, boolean descendants)
          Creates a new DerefQueryNode without a name set for the reference property.
OrQueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Creates a new OrQueryNode with a parent query node.
OrQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QueryNode[] operands)
          Creates a new OrQueryNode with a parent query node and operands for this OrQueryNode.
RelationQueryNode(QueryNode parent, int operation)
          Creates a new RelationQueryNode without a type nor value assigned.
RelationQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName property, long value, int operation)
          Creates a new RelationQueryNode with a long value and an operation type.
RelationQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName property, double value, int operation)
          Creates a new RelationQueryNode with a double value and an operation type.
RelationQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName property, Date value, int operation)
          Creates a new RelationQueryNode with a Date value and an operation type.
RelationQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName property, String value, int operation)
          Creates a new RelationQueryNode with a String value and an operation type.
ExactQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName property, QName value)
          Creates a new ExactQueryNode instance.
AndQueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Creates a new AndQueryNode with a parent query node.
AndQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QueryNode[] operands)
          Creates a new AndQueryNode with a parent query node and operands for this AndQueryNode.
NotQueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Creates a new NotQueryNode instance.
NotQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QueryNode node)
          Creates a new NotQueryNode instance.
LocationStepQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName nameTest, boolean descendants)
          Creates a new LocationStepQueryNode with a reference to its parent.
LocationStepQueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Creates a new LocationStepQueryNode that matches only the empty name (the repository root).
PathQueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Creates a relative PathQueryNode with no location steps.
OrderQueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Creates a new OrderQueryNode with a reference to a parent node and sort properties.
TextsearchQueryNode(QueryNode parent, String query)
          Creates a new TextsearchQueryNode with a parent and a textsearch query statement.
TextsearchQueryNode(QueryNode parent, String query, QName propertyName)
          Creates a new TextsearchQueryNode with a parent and a textsearch query statement.
NAryQueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Creates a new NAryQueryNode with a reference to a parent QueryNode.
NAryQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QueryNode[] operands)
          Creates a new NAryQueryNode with a reference to a parent QueryNode and initial operands.
QueryNode(QueryNode parent)
          Constructs a new QueryNode with a reference to it's parent.

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