Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemId
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API.   
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of ItemId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Subclasses of ItemId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core
 class NodeId
          Node identifier.
 class PropertyId
          Property identifier.

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as ItemId
protected  ItemId

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return ItemId
protected  ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path, ItemId id, int next)
          Resolve a path into an item id.
protected  ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path, ItemState state, int next)
          Resolve a path into an item id.
 ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into an item id.
protected  ItemId CachingHierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path, ItemState state, int next)
          Resolve a path into an item id. Recursively invoked method that may be overridden by some subclass to either return cached responses or add response to cache.

Cache the intermediate item inside our cache.

 ItemId CachingHierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into an item id.

Check the path indicated inside our cache first.

 ItemId ItemImpl.getId()
          Return the id of this Item.
 ItemId HierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into an item id.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type ItemId
 String HierarchyManagerImpl.safeGetJCRPath(ItemId id)
          Failsafe translation of internal ItemId to JCR path for use in error messages etc.
protected  ItemState HierarchyManagerImpl.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
protected  boolean HierarchyManagerImpl.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Determines whether an item state for a given item id exists.
protected  ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path, ItemId id, int next)
          Resolve a path into an item id.
 Path HierarchyManagerImpl.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.
 QName HierarchyManagerImpl.getName(ItemId itemId)
          Returns the name of the specified item.
 int HierarchyManagerImpl.getDepth(ItemId id)
          Returns the depth of the specified item which is equivalent to getPath(id).getAncestorCount(). The depth reflects the absolute hierarchy level.
 int HierarchyManagerImpl.getRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestorId, ItemId descendantId)
          Returns the depth of the specified descendant relative to the given ancestor. If ancestorId and descendantId denote the same item 0 is returned. If ancestorId does not denote an ancestor -1 is returned.
 boolean HierarchyManagerImpl.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId. This is equivalent to getPath(nodeId).isAncestorOf(getPath(itemId)).
 Path CachingHierarchyManager.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.

Overridden method simply checks whether we have an item matching the id and returns its path, otherwise calls base implementation.

 QName CachingHierarchyManager.getName(ItemId id)
          Returns the name of the specified item.
 int CachingHierarchyManager.getDepth(ItemId id)
          Returns the depth of the specified item which is equivalent to getPath(id).getAncestorCount(). The depth reflects the absolute hierarchy level.
 boolean CachingHierarchyManager.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId. This is equivalent to getPath(nodeId).isAncestorOf(getPath(itemId)).
protected  ItemState ZombieHierarchyManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.

Low-level hook provided for specialized derived classes.

Delivers state from attic if such exists, otherwise calls base class.

protected  boolean ZombieHierarchyManager.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Determines whether an item state for a given item id exists.

Low-level hook provided for specialized derived classes.

Returns true if there's state on the attic for the requested item; otherwise delegates to base class.

 boolean ItemManager.itemExists(ItemId id)
          Checks if the item with the given id exists.
 ItemImpl ItemManager.getItem(ItemId id)
 void ItemManager.itemInvalidated(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been invalidated (i.e. it has been temporarily rendered 'invalid').

Note that most Item, Node and Property methods will throw an InvalidItemStateException when called on an 'invalidated' item.

 void ItemManager.itemDestroyed(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been destroyed (i.e. it has been permanently rendered 'invalid').

Note that most Item, Node and Property methods will throw an InvalidItemStateException when called on a 'destroyed' item.

 void ItemLifeCycleListener.itemInvalidated(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been invalidated (i.e.
 void ItemLifeCycleListener.itemDestroyed(ItemId id, ItemImpl item)
          Called when an ItemImpl instance has been destroyed (i.e.
 Path HierarchyManager.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.
 QName HierarchyManager.getName(ItemId id)
          Returns the name of the specified item.
 int HierarchyManager.getDepth(ItemId id)
          Returns the depth of the specified item which is equivalent to getPath(id).getAncestorCount().
 int HierarchyManager.getRelativeDepth(NodeId ancestorId, ItemId descendantId)
          Returns the depth of the specified descendant relative to the given ancestor.
 boolean HierarchyManager.isAncestor(NodeId nodeId, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the node with the specified nodeId is an ancestor of the item denoted by the given itemId.
 String ItemValidator.safeGetJCRPath(ItemId id)
          Failsafe translation of internal ItemId to JCR path for use in error messages etc.
 ItemState BatchedItemOperations.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Retrieves the state of the item with the given id.
protected  ItemState BatchedItemOperations.getItemState(ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, ItemId id)
          Retrieves the state of the item with the specified id using the given item state manager.

Uses of ItemId in

Methods in with parameters of type ItemId
 void AccessManager.checkPermission(ItemId id, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified id (i.e.
 boolean AccessManager.isGranted(ItemId id, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified id (i.e.
 void SimpleAccessManager.checkPermission(ItemId id, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified id (i.e. the target item).
 boolean SimpleAccessManager.isGranted(ItemId id, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified id (i.e. the target item).

Uses of ItemId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return ItemId
 ItemId NodeState.getId()
          Returns the identifier of this item.
 ItemId PropertyState.getId()
          Returns the identifier of this item.
abstract  ItemId ItemState.getId()
          Returns the identifier of this item.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type ItemId
 boolean ItemStateMap.contains(ItemId id)
          Returns true if this store contains an ItemState object with the specified id.
 ItemState ItemStateMap.get(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 void ItemStateMap.remove(ItemId id)
          Removes the ItemState object with the specified id from this store if it is present.
 ItemState ItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 boolean ItemStateManager.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.
 ItemState SessionItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 boolean SessionItemStateManager.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.
 ItemState SessionItemStateManager.getTransientItemState(ItemId id)
 boolean SessionItemStateManager.isItemStateInAttic(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether the specified item is in the transient item state manager's attic space.
 ItemState ChangeLog.get(ItemId id)
          Return an item state given its id.
 boolean ChangeLog.has(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether a given item state exists.
 boolean ItemStateCache.isCached(ItemId id)
          Returns true if this cache contains an ItemState object with the specified id.
 ItemState ItemStateCache.retrieve(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 void ItemStateCache.evict(ItemId id)
          Removes the ItemState object with the specified id from this cache if it is present.
 ItemState XAItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.

If this state manager is committing changes, this method first checks the commitLog ThreadLocal.

 boolean XAItemStateManager.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.

If this state manager is committing changes, this method first checks the commitLog ThreadLocal.

 boolean ItemStateStore.contains(ItemId id)
          Returns true if this store contains an ItemState object with the specified id.
 ItemState ItemStateStore.get(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 void ItemStateStore.remove(ItemId id)
          Removes the ItemState object with the specified id from this store if it is present.
 ItemState SharedItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 boolean SharedItemStateManager.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.
 boolean LRUItemStateCache.isCached(ItemId id)
          Returns true if this cache contains an ItemState object with the specified id.
 ItemState LRUItemStateCache.retrieve(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 void LRUItemStateCache.evict(ItemId id)
          Removes the ItemState object with the specified id from this cache if it is present.
 ItemState LocalItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 boolean LocalItemStateManager.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.
 boolean ItemStateReferenceCache.isCached(ItemId id)
          Returns true if this cache contains an ItemState object with the specified id.
 ItemState ItemStateReferenceCache.retrieve(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 void ItemStateReferenceCache.evict(ItemId id)
          Removes the ItemState object with the specified id from this cache if it is present.

Uses of ItemId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type ItemId
 boolean XAVersionManager.isVirtualRoot(ItemId id)
          Checks if the id refers to the root of a virtual tree.
 ItemState XAVersionManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.

Return item states for changes only.

 boolean XAVersionManager.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.

Uses of ItemId in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type ItemId
 boolean VirtualItemStateProvider.isVirtualRoot(ItemId id)
          Checks if the id refers to the root of a virtual tree.
 boolean AbstractVISProvider.hasItemState(ItemId id)
          Return a flag indicating whether an item state for a given item id exists.
 ItemState AbstractVISProvider.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 boolean AbstractVISProvider.isVirtualRoot(ItemId id)
          Checks if the id refers to the root of a virtual tree.
 void AbstractVISProvider.invalidateItem(ItemId id, boolean recursive)
          invalidates the item

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