Package org.apache.gora.mapreduce

Class Summary
FakeResolvingDecoder Avro uses a ResolvingDecoder which resolves two schemas and converts records written by one to the other, and validates the input.
GoraInputFormat<K,T extends Persistent> InputFormat to fetch the input from Gora data stores.
GoraInputSplit InputSplit using PartitionQuerys.
GoraMapper<K1,V1 extends Persistent,K2,V2> Base class for Gora based Mappers.
GoraMapReduceUtils MapReduce related utilities for Gora
GoraOutputFormat<K,T extends Persistent> OutputFormat for Hadoop jobs that want to store the job outputs to a Gora store.
GoraRecordReader<K,T extends Persistent> An adapter for Result to Hadoop RecordReader.
GoraRecordWriter<K,T> Hadoop record writer that flushes the Gora datastore regularly.
GoraReducer<K1,V1,K2,V2 extends Persistent> Base class for Gora based Reducers.
NullOutputCommitter An OutputCommitter that does nothing.
PersistentDeserializer Hadoop deserializer using PersistentDatumReader with BinaryDecoder.
PersistentSerializer Hadoop serializer using PersistentDatumWriter with BinaryEncoder.

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