Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeTypeImpl
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 

Uses of NodeTypeImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type NodeTypeImpl
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.createChildNode(QName name, NodeDefinitionImpl def, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddNode(String relPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType)
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddNode(String relPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddChildNode(QName nodeName, NodeTypeImpl nodeType)
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddChildNode(QName nodeName, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)

Uses of NodeTypeImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype that return NodeTypeImpl
 NodeTypeImpl NodeTypeManagerImpl.getNodeType(QName name)

Uses of NodeTypeImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation that return NodeTypeImpl
 NodeTypeImpl EventState.getNodeType()
          Returns the node type of the parent node associated with this event.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type NodeTypeImpl
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.

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