Package org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.remote

Remote interfaces of the transparent JCR-RMI layer.


Interface Summary
RemoteEventCollection The RemoteEventCollection class serves as a container for notifications sent to registered event listeners.
RemoteEventCollection.RemoteEvent The RemoteEvent class provides an encapsulation of single events in an event list sent to a registered listener.
RemoteItem Remote version of the JCR Item interface.
RemoteItemDefinition Remote version of the JCR ItemDef interface.
RemoteIterator Remote version of the JCR RangeIterator interface.
RemoteLock Remote version of the JCR Lock interface.
RemoteNamespaceRegistry Remote version of the JCR NamespaceRegistry interface.
RemoteNode Remote version of the JCR Node interface.
RemoteNodeDefinition Remote version of the JCR NodeDefinition interface.
RemoteNodeType Remote version of the JCR NodeType interface.
RemoteNodeTypeManager Remote version of the JCR NodeTypeManager interface.
RemoteObservationManager Remote version of the JCR ObservationManager interface.
RemoteProperty Remote version of the JCR Property interface.
RemotePropertyDefinition Remote version of the JCR PropertyDefinition interface.
RemoteQuery Remote version of the JCR Query interface.
RemoteQueryManager Remote version of the JCR QueryManager interface.
RemoteQueryResult Remote version of the JCR QueryResult interface.
RemoteRepository Remote version of the JCR Repository interface.
RemoteRow Remote version of the JCR Row interface.
RemoteSession Remote version of the JCR Session interface.
RemoteVersion Remote version of the JCR Version interface.
RemoteVersionHistory Remote version of the JC VersionHistory interface.
RemoteWorkspace Remote version of the JCR Workspace interface.

Class Summary
ArrayIterator A simple array-based remote iterator.
BufferIterator A buffered remote iterator.

Package org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.remote Description

Remote interfaces of the transparent JCR-RMI layer.

This package contains all the interfaces and classes used by both the client and server sides of the transparent JCR-RMI layer. The compiled contents of this package should thus be included in both client and server installations. Note also that RMI stubs and skeletons need to be generated for all the remote interfaces when using old JDK versions (stubs for JDK < 1.5, skeletons for JDK < 1.2).

The interfaces in this package are remote versions of the corresponding interfaces in the javax.jcr packages. They are used by the adapter classes in the .rmi.client and .rmi.server packages. The server classes adapt local JCR objects to the remote interfaces, and the client classes adapt the resulting remote references back to the JCR interfaces.

The SerialValue class is a decorator utility used by both the client and server classes to safely pass Value objects over the network.

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