Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeId
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.db This package contains the class SimpleDbPersistenceManager, a simple generic JDBC-based PersistenceManager for Jackrabbit. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.rootNodeId
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.ROOT_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the repository root node
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.SYSTEM_ROOT_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system" node
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.VERSION_STORAGE_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system/jcr:versionStorage" node
static NodeId RepositoryImpl.NODETYPES_NODE_ID
          hardcoded id of the "/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes" node

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return NodeId
 NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.getRootNodeId()
protected  NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.getParentId(ItemState state)
          Returns the parentUUID of the given item.
protected  NodeId ZombieHierarchyManager.getParentId(ItemState state)
          Returns the parentUUID of the given item.

Low-level hook provided for specialized derived classes.

Also allows for removed items.

protected  NodeId RepositoryImpl.loadRootNodeId(FileSystem fs)
          Returns the root node uuid.
 NodeId NodeIdIterator.nextNodeId()
          Returns the next nodeid in the iteration.
protected  NodeId NodeImpl.resolveRelativeNodePath(String relPath)
          Returns the id of the node at relPath or null if no node exists at relPath.
 NodeId NodeImpl.getNodeId()
          Returns the identifier of this Node.
static NodeId NodeId.valueOf(String s)
          Returns a NodeId holding the value of the specified string.
 NodeId PropertyId.getParentId()
          Returns the identifier of the parent node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type NodeId
protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified uuid or null if there's no such entry.
 int HierarchyManagerImpl.getRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestorId, ItemId descendantId)
          Returns the depth of the specified descendant relative to the given ancestor. If ancestorId and descendantId denote the same item 0 is returned. If ancestorId does not denote an ancestor -1 is returned.
 boolean HierarchyManagerImpl.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId. This is equivalent to getPath(nodeId).isAncestorOf(getPath(itemId)).
 boolean CachingHierarchyManager.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId. This is equivalent to getPath(nodeId).isAncestorOf(getPath(itemId)).
 void CachingHierarchyManager.nodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void CachingHierarchyManager.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
protected  AbstractVersion XAItemManager.createVersionInstance(NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition def, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a version instance.
protected  AbstractVersionHistory XAItemManager.createVersionHistoryInstance(NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition def, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a version history instance.
protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry ZombieHierarchyManager.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified uuid or null if there's no such entry.

Low-level hook provided for specialized derived classes.

Also allows for removed child node entries.

protected  AbstractVersion ItemManager.createVersionInstance(NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition def, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a version instance.
protected  AbstractVersionHistory ItemManager.createVersionHistoryInstance(NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition def, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a version history instance.
 int HierarchyManager.getRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestorId, ItemId descendantId)
          Returns the depth of the specified descendant relative to the given ancestor.
 boolean HierarchyManager.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId.
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.createChildNode(QName name, NodeDefinitionImpl def, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
protected  void NodeImpl.renameChildNode(QName oldName, int index, NodeId id, QName newName)
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddNode(String relPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddChildNode(QName nodeName, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
 NodeImpl SessionImpl.getNodeById(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the Node with the given id.
 void BatchedItemOperations.checkRemoveNode(NodeState targetState, NodeId parentId, int options)
          Checks if removing the given target node from the specifed parent is allowed in the current context.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
          Creates a new node.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id, NodeDef def)
          Creates a new node based on the given definition.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.getNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the state of the node with the given id.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type NodeId
HierarchyManagerImpl(NodeId rootNodeId, ItemStateManager provider, NamespaceResolver nsResolver)
CachingHierarchyManager(NodeId rootNodeId, ItemStateManager provider, NamespaceResolver nsResolver)
          Create a new instance of this class.
XAItemManager(ItemStateManager itemStateProvider, HierarchyManager hierMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeDefinition rootNodeDef, NodeId rootNodeId)
          Create a new instance of this class.
ZombieHierarchyManager(NodeId rootNodeId, ItemStateManager provider, ItemStateManager attic, NamespaceResolver nsResolver)
ItemManager(ItemStateManager itemStateProvider, HierarchyManager hierMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeDefinition rootNodeDef, NodeId rootNodeId)
          Creates a new per-session instance ItemManager instance.
NodeImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Protected constructor.
PropertyId(NodeId parentId, QName propName)
          Creates a property identifier instance for the identified property.
SearchManager(SearchConfig config, NamespaceRegistry nsReg, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, ItemStateManager itemMgr, NodeId rootNodeId, SearchManager parentMgr, NodeId excludedNodeId)
          Creates a new SearchManager.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock with parameters of type NodeId
 org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock.AbstractLockInfo LockManagerImpl.getLockInfo(NodeId id)
          Return the most appropriate lock information for a node.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
protected  boolean VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider.internalHasNodeState(NodeId id)
          Checks if this provide has the node state of the given node id
protected  VirtualNodeState VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider.internalGetNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the node state with the given node id

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
VirtualNodeTypeStateManager(NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, DelegatingObservationDispatcher obs, NodeId rootNodeId, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a new virtual node type state manager
VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider(NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, NodeId rootNodeId, NodeId parentId)

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation that return NodeId
 NodeId EventImpl.getParentId()
          Returns the uuid of the parent node.
 NodeId EventImpl.getChildId()
          Returns the id of a child node operation.
 NodeId EventState.getParentId()
          Returns the uuid of the parent node.
 NodeId EventState.getChildId()
          Returns the Id of a child node operation.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type NodeId
 void EventStateCollection.createEventStates(NodeId rootNodeId, ChangeLog changes, ItemStateManager stateMgr)
          Creates EventState instances from ItemState changes.
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query that return NodeId
 NodeId QueryHandlerContext.getRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node.
 NodeId QueryHandlerContext.getExcludedNodeId()
          Returns the id of the node that should be excluded from indexing.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type NodeId
 void QueryHandler.deleteNode(NodeId id)
          Deletes the Node with id from the search index.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type NodeId
QueryHandlerContext(FileSystem fs, ItemStateManager stateMgr, NodeId rootId, NodeTypeRegistry ntRegistry, QueryHandler parentHandler, NodeId excludedNodeId)
          Creates a new context instance.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type NodeId
 void SearchIndex.deleteNode(NodeId id)
          Removes the node with uuid from the search index.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type NodeId
QueryResultImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, NodeId[] ids, Float[] scores, QName[] selectProps, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean docOrder)
          Creates a new query result.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return NodeId
 NodeId NodeReferences.getTargetId()
          Returns the identifier of the target node.
 NodeId NodeState.getParentId()
          Returns the NodeId of the parent NodeState or null if either this item state represents the root node or this item state is 'free floating', i.e. not attached to the repository's hierarchy.
 NodeId NodeState.getNodeId()
          Returns the identifier of this node.
 NodeId NodeState.ChildNodeEntry.getId()
 NodeId PropertyState.getParentId()
          Returns the NodeId of the parent NodeState or null if either this item state represents the root node or this item state is 'free floating', i.e. not attached to the repository's hierarchy.
 NodeId PMContext.getRootNodeId()
          Returns the id of the root node
abstract  NodeId ItemState.getParentId()
          Returns the NodeId of the parent NodeState or null if either this item state represents the root node or this item state is 'free floating', i.e.
 NodeId NodeReferencesId.getTargetId()
          Returns the id of the target node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeState SessionItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.
 PropertyState SessionItemStateManager.createNew(QName propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.
 Iterator SessionItemStateManager.getDescendantTransientItemStates(NodeId parentId)
          Returns an iterator over those transient item state instances that are direct or indirect descendents of the item state with the given parentId.
 Iterator SessionItemStateManager.getDescendantTransientItemStatesInAttic(NodeId parentId)
          Same as SessionItemStateManager.getDescendantTransientItemStates(NodeId) except that item state instances in the attic are returned.
 NodeState SessionItemStateManager.createTransientNodeState(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId, int initialStatus)
 PropertyState SessionItemStateManager.createTransientPropertyState(NodeId parentId, QName propName, int initialStatus)
 void NodeState.setParentId(NodeId parentId)
          Sets the id of this node's parent.
 boolean NodeState.hasChildNodeEntry(NodeId id)
          Determines if there is a ChildNodeEntry with the specified NodeId.
 NodeState.ChildNodeEntry NodeState.getChildNodeEntry(NodeId id)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry with the specified NodeId or null if there's no matching entry.
 NodeState.ChildNodeEntry NodeState.addChildNodeEntry(QName nodeName, NodeId id)
          Adds a new ChildNodeEntry.
 boolean NodeState.removeChildNodeEntry(NodeId id)
          Removes a ChildNodeEntry.
 NodeState PersistenceManager.createNew(NodeId id)
          Creates a new node state instance with the given id.
 NodeState PersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node state.
 boolean PersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Checks whether the identified node exists.
 void NodeStateListener.nodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void NodeStateListener.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
 NodeState UpdatableItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e.
 PropertyState UpdatableItemStateManager.createNew(QName propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e.
protected  NodeState LocalItemStateManager.getNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieve a node state from the parent shared state manager and wraps it into a intermediate object that helps us handle local modifications.
 NodeState LocalItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.
 PropertyState LocalItemStateManager.createNew(QName propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e. not yet existing state. Call on the returned object to make it persistent.
 NodeState AbstractPersistenceManager.createNew(NodeId id)
          Creates a new node state instance with the given id.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type NodeId
SessionItemStateManager(NodeId rootNodeId, UpdatableItemStateManager persistentStateMgr, NamespaceResolver nsResolver)
          Creates a new SessionItemStateManager instance.
NodeState(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId, int initialStatus, boolean isTransient)
          Constructs a new node state that is not connected.
PMContext(File homeDir, FileSystem fs, NodeId rootNodeId, NamespaceRegistry nsReg, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg)
          Creates a new PMContext.
SharedItemStateManager(PersistenceManager persistMgr, NodeId rootNodeId, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, boolean usesReferences)
          Creates a new SharedItemStateManager instance.
NodeReferencesId(NodeId targetId)
          Creates a new instance of this class.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.db

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.db with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeState SimpleDbPersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node state.
 boolean SimpleDbPersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Checks whether the identified node exists.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.mem

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.mem with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeState InMemPersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node state.
 boolean InMemPersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Checks whether the identified node exists.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.obj

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.obj with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeState ObjectPersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node state.
 boolean ObjectPersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Checks whether the identified node exists.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml with parameters of type NodeId
 NodeState XMLPersistenceManager.load(NodeId id)
          Load the persistent members of a node state.
 boolean XMLPersistenceManager.exists(NodeId id)
          Checks whether the identified node exists.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return NodeId
 NodeId XAVersionManager.getVirtualRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node of the virtual tree.
 NodeId InternalFrozenVersionHistory.getVersionHistoryId()
          Returns the id of the version history that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
 NodeId InternalFrozenVersionHistory.getBaseVersionId()
          Returns the id of the base version that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
 NodeId InternalVersionItem.getId()
          Returns the id of this item.
 NodeId InternalVersionHistory.getVersionLabelsId()
          Returns the Id of the version labels node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type NodeId
 boolean VersionManager.hasVersionHistory(NodeId id)
          Checks if the version history with the given id exists
 InternalVersionHistory VersionManager.getVersionHistory(NodeId id)
          Returns the version history with the given id
 boolean VersionManager.hasVersion(NodeId id)
          Checks if the version with the given id exists
 InternalVersion VersionManager.getVersion(NodeId id)
          Returns the version with the given id
 VirtualNodeState XAVersionManager.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
protected  InternalVersionItem XAVersionManager.getItem(NodeId id)
          Returns the item with the given persistent id. Subclass responsibility.
protected  boolean XAVersionManager.hasItem(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating if the item specified exists. Subclass responsibility.
 boolean VersionManagerImpl.hasItem(NodeId id)
          Return a flag indicating if the item specified exists. Subclass responsibility.
protected  InternalVersionItem VersionManagerImpl.getItem(NodeId id)
          Returns the item with the given persistent id. Subclass responsibility.
 boolean InternalVersionHistory.hasVersion(NodeId id)
          Checks if the version for the given uuid exists in this history.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getVersion(NodeId id)
          Returns the version with the given uuid or null if the respective version does not exist.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type NodeId
VersionHistoryImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners, InternalVersionHistory history)
          creates a new version history node.
AbstractVersionHistory(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a new instance of this class.
XAVersion(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners, InternalVersion version)
          Create a new instance of this class.
AbstractVersion(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners)
          Create a new instance of this class.
VersionImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners, InternalVersion version)
          creates a new version node
VersionManagerImpl(PersistenceManager pMgr, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, DelegatingObservationDispatcher obsMgr, NodeId rootId, NodeId rootParentId)
          Creates a bew vesuion manager
XAVersionHistory(ItemManager itemMgr, SessionImpl session, NodeId id, NodeState state, NodeDefinition definition, ItemLifeCycleListener[] listeners, InternalVersionHistory history)
          Create a new instance of this class.

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual declared as NodeId
protected  NodeId AbstractVISProvider.rootNodeId
          the root node id

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual that return NodeId
 NodeId VirtualItemStateProvider.getVirtualRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node of the virtual tree.
 NodeId AbstractVISProvider.getVirtualRootId()
          Returns the id of the root node of the virtual tree.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
 VirtualNodeState VirtualItemStateProvider.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
protected abstract  boolean AbstractVISProvider.internalHasNodeState(NodeId id)
          Checks if this provide has the node state of the given node id
protected abstract  VirtualNodeState AbstractVISProvider.internalGetNodeState(NodeId id)
          Retrieves the node state with the given node id
 VirtualNodeState AbstractVISProvider.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
protected  void AbstractVISProvider.evict(NodeId id)
          removes the node state from the cache

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type NodeId
VirtualNodeState(AbstractVISProvider stateMgr, NodeId parentId, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixins)
          creates a new virtual node state
AbstractVISProvider(NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, NodeId rootNodeId)
          Creates an abstract virtual item state provider

Uses of NodeId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml that return NodeId
 NodeId Importer.NodeInfo.getId()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type NodeId
protected  NodeImpl SessionImporter.createNode(NodeImpl parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
 void Importer.NodeInfo.setId(NodeId id)

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type NodeId
Importer.NodeInfo(QName name, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)

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