Uses of Interface

Packages that use PropDef
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 

Uses of PropDef in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return PropDef
 PropDef BatchedItemOperations.findApplicablePropertyDefinition(QName name, int type, boolean multiValued, NodeState parentState)
          Helper method that finds the applicable definition for a property with the given name, type and multiValued characteristic in the parent node's node type and mixin types.
 PropDef BatchedItemOperations.findApplicablePropertyDefinition(QName name, int type, NodeState parentState)
          Helper method that finds the applicable definition for a property with the given name, type in the parent node's node type and mixin types.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type PropDef
 PropertyState BatchedItemOperations.createPropertyState(NodeState parent, QName propName, int type, PropDef def)
          Creates a new property based on the given definition.

Uses of PropDef in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype that implement PropDef
 class PropDefImpl
          This class implements the PropDef interface and additionally provides setter methods for the various property definition attributes.

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype declared as PropDef
static PropDef[] PropDef.EMPTY_ARRAY

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype that return PropDef
 PropDef NodeTypeRegistry.getPropDef(PropDefId id)
 PropDef PropertyDefinitionImpl.unwrap()
          Returns the wrapped property definition.
 PropDef[] NodeTypeDef.getPropertyDefs()
          Returns an array containing the property definitions or null if not set.
 PropDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getAllPropDefs()
 PropDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getNamedPropDefs()
 PropDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getNamedPropDefs(QName name)
 PropDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getUnnamedPropDefs()
 PropDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getAutoCreatePropDefs()
 PropDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getMandatoryPropDefs()
 PropDef EffectiveNodeType.getApplicablePropertyDef(QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Returns the applicable property definition for a property with the specified name, type and multiValued characteristic.
 PropDef EffectiveNodeType.getApplicablePropertyDef(QName name, int type)
          Returns the applicable property definition for a property with the specified name and type.
 PropDef NodeTypeDefDiff.PropDefDiff.getOldDef()
 PropDef NodeTypeDefDiff.PropDefDiff.getNewDef()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype with parameters of type PropDef
 void NodeTypeDef.setPropertyDefs(PropDef[] defs)
          Sets the property definitions.
static void EffectiveNodeType.checkSetPropertyValueConstraints(PropDef pd, InternalValue[] values)
          Tests if the value constraints defined in the property definition pd are satisfied by the the specified values.

Uses of PropDef in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual that return PropDef
protected  PropDef AbstractVISProvider.getApplicablePropertyDef(NodeState parent, QName propertyName, int type, boolean multiValued)
          retrieves the property definition for the given contraints

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