Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationException
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config Jackrabbit configuration handling. 

Uses of ConfigurationException in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config that throw ConfigurationException
 void VersioningConfig.init()
          Initializes the versioning file system.
 void FileSystemConfig.init()
          Instantiates and initializes the configured file system implementation class.
 Object BeanConfig.newInstance()
          Creates a new instance of the configured bean class.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(String file, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration file name into an InputSource and invokes the RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(URI uri, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration URI into an InputSource and invokes the RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputStream input, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration input stream into an InputSource and invokes the RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource xml, String home)
          Parses the given repository configuration document and returns the parsed and initialized repository configuration.
protected  void RepositoryConfig.init()
          Initializes the repository configuration.
 WorkspaceConfig RepositoryConfig.createWorkspaceConfig(String name)
          Creates a new workspace configuration with the specified name.
 WorkspaceConfig RepositoryConfig.createWorkspaceConfig(String name, InputSource template)
          Creates a new workspace configuration with the specified name.
 void WorkspaceConfig.init()
          Initializes the search index implementation.
 LoginModule LoginModuleConfig.getLoginModule()
 RepositoryConfig ConfigurationParser.parseRepositoryConfig(InputSource xml)
          Parses repository configuration.
 WorkspaceConfig ConfigurationParser.parseWorkspaceConfig(InputSource xml)
          Parses workspace configuration.
protected  SearchConfig ConfigurationParser.parseSearchConfig(Element parent)
          Parses search index configuration.
protected  VersioningConfig ConfigurationParser.parseVersioningConfig(Element parent)
          Parses versioning configuration.
protected  PersistenceManagerConfig ConfigurationParser.parsePersistenceManagerConfig(Element parent)
          Parses the PersistenceManager config.
protected  BeanConfig ConfigurationParser.parseBeanConfig(Element parent, String name)
          Parses a named bean configuration from the given element.
protected  Properties ConfigurationParser.parseParameters(Element element)
          Parses the configuration parameters of the given element.
protected  String ConfigurationParser.replaceVariables(String value)
          Performs variable replacement on the given string value.
protected  Element ConfigurationParser.parseXML(InputSource xml)
          Parses the given XML document and returns the DOM root element.
protected  Element ConfigurationParser.getElement(Element parent, String name)
          Returns the named child of the given parent element.
protected  Element ConfigurationParser.getElement(Element parent, String name, boolean required)
          Returns the named child of the given parent element.
protected  String ConfigurationParser.getAttribute(Element element, String name)
          Returns the value of the named attribute of the given element.
 void SearchConfig.init()
          Initializes the search index file system if one is configured.

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