A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W _ 


AbstractPlayer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
AbstractPlayer(File, File) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.AbstractPlayer
accept(IProgress) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
accept(IProgress) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Blocks until the next available player debug session commences, or until getPreference(PREF_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT) milliseconds pass.
accept(IProgress) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
action(String, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
Sets the action bits as appropriate for the given fault and action
ActionLocation - Class in flash.tools
ActionLocation record.
ActionLocation() - Constructor for class flash.tools.ActionLocation
ActionLocation(ActionLocation) - Constructor for class flash.tools.ActionLocation
actions - Variable in class flash.tools.ActionLocation
actions() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
ACTIVEX - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Player
Indicates an ActiveX-control Flash player, e.g.
ActiveXPlayer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
ActiveXPlayer(File, File) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ActiveXPlayer
add(Object) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
add(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
Add a new fault to the table, with all actions disabled
add(Location) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
add(int, Object) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
addAction(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
Add a new action type to the table
addCommand(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
addEvent(DebugEvent) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
addInheritedPrivateMember(DVariable) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
addListener(DProtocol.ListenerIndex, DProtocolNotifierIF) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
Allow outside entities to listen for incoming DMessages.
addLocation(Location) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
addMember(DVariable) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
addSource(int, DModule) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
addWatch(long, String, int, int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Adds a watchpoint on the given expression
AIR - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Player
Indicates the Flash player inside AIR.
airDebugLauncher - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
Full path to the AIR Debug Launcher, adl.exe (Windows) or adl (Mac/Linux).
AIRLaunchInfo - Class in flash.tools.debugger
AIRLaunchInfo() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
AIRPlayer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
AIRPlayer(File) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.AIRPlayer
airPublisherID - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The publisher ID to use; passed to adl's "-pubid" option.
airRuntimeDir - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The directory that has runtime.dll, or null to use the default.
airSecurityPolicy - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The filename of the security policy to use, or null to use the default.
alloc(int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCache
Obtain a DMessage from the cache if possible, otherwise make one for me.
AlreadyActiveApplicationException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
AlreadyActiveApplicationException is thrown when run/debug the application while there is an already running application.
AlreadyActiveApplicationException(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.AlreadyActiveApplicationException
ALSO_GET_CHILDREN - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.concrete.GetVariableFlag
Indicates that if the variable which is being retrieved is a compound object (e.g. an instance of a class, as opposed to a string or int or something like that), then the player should also return all of the child members of the object.
AMBIGUOUS - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
AmbiguousException - Exception in flex.tools.debugger.cli
An exception that is thrown when some ambiguous condition or state was encountered.
AmbiguousException() - Constructor for exception flex.tools.debugger.cli.AmbiguousException
AmbiguousException(String) - Constructor for exception flex.tools.debugger.cli.AmbiguousException
appendBreakInfo(DebugCLI, StringBuilder, boolean, int) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
appendBreakInfo(DebugCLI, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
appendContent(StringBuilder, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
appendReason(StringBuilder, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
appendVariable(StringBuilder, Variable, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
Formatting function for variable
appendVariableAttributes(StringBuilder, Variable) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
appendVariableValue(StringBuilder, Object, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
Given any arbitrary constant value, such as a Double, a String, etc., format its value appropriately.
appendVariableValue(StringBuilder, Value, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
appendVariableValue(StringBuilder, Value, String, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
applicationArguments - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
Command-line arguments for the user's program.
applicationArgumentsArray - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
Array of command-line arguments for the user's program.
applicationContentRootDir - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The directory to specify as the application's content root, or null to not tell ADL where the content root is, in which case ADL will use the directory of the application.xml file as the content root.
ARGUMENTS_MARKER - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
AS3DebuggerBURM - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
AS3DebuggerBURM - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
AS3DebuggerBURM() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
AS3DebuggerBURM() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
AS3DebuggerReducer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
Reducer for the debugger - equivalent to the old DebuggerEvaluator
AS3DebuggerReducer(Context, ICompilerProject) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
AS3DebuggerReducer.ContextStack - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
AS3DebuggerReducer.ContextStack(Context) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer.ContextStack
assign(Object, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Assign the object o, the value v.
assign(Object, Value) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
ASTBuilder - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
ASTBuilder.java This class creates an abstract syntax tree representation of an expression given a sequence of tokens.
ASTBuilder(boolean) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ASTBuilder
at - Variable in class flash.tools.ActionLocation
at(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache


BASE_ID - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The special ID for the top frame of the stack.
beginPlayerCodeExecution(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Tell us that we are about to start executing user code in the player, such as a getter, a setter, or a function call.
BinaryOp - Enum in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
bind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
Create and start up a thread for our receiving messages.
bind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Start up the session listening for incoming messages on the socket
bind() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Allow the session to start communicating with the player.
bind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
bind(Session) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
bind(Session) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
Bootstrap - Class in flash.tools.debugger
Entry point for access to the general API.
BreakAction - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
An object that relates a CLI debugger breakpoint with an associated set of CLI commands to perform.
BreakAction(LocationCollection) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
BreakAction(String) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
BreakEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Break event is received when the player halts execution
BreakEvent(int, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.BreakEvent
BreakEvent(int, int, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.BreakEvent
BreakIdentifier - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
An singleton object that doles out unique identifiers to breakpoints and watchpoints
BreakIdentifier() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakIdentifier
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
The player always halts on exceptions that are not going to be caught; this call allows the debugger to control its behavior when an exception that *will* be caught is thrown.
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
breakOnCaughtExceptions(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
Breakpoint - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
We hit a breakpoint
Browser - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Describes a web browser.
build() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions.FaultActionsBuilder
burm(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
burm(IASNode, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
burm(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
burm(IASNode, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM


callConstructor(String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
callConstructor(String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
callConstructor(String, Value[]) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
callConstructor(String, Value[]) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Invokes a constructor in the player.
callConstructor(String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
callConstructor(String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
callConstructorWorker(String, Value[], int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
callConstructorWorker(String, Value[], int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
callFunction(Value, String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
callFunction(Value, String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
callFunction(Value, String, Value[]) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
callFunction(Value, String, Value[]) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Invokes a function.
callFunction(Value, String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
callFunction(Value, String, Value[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
callFunctionWorker(Value, String, Value[], int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
callFunctionWorker(Value, String, Value[], int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
CatchAction - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
An object that relates a CLI debugger catchpoint with the actual Catch obtained from the Session
CatchAction(String) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.CatchAction
charset - Static variable in class flash.util.URLEncoder
className - Variable in class flash.tools.ActionLocation
classNameFor(long, boolean) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
clear() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Allow the message to be reused later
clear() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
clear() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
clearAttribute(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
clearBreakpoint(Location) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
clearBreakpoint(Location) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Remove a breakpoint at given location.
clearBreakpoint(Location) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
clearCommands() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
clearCondition() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
clearExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
clearExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
clearExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
clearExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Clears an exception breakpoint.
clearExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
clearExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
clearExceptionBreakpointWorker(String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
clearExceptionBreakpointWorker(String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
clearHits() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
clearInCounts() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
clearLastBinaryOp(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
clearLastFunctionCall(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
clearLastVariable(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
clearOutCounts() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
clearWatch(Watch) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
clearWatch(Watch) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Remove a previously created watchpoint.
clearWatch(Watch) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
CMD_AWATCH - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_BREAK - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_CATCH - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_CF - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_CLEAR - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_COMMANDS - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_COMMENT - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_CONDITION - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_CONNECT - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_CONTINUE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_DELETE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_DISABLE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_DISASSEMBLE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_DISPLAY - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_DOWN - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_ENABLE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_FILE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_FINISH - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_FRAME - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_HALT - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_HANDLE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_HELP - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_HOME - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_INFO - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_KILL - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_LIST - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_MCTREE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_NEXT - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_PRINT - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_PWD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_QUIT - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_RUN - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_RWATCH - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_SET - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_SHOW - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_SOURCE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_STEP - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_TUTORIAL - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_UNDISPLAY - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_UP - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_VIEW_SWF - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_WATCH - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_WHAT - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
CMD_WORKER - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
combForLineRecords(DSwfInfo) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.LineFunctionContainer
This routine is called from the DSwfInfo object and is used to obtain LineRecord information from the ActionLists
commandAt(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
CommandLineException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
Represents an error that occurred while invoking a command-line program.
CommandLineException(String, String[], String, int) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.CommandLineException
compare(SourceFile, SourceFile) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
Comparator interface for sorting SourceFiles
compareTo(Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
Comparator interface for sorting Variables
connect(int, IProgress) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
A private variation on connect() that also has an argument indicating that the process we are waiting for has terminated.
connect(int, IProgress) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Initiate a debug session by connecting to the specified port.
connect(int, IProgress) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
ConsoleErrorFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that an ActionScript error has caused a fault
ConsoleErrorFault(String, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.ConsoleErrorFault
contains(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
contains(Location) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
contains(int, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
See if the collection contains a Location which is identical to the given file id and line number
containsAssignment() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.ValueExp
Returns whether the expression contains any assignments (= or ++ or --).
containsAssignment() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValueExp
containsSource(SourceFile) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
containsSource(SourceFile) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
Returns true if the given source file is contained within this SWF.
containsSource(SourceFile) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
Context - Interface in flash.tools.debugger.expression
An object which returns a value given a name and appropriate context information.
context - Variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache.EvaluationResult
The context that was used to evaluate the expression.
convertToURI(String) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
The player sends us a URI using '|' instead of ':'
copy() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
createContext(Object) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Creates a new context object by combining the current one and o.
createContext(Object) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
createFromSocket(Socket, IDebuggerCallbacks) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Use createFromSocketWithOptions
createFromSocketWithOptions(Socket, IDebuggerCallbacks, SessionManager) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Creates a session from the socket.
createLaunchFailureException() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
Creates an exception indicating that the process terminated with some sort of error.
createPseudoVariables(boolean) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Enables/disables the creation of variables during lookup calls.
createPseudoVariables(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
createReader() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerUtil.InMemoryFileSpecification


DBrowser - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
DBrowser(File) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DBrowser
DEBUG_CONNECT_PORT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
DEBUG_PORT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
DebugCLI - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
This is a front end command line interface to the Flash Debugger Player.
DebugCLI() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
DebugCLI.InitialPromptState - Enum in flex.tools.debugger.cli
DebugEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
The top of the event hierarchy for debug events.
DebugEvent() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.DebugEvent
DebugEvent(String) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.DebugEvent
DebuggerExpressionEvaluator - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
DebuggerExpressionEvaluator() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerExpressionEvaluator
DebuggerExpressionEvaluator(ICompilerProject) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerExpressionEvaluator
DebuggerLocalizer - Class in flash.tools.debugger
An ILocalizer which does a couple of extra things: If the requested string is not found, rather than returning null, we return a default string, to avoid a crash.
DebuggerLocalizer(String) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.DebuggerLocalizer
DebuggerUtil - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
DebuggerUtil() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerUtil
DebuggerUtil.InMemoryFileSpecification - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
DebuggerUtil.InMemoryFileSpecification(String) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerUtil.InMemoryFileSpecification
DebuggerValue - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
DebuggerValue(Object) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerValue
debuggerValue - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerValue
decodeFile(long) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
decodeLine(long) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
DEFAULT_ID - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Isolate
DEFAULT_ISOLATE - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DIsolate
Isolate object behind the primordial or main thread (always exists)
DefaultDebuggerCallbacks - Class in flash.tools.debugger
DefaultDebuggerCallbacks() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
defaultValue(Session, Value, ECMA.PreferredType, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
defineButton(DefineButton) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
defineButton2(DefineButton) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
defineSprite(DefineSprite) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
deviceExtDir - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
Directory to load native extensions from for devices.
disconnected() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Issued when the socket connection to the player is cut
disconnected() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
disconnected() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocolNotifierIF
Issued when the socket connection to the player is cut
disconnected() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Issued when the socket connection to the player is cut
DIsolate - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Concrete implementation of an Isolate.
DIsolate(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DIsolate
DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Whether the "print" command will display attributes of members.
DISPLAY_FRAME_NUMBER - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
The current frame we are viewing -- controlled by the "up", "down", and "frame" commands.
DisplayAction - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
An object that relates a CLI debugger 'display' command with the contents of the display
DisplayAction(ValueExp, String, int) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DisplayAction
DivideByZeroFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a divide by zero fault has occurred
DivideByZeroFault(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.DivideByZeroFault
DLocation - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
DManager - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Implements the receiving and updating of debug state from the socket connection of the Flash Player.
DManager() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
DMessage - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
DMessage.java Wraps the contents of a specific message and provides a set of APIs that allow for typed extraction of fields within the message.
DMessage(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
DMessageCache - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
This cache directly manages the creation/destruction of DMessages by allowing DMessages to be re-used.
DMessageCache() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCache
DMessageCounter - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
This class can be to count the number of messages received during a debug session.
DMessageCounter() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
DModule - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
A module which is uniquly identified by an id, contains a short and long name and also a script
DModule(SourceLocator, int, int, String, String, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
doAction(DoAction) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
doDisassemble(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
doDisassemble(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
doInitAction(DoInitAction) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
----------------------------------------------- The following APIs override TagHandler
DONT_ENUMERATE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that this member is invisible to an enumeration of its parent.
DONT_GET_FUNCTIONS - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.concrete.GetVariableFlag
Indicates that when retrieving children, we only want fields and getters -- we are not interested in regular functions.
doShowBreak(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
Dump the break reason and offset
doShowBreak(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
doShowFuncs(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
doShowFuncs(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
doShowProperties(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
Dump the content of internal variables
doShowProperties(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
doShowStats(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
doShowStats(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
doShowVariable(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
doShowVariable(DebugCLI) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
dpi - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The dpi argument to pass to AIR 2.5's "-xscreenDPI" option.
DProtocol - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Implements the lower portion of Flash Player debug protocol.
DProtocol(BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
DProtocol(BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, Socket, boolean) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
DProtocol.ListenerIndex - Enum in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
DProtocolNotifierIF - Interface in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Interface for receiving DMessages from the DProtocol object
DStackContext - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
DStackContext(int, int, DModule, long, String, int, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
DSuspendInfo - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
The suspend information object returns information about the current halted state of the Player.
DSuspendInfo() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSuspendInfo
DSuspendInfo(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSuspendInfo
DSwfInfo - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
DSwfInfo(int, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
DValue - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Implementation of an ActionScript value.
DValue(long, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
Create a top-level variable which has no parent.
DValue(int, String, String, int, Object, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
Create a value.
DVariable - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
DVariable(String, DValue, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
Create a variable and its value.
DWatch - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Holder of Watchpoint information
DWatch(long, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DWatch


ECMA - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
Implementations of some of the conversion functions defined by the ECMAScript spec ( http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf ).
ECMA() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
elementsStartingWith(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
Sequentially walk through the entire list matching the String components against the given string
ENABLE_ONCE_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
enableChildAttach(boolean, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
If this feature is enabled then we do not attempt to attach child variables to parents.
encode(String) - Static method in class flash.util.URLEncoder
encode(String, String) - Static method in class flash.util.URLEncoder
encodeId(int, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
endOfSourceLine(ActionLocation) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.LineFunctionContainer
Use the action list located in the given location and return a new action location that corresponds to the next line record that is encountered after this location.
endPlayerCodeExecution(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Informs us that user code is no longer executing, and returns the fault, if any, which occurred while the code was executing.
equals(Session, Value, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 11.9.3
equals(Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
equals(Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
err(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
error_namespaceAccess(IASNode, IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Error trap.
error_reduce_Op_AssignId(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Error trap.
ERROR_TRAP - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
ERROR_TRAP - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
escape(String) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
escapeCharacter(String, char, String) - Static method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Locates characters 'c' in the scheme specific portion of a URI and translates them into 'to'
escapeSpace(String) - Static method in class flash.util.URLHelper
evalAs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
evalAs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalAs(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
evalAs(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Evaluate the ActionScript expression "value as type"
evalAs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
evalAs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
evalAsWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalAsWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
evalIn(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
evalIn(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalIn(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
evalIn(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Evaluate the ActionScript expression "property in object"
evalIn(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
evalIn(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
evalInstanceof(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
evalInstanceof(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
evalInstanceof(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalInstanceof(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalInstanceof(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
evalInstanceof(Value, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
evalInstanceof(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Evaluate the ActionScript expression "value instanceof type"
evalInstanceof(Value, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Evaluate the ActionScript expression "value instanceof type"
evalInstanceof(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
evalInstanceof(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
evalInstanceof(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
evalInstanceof(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
evalInstanceofWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalInstanceofWorker(Value, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalInstanceofWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
evalInstanceofWorker(Value, String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
evalInWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalInWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
evalIs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
evalIs(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
evalIs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalIs(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalIs(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
evalIs(Value, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
evalIs(Value, Value) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Evaluate the ActionScript expression "value is type"
evalIs(Value, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Evaluate the ActionScript expression "value is type"
evalIs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
evalIs(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
evalIs(Value, Value) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
evalIs(Value, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
evalIsWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalIsWorker(Value, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
evalIsWorker(Value, Value, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
evalIsWorker(Value, String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
evaluate(Context, IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerExpressionEvaluator
evaluate(Context, IASNode) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.IExpressionEvaluator
evaluate(Context) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.ValueExp
Evaluates the expression.
evaluate(Context) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValueExp
evaluate(ValueExp, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
ExceptionFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a user exception has been thrown.
ExceptionFault(String, boolean, Value, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.ExceptionFault
execute() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
exists(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
ExpressionCache - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
ExpressionCache(DebugCLI) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
We can get at files by name or module id, eventually we will put functions in here too
ExpressionCache.EvaluationResult - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
Returned by evaluate().
ExpressionCache.EvaluationResult() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache.EvaluationResult
ExpressionContext - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
ExpressionContext(ExpressionCache) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
ExpressionEvaluatorException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger.expression
An exception raised while evaluating an expression.
ExpressionEvaluatorException(String) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.ExpressionEvaluatorException
ExpressionEvaluatorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.ExpressionEvaluatorException
extDir - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
Directory to load native extensions from.
Extensions - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
Extensions class is a singleton that contains every cli method that does not conform to the API.
Extensions() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
ExtensionsDisabled - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
ExtensionsDisabled class is a singleton that contains every cli method that does not conform to the API.
ExtensionsDisabled() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExtensionsDisabled
extractExenameFromCommandString(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
Given a command string of the form "path_to_exe" args or path_to_exe args return the path_to_exe.
extractFunctionName(String) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
extract the function name from a signature


Fault - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
A fault occurred
FaultActions - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
FaultActions proivdes a convenient wrapper for housing the user specified behaviour for a set of faults (aka text strings) The underlying data structure is a HashMap that maps strings (i.e. fault names) to Integers.
FaultActions.FaultActionsBuilder - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
FaultActions.FaultActionsBuilder(LocalizationManager) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions.FaultActionsBuilder
FaultEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
An event type that signals a problem situation within the Player.
FaultEvent(String, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.FaultEvent
FaultEvent(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.FaultEvent
fileId - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.BreakEvent
unique identifier for the source file where the Player has suspened.
FileInfoCache - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
FileInfoCache manages a list of files that are unique across multiple swfs.
FileInfoCache() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
FileListModifiedEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
As of Version 2.
FileListModifiedEvent() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.FileListModifiedEvent
filesMatch(SourceFile, SourceFile) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
Compare two files and determine if they are the same.
find(ActionList, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
findLessOrEqualTo(ActionList, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
findMember(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
first() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
flash.tools - package flash.tools
flash.tools.debugger - package flash.tools.debugger
flash.tools.debugger.concrete - package flash.tools.debugger.concrete
flash.tools.debugger.events - package flash.tools.debugger.events
flash.tools.debugger.expression - package flash.tools.debugger.expression
flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe - package flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
flash.util - package flash.util
flex.tools.debugger.cli - package flex.tools.debugger.cli
fold(IASNode) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.IASTFolder
This will perform folding of certain nodes, based on implementation
fold(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.LogicalOperatorsFolder
FoldedExpressionNode - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
FoldedExpressionNode(IASNode) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
forPrimitive(Object, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
Constructs a DValue for a primitive value (null, undefined, Boolean, Number, String).
Frame - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
The Frame object represents a single frame of the actionscript call stack.
free(DMessage) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCache
Put a DMessage into the cache for reuse
freshen(long, String, String, String, long, boolean, long, long, long, long, long, Map<Long, Integer>, int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
function - Variable in class flash.tools.ActionLocation
FUNCTION - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
FunctionMetaDataAvailableEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
As of Version 2. No replacement
FunctionMetaDataAvailableEvent() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.FunctionMetaDataAvailableEvent


get(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
We are able to fetch properties or expressions (i.e previous expression) using this single call, despite the fact that each of these types of results lie in different data structures m_expressions and m_props.
get(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.IntProperties
get(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
GET_CLASS_HIERARCHY - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.concrete.GetVariableFlag
Indicates that when retrieving children, we also want to know exactly which class each child was defined in.
getAbsoluteEnd() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getAbsoluteStart() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getActionIndex() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSuspendInfo
getActionList() - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer.DummyAction
getActions() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getActions(int, int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Request a set of actions from the player
getActiveIsolateId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
getAllFiles(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getAncestorOfType(Class<? extends IASNode>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getAppVersion(File) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
Default implementation does not know how to get the version of an application.
getAppVersion(File) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Returns the version number of an application.
getArguments(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getArguments(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Frame
Arguments that were passed into the function.
getArguments(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getAttributes() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getAttributes() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getAttributes() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getAttributes() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getAttributes() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Variable attributes define further information regarding the variable.
getAttributes() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
Variable attributes define further information regarding the variable.
getAttributes() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getBasePath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getBasePath() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Base path for this filename, without the package-name portion.
getBasePath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getBitmap() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getBreakpoint(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getBreakpointExpression() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getBreakpointList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Get a list of breakpoints
getBreakpointList() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Get a list of the current breakpoints.
getBreakpointList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getBreakpoints(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getBrowser() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.AbstractPlayer
getBrowser() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.AIRPlayer
getBrowser() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Player
Returns the web browser with which this player is associated, or null if this is the standalone player or AIR, or if we're not sure which browser will be run.
getBrowser() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafePlayer
getBrowserParameters(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
Default application does not have any extra arguments for the browser.
getBrowserParameters(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Returns the parameters to pass to the browser or null if non-existent.
getByte() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Extract the next byte
getCallSignature() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getCallSignature() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Frame
Returns a string which contains the raw signature of the call.
getCallSignature() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getChangeCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getChangeCount() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceLocator
Returns a number which indicates how many times this SourceLocator's search algorithm has been changed since it was created.
getChangeCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceLocator
getChangeCount() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
getChild(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getChildCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getClassHierarchy(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getClassHierarchy(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getClassHierarchy(boolean) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns the list of classes that contributed members to this object, from the class itself all the way down to Object (or, if allLevels == false, down to the lowest-level class that actually contributed members).
getClassName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getClassName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getClassName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The class name of the value.
getClassName() - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer.DummyAction
getColumn() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getCommandCount() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getCommandLine() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.CommandLineException
getCommandOutput() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.CommandLineException
getCondition() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getConditionString() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getConstantPool() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getContainingNode(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getContainingScope() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getContent() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DisplayAction
getContext() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
Our lone get context (i.e. parent) interface
getData() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getDebuggerCallbacks() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
getDefiningClass() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getDefiningClass() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getDefiningClass() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
The class in which this member was actually defined.
getDefiningClass() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getDescription(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
getDictionary() - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
getDisconnectCause() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
getDisconnectCause() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getDisconnectCause() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns the root SocketException that caused the rxMessage() thread to shut down.
getDisconnectCause() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getDWord() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Extract the next 4 bytes, which form a 32b integer, from the message
getElement(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
getEnd() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getenv(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
getEventCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Event management related stuff
getEventCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getEventCount() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns the number of events currently in the queue.
getEventCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getEventNotifier() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Get an object on which callers can call wait(), in order to wait until something happens.
getEverythingBeforeQuery() - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Everything before the "query" part of the URL.
getExitValue() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.CommandLineException
getExpr() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.WatchAction
getExpression() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DisplayAction
getFaultEvent() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.PlayerFaultException
getFile() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
getFile(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
From a given file identifier return a source file object
getFile() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Location
Source file for this location
getFile() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeLocation
getFile(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getFile(int, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getFileCache() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
getFileList() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getFileList(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getFiles(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
Return a array of SourceFiles whose names match the specified string.
getFiles(String, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getFileSpecification() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getFirstSourceId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getFlexHomeDirectory() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Returns the Flex home directory.
getFragment() - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Returns the "fragment" portion of the URL, e.g. the "#foo" part, or "" if the URL has no fragment.
getFrame(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getFrameCount(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getFrames(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getFrames() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
getFrames() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getFrames() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
getFrames() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns an array of frames that identify the location and contain arguments, locals and 'this' information for each frame on the function call stack.
getFrames() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
getFrames() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getFramesWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getFramesWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
getFullPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getFullPath() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Full path and file name, if its exists, for this SourceFile.
getFullPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getFunctionNameForLine(Session, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getFunctionNameForLine(Session, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Return the function name for a given line number, or null if not known or if the line matches more than one function.
getFunctionNameForLine(Session, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getFunctionNames(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getFunctionNames(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Get a list of all function names for this SourceFile
getFunctionNames(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getGlobal(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
getGlobal(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getGlobal(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
getGlobal(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Looks up a global name, like "MyClass", "String", etc.
getGlobal(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
getGlobal(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getGlobalWorker(String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getGlobalWorker(String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
getHeader() - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
getHits() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getHost() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getHttpExe() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
getHttpExe() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Returns the executable of the browser to launch for http: URLs, or null if not known.
getHttpExeName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
getHttpExeName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Returns a name such as "firefox" or "Web browser", the name of the browser, useful for error messages.
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DIsolate
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Isolate
Get the unique integer ID associated with the worker.
getId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Return a unique identifier for this SourceFile.
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolate
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns a unique ID for the object referred to by this variable.
getId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.CatchAction
getId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DisplayAction
getId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.WatchAction
getInCount(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
getInLock() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
Returns the object on which external code can call "wait" in order to block until a message is received.
getInt(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
getInteger(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.IntProperties
getInteger(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
getInTypeName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getIsolate(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getIsolateCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DWatch
getIsolateId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
The worker id to which this context object belongs.
getIsolateId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Frame
Returns the worker ID associated to this frame.
getIsolateId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Location
Worker to which this location belongs.
getIsolateId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
Return the worker ID to which this SWF belongs.
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeLocation
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getIsolateId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
getIsolateId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Get the worker id of the isolate to which this value belongs.
getIsolateId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
Get the worker id of the isolate to which this value belongs.
getIsolateId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Watch
The isolate to which this watchpoint belongs.
getIsolateId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DisplayAction
getIsolateId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
getIsolateId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getIsolateInCount(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
getIsolateInLock(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
getIsolateOutCount(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
getIsolates() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getIsolateSwfList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getJBurgAnnotation(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
getJBurgAnnotation(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
getKind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DWatch
getKind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
getKind() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Watch
The kind of watch placed on the variable being watched.
getKind() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.WatchAction
getLastModified() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerUtil.InMemoryFileSpecification
getLastSourceId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getLaunchCommand() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
Returns the command args that were used to launch the process.
getLaunchProcess() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getLaunchProcess() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns the Process object, if any, that triggered this Session.
getLaunchProcess() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getLevel() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getLevel() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getLevel() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
For a member variable of an instance of some class, its "level" indicates how far up the class hierarchy it is from the actual class of the instance.
getLevel() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getLine() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
getLine(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getLine() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getLine(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ScriptText
getLine() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getLine() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Location
Line number within the source for this location
getLine(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Obtains the textual content of the given line from within a source file.
getLine() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeLocation
getLine(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getLineCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getLineCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ScriptText
getLineCount() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Returns the number of source lines in the given file
getLineCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getLineForFunctionName(Session, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getLineForFunctionName(Session, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Return the line number for the given function name if it doesn't exists -1 is returned
getLineForFunctionName(Session, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getLocalizationManager() - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
Returns the localization manager.
getLocalizationManager() - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.NoSuchVariableException
getLocalizedText(Locale, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DebuggerLocalizer
getLocals(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getLocals(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Frame
Locals used within this function scope.
getLocals(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getLocation() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getLocation() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Frame
Location object related to this frame.
getLocation() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getLocation() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getLocations() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getLong() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Extract the next 8 bytes, which form a 64b integer, from the message
getMasterList() - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
getMemberCount(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getMemberCount(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getMemberCount(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns the number of child members of this variable.
getMemberName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DWatch
getMemberName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
getMemberName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Watch
Name of variable member that is being watched.
getMemberNamed(Session, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getMemberNamed(Session, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getMemberNamed(Session, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns a specific child member of this variable.
getMembers(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getMembers(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getMembers(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns all child members of this variable.
getMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.AlreadyActiveApplicationException
getMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.PlayerFaultException
getMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.NoResponseException
getMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.NotConnectedException
getMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.NotSuspendedException
getMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.SuspendedException
getMessage() - Method in exception flash.tools.debugger.VersionException
getMessageCounter() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
getMessageCounter() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getModule() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getName() - Method in enum flash.tools.debugger.concrete.BinaryOp
getName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
File name of this SourceFile.
getName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
The name of the variable.
getName() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
getName() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.InternalProperty
getName() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
The variable interface
getNamespace() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getNamespace() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getNamespace() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
The namespace of the variable.
getNamespace() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getNextOffset() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSuspendInfo
getNodeID() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getOffset() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSuspendInfo
getOffsetForLine(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getOffsetForLine(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Return the offset within the SWF for a given line number.
getOffsetForLine(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getOption(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Returns the value of a Flash Player option that was requested by OutGetOption and returned by InOption.
getOption(String, boolean, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Returns the value of a Flash Player boolean option that was requested by OutGetOption and returned by InOption.
getOption(String, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Returns the value of a Flash Player string option that was requested by OutGetOption and returned by InOption.
getOrCreateIsolate(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getOut() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
getOutCount(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
getOutLock() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
Returns the object on which external code can call "wait" in order to block until a message is sent.
getOutTypeName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getPackageName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getPackageName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getPackageName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Get the package name portion of the path for this file.
getPackageName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getPackageName(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
getParameterMap() - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Returns the query portion of the URL, broken up into individual key/value pairs.
getParent() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getPath() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Returns the path to the web browser executable -- e.g. the path to IExplore.exe, Firefox.exe, etc.
getPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.AbstractPlayer
getPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.AIRPlayer
getPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DBrowser
getPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
SwfInfo interface
getPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerUtil.InMemoryFileSpecification
getPath() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Player
Returns the path to the Flash player file -- e.g. the path to FlashPlayer.exe, NPSWF32.dll, Flash.ocx, or adl.exe -- or null if not known.
getPath() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
The full path of the SWF.
getPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafePlayer
getPath() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getPath() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getPlayerExe() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
getPlayerExe() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Returns the executable for the standalone Flash player, or null if not known.
getPlayerExeName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
getPlayerExeName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Returns a name such as "SAFlashPlayer.exe" or "gflashplayer" or "Flash player", the name of the standalone player, useful for error messages.
getPort() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getPosition() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getPreference(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getPreference(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
getPreference(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Return the value of a particular preference item
getPreference(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Return the value of a particular preference item
getPreference(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getPreference(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
getPreferenceAsObject(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getPreferenceAsObject(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
getPreviousOffset() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSuspendInfo
getPreviousValue(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Returns the previous value object for the given id -- that is, the value that that object had the last time the player was suspended.
getPreviousValue(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Returns the previous value object for the given id -- that is, the value that that object had the last time the player was suspended.
getPrivateInheritedMemberNamed(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getPrivateInheritedMemberNamed(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getPrivateInheritedMemberNamed(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Get all the private variables with the given name.
getPrivateInheritedMembers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getPrivateInheritedMembers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getPrivateInheritedMembers() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns all child members of this variable that are private and are present in its inheritance chain.
getProcessExitValue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
getProcessMessages() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
Returns all messages that were sent to stdout and stderr by the process, combined into one string.
getPtr() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Extract a pointer from the message -- either 8 bytes or 4 bytes, depending on how big pointers are in the target Flash player
getQualifiedName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getQualifiedName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getQualifiedName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
The fully qualified name of the variable, i.e.
getQualifiedName() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getQuery() - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Rturns the "query" portion of the URL, e.g. the "?
getRaw(Location) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeLocation
Returns the raw Location underlying a ThreadSafeLocation.
getRaw(Session) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
Returns the raw Session underlying a ThreadSafeSession.
getRaw(SourceFile) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
Returns the raw SourceFile underlying a ThreadSafeSourceFile.
getRaw(Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
Returns the raw Value underlying a ThreadSafeValue.
getRaw(Variable) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
Returns the raw Variable underlying a ThreadSafeVariable.
getRaw(Watch) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
Returns the raw Watch underlying a ThreadSafeWatch.
getRawName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getRawName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getRawName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
Raw, unprocessed file name for this SourceFile.
getRawName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getRawValue(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Returns the current value object for the given id; never requests it from the player.
getReason() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSuspendInfo
getRefreshCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getRemaining() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getResourceAsStream() - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Help
getResult() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
getResult() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
getScope() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getScope() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getScope() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
Returns just the scope bits of the attributes.
getScope() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getScopeChain(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getScopeChain(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Frame
Returns a list of objects which make up the scope chain of this frame.
getScopeChain(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getScript() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
getSession() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Returns the session associated with this context, or null.
getSession() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
getSession() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
getSession() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
getSize() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getSizeofPtr() - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Gets pointer size (in bytes) expected by the Flash player; either 4 for the 32-bit player, or 8 for the 64-bit player.
getSource(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSourceCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getSourceCount(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
Return the number of sources that we have
getSourceCount(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
Number of source files in this SWF.
getSourceCount(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getSourceExpectedCount() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getSourceList(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
Return a list of our sources
getSourceList(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
List of source files that are contained within this SWF.
getSourceList(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getSourceLocator() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSourceLocator() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getSourceLocator() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Gets the SourceLocator for this session.
getSourceLocator() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getSources() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSpanningStart() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getStart() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getStatus() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
getString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Heart wrenchingly slow but since we don't have a length so we can't do much better
getString(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
getStringLength(String) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Helper to get the number of bytes that a string will need when it is sent across the socket to the Flash player.
getSucceedingNode(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getSuspendActionIndex() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Return the offset in which the player has suspended itself.
getSuspendInfo(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Returns a suspend information on why the Player has suspended execution.
getSuspendInfo() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Obtain all the suspend information
getSuspendInfoIsolate(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getSuspendOffset() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Return the offset in which the player has suspended itself.
getSWD() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSwd() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getSwdSize(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getSwdSize() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getSwdSize(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
The size of the debug SWD file, if any This may also be zero if the SWD load is in progress
getSwdSize(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getSWF() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSwf() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getSwfFilter() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getSwfInfo(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSwfInfoCount(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSwfInfos(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getSwfs() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
getSwfs() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Obtain information about the various SWF(s) that have been loaded into the Player, for this session.
getSwfs() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
getSwfs() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Obtain information about the various SWF(s) that have been loaded into the Player, for this session.
getSwfs() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
getSwfs() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getSwfs(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getSwfsIsolate(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
getSwfSize() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getSwfSize() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
The size of this SWF in bytes
getSwfSize() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getSwfsWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getSwfsWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
getSyncObject(Frame) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getSyncObject(Location) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeLocation
getSyncObject(Session) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getSyncObject(SessionManager) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
getSyncObject(SourceFile) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
getSyncObject(SwfInfo) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getSyncObject(Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getSyncObject(Variable) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getSyncObject(Watch) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
getTag() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DWatch
getTargetIsolate() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getThis(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getThis() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DStackContext
getThis(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Frame
'this' variable for the frame.
getThis(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
getThrownValue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ExceptionFault
The value that was thrown; may be null, because there are times when we cannot determine the value that was thrown.
getType() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Returns what type of Player this is, e.g.
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ActiveXPlayer
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.AIRPlayer
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DBrowser
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.NetscapePluginPlayer
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.StandalonePlayer
getType() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Player
Returns what type of Player this is: STANDALONE, NETSCAPE_PLUGIN, ACTIVEX, or AIR.
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafePlayer
getType() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getType() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Variable type can be one of VariableType.OBJECT, VariableType.FUNCTION, VariableType.NUMBER, VariableType.STRING, VariableType.UNDEFINED, VariableType.NULL.
getTypeName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getTypeName() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getTypeName() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The type name of the value: "Number" "Boolean" "String" "null" "undefined" Value.TRAITS_TYPE_NAME if this value represents the traits of a class "[package::]Classname@hexaddr" if this value represents an instance of a non-primitive object.
getTypeToCatch() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.CatchAction
Returns the type being caught, or null to catch all exceptions.
getUnderLyingNode() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
getURI() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getURI() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getURI() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns the URL that identifies this Session.
getURI() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getUrl() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getUrl() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
The URL for the SWF.
getUrl() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
getURL() - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Returns the entire URL.
getValue() - Method in enum flash.tools.debugger.concrete.BinaryOp
getValue(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getValue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
getValue(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
getValue(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getValue(long, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Get the value of the variable named 'name' using varId as the context id for the Variable.
getValue(long) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
getValue(long) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
From a given value identifier return a Value.
getValue(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
getValue(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getValue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
getValue() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
Returns the value of the variable.
getValue() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
getValueAsObject() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getValueAsObject() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getValueAsObject() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns the value of the variable, as an Object.
getValueAsString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getValueAsString(Object) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
getValueAsString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
getValueAsString() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
Returns the value of the variable, converted to a string.
getValueId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DWatch
getValueId() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
getValueId() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Watch
Value id of the value whose member is being watched.
getValueWorker(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getValueWorker(long, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
getVariable() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
GetVariableFlag - Interface in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Flags to the OutGetVariable and OutGetVariableWhichInvokesGetter commands which are sent from the debugger to the player.
getVariableId() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.WatchAction
getVariableList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
getVariableList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getVariableList() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
getVariableList() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
As of version 2.
getVariableList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
getVariableList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getVariableListWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getVariableListWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
getVersion() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Returns the Flash Player version number; e.g. 9 for Flash Player 9.0
getVmVersion() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
getWatch() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.WatchAction
getWatchList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
getWatchList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getWatchList() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
getWatchList() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Get a list of the current watchpoint.
getWatchList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
getWatchList() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getWatchListWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getWatchListWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
getWatchpoint(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getWatchpointCount(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getWatchpoints(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
getWord() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Extract the next 2 bytes, which form a 16b integer, from the message
getWorkers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getWorkers() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Get an array of all workers that the debugger knows of.
getWorkers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
getWorkerSession(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
getWorkerSession(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Return the worker specific session object that can be used to communicate with that worker.
getWorkerSession(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
GLOBAL_ID - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The special ID for pseudo-variable "_global".


HaltOpcode - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
HAS_GETTER - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable has a getter.
HAS_SETTER - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable has a setter.
hasAllSource() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
This method returns true once we have all the scripts that we expect to ever have.
hasErrors() - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
hashCode() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
hasMoreTokens() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
hasValueChanged(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
hasValueChanged(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
hasValueChanged(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
Returns whether the value of the variable has changed since the last time the program was suspended.
hasValueChanged(Session) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
header(Header) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
Help - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
hit() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
host - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
name of host in which the SWF was loaded


IASTBuilder - Interface in flash.tools.debugger.expression
IASTFolder - Interface in flash.tools.debugger.expression
id - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
unique identifier for the SWF
id - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfUnloadedEvent
unique identifier for the SWF
IDebuggerCallbacks - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Miscellaneous callbacks from the DJAPI to the debugger which is using it.
IExpressionEvaluator - Interface in flash.tools.debugger.expression
ILauncher - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
A ILauncher which handles the launching of the URI or the command.
ILaunchNotification - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Used to notify caller in case of ADL Exit Code 1: Successful invocation of an already running AIR application.
InAskBreakpoints - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InBinaryOp - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InBreakAt - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InBreakAtExt - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InBreakReason - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InCallFunction - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InConstantPool - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InContinue - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InDeleteVariable - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
index - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
index of swf in Session.getSwfs() array
index - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfUnloadedEvent
index of SWF in Session.getSwfs() array
InErrorConsole - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorException - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorExecLimit - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorProtoLimit - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorScriptStuck - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorStackUnderflow - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorTarget - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorURLOpen - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorWith - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InErrorZeroDivide - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InExit - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
inFileList(SourceFile) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
Determine if the given SourceFile is in the current fileList
INFO_ARGS_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_BREAK_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_DISPLAY_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_FILES_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_FUNCTIONS_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_HANDLE_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_LOCALS_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_SCOPECHAIN_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_SOURCES_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_STACK_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_SWFS_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_TARGETS_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_UNKNOWN_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_VARIABLES_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
INFO_WORKERS_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
information - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.DebugEvent
InFrame - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InGetActions - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InGetFncNames - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InGetSwd - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InGetSwf - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InGetVariable - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InIsolate - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InIsolateCreate - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InIsolateEnumerate - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InIsolateExit - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
initSourceDirectoriesList() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
InNewObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InNotSynced - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InNumScript - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InOption - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InParam - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InPassAllExceptionsToDebugger - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InPlaceObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InProcessTag - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InProgressException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
InProgressException is thrown when a request cannot be fulfilled because some other activity is currently taking place that will alter the result of the request.
InProgressException() - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.InProgressException
InRemoveBreakpoint - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InRemoveExceptionBreakpoint - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InRemoveObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InRemoveScript - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InScript - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetActiveIsolate - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetBreakpoint - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetExceptionBreakpoint - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetLocalVariables - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetMenuState - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetProperty - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetVariable - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSetVariable2 - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSIZE - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSquelch - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InSwfInfo - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
INTERNAL_SCOPE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is an internal member of its parent.
InternalProperty - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
InternalProperty(String, Object) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.InternalProperty
INTERNET_EXPLORER - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Indicates Internet Explorer.
inToString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
inToString(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
IntProperties - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
IntProperties() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.IntProperties
InTrace - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
inTypeName(int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Convenience function for converting a type into a name used mainly for debugging but can also be used during trace facility of command line session
InUnknown - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
This set of constants defines the message types RECEIVED from the player through our debug socket
InvalidTargetFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a bad target name was provided while executing a ActionSetTarget instruction.
InvalidTargetFault(String, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidTargetFault
InvalidURLFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a request to open a URL failed.
InvalidURLFault(String, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidURLFault
InvalidWithFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a ActionWith instruction could not be executed becuase the target of the operation is not an object.
InvalidWithFault(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidWithFault
InVersion - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
INVOKE_GETTER - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.concrete.GetVariableFlag
Indicates that if the variable which is being retrieved is a getter, then the player should invoke the getter and return the result.
invokeGetter(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
invokeGetter(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
invokeGetter(Session) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
Executes the getter for this variable, and changes its value accordingly.
invokeGetter(Session) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
InWatch - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
InWatch2 - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
IProgress - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
A simple interface to report progress on some operation.
is(String, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
Check if the given fault has the action set or not
IS_ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is an argument to a function.
IS_CLASS - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.ValueAttribute
Indicates that an object is actually a Class.
IS_CONST - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable was declared "const".
IS_DYNAMIC - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is "dynamic" -- that is, whether it is a dynamic property of a class declared with keyword "dynamic".
IS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.ValueAttribute
Indicates that the value that has been returned for a variable is actually not its real value; instead, it is the message of an exception that was thrown while executing the getter for the variable.
IS_LOCAL - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is a local.
IS_STATIC - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is a static member of its parent.
isAIRApp() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
isAttributeSet(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
isAttributeSet(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
isAttributeSet(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
isAttributeSet(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
isAttributeSet(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
isAttributeSet(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
isAttributeSet(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
isAutoDelete() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
isAutoDisable() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
isConnected() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
isConnected() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Is the Player currently connected for this session.
isConnected() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
isConnecting() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
isConnecting() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Is this object currently connecting to the Debug Player
isConnecting() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
isDoubleLiteral(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
isEmpty() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
isEnabled() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
isEnabled() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DisplayAction
isGetSupported() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
Get function is only supported in players that recognize the squelch message.
isIde() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
isIndirectionOperatorAllowed() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ASTBuilder
isIntLiteral(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
isListening() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
isListening() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Is this object currently listening for Debug Player connections
isListening() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
isLookupMembers() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.ValueExp
Returns whether evaluate() will return an object that explicitly shows the values of all members of the expression.
isLookupMembers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValueExp
isolate - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.IsolateCreateEvent
isolate - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.IsolateExitEvent
Isolate - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
The Isolate object uniquely identifies a "Worker" in ActionScript.
IsolateController - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Worker specific debug session commands.
IsolateCreateEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
IsolateCreateEvent is received when the player creates a worker.
IsolateCreateEvent() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.IsolateCreateEvent
IsolateCreateEvent(Isolate) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.IsolateCreateEvent
IsolateExitEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
IsolateExitEvent is received when the player stops a worker.
IsolateExitEvent() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.IsolateExitEvent
IsolateExitEvent(Isolate) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.IsolateExitEvent
isolateId - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.BreakEvent
isolateId - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.FaultEvent
IsolatePlayerSession - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Concrete implementation of IsolateSession.
IsolatePlayerSession(int, IsolateController) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
IsolateSession - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Used to issue commands to a particular worker (isolate).
isOpenDocument() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerUtil.InMemoryFileSpecification
isPopulated() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
isPrimitive(Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 4.3.2
isProcessDead() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
isProcessingComplete() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
isProcessingComplete() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
Indicates whether the contents of the SWF file have been completely processed.
isProcessingComplete() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
isPropagable() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
isRemoved() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
isSilent() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
isSingleSwf() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
isSuspended() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
isSuspended() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
isSuspended() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
isSuspended() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Is the Player currently halted awaiting requests, such as continue, stepOut, stepIn, stepOver.
isSuspended() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
isSuspended() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
isSwdLoading() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
isSwfFilterOn() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
isTerminal() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.FoldedExpressionNode
isUintLiteral(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
isUnloaded() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
isUnloaded() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
Indication that this SWF, which was previously loaded into the Player, is now currently unloaded.
isUnloaded() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
isWorkerSuspended(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
isWorkerSuspended(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
iterator() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection


kArrayType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kAvmPlusObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kBooleanObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kBooleanType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kButtonObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kDateObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kDateType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
keySet() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
keySet() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
keySet() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
keySet() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.IntProperties
kFapPacketDummyObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kLoadVarsObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kLongStringType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kMovieClipLoaderObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kMovieClipType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kNamespaceType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kNativeArrayObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNativeCameraObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNativeCommunicationObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNativeMicrophoneObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNativeStringObject - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNativeXMLDoc - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNativeXMLNode - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNetConnectionObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNetStreamObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNormalObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
These values are obtained directly from the Player.
kNullType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kNumberObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kNumberType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Enums originally extracted from shared_tcserver/tcparser.h; these correspond to Flash player values that are currently in playerdebugger.h, class DebugAtomType.
kObjectEndType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kPrintJobObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kRecordSetType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kReferenceType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kSharedObjectDataType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kSharedObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kSoundObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kStrictArrayType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kStringType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kStyleSheetObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kTextFieldObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kTextFormatObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kTextSnapshotType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kTraitsType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kTypedObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kUndefinedType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kUnsupportedType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
kVideoObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kXMLSocketObjectType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
kXMLType - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage


label(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
label(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
last() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
lastBinaryOp(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
lastFunctionCall(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
lastVariable(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
launch(String, AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, IProgress, ILaunchNotification) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
launch(String, AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, IProgress, ILaunchNotification, ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
launch(String[]) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.ILauncher
Launches the debug target.
launch(String, AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, IProgress, ILaunchNotification) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Launches a Player using the given string as a URI, as defined by RFC2396.
launch(String, AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, IProgress, ILaunchNotification, ILauncher) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager2
Launches the given string as a URI using the ILauncher Instance.
launch(String, AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, IProgress, ILaunchNotification) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
launch(String, AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, IProgress, ILaunchNotification, ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
launchDebugTarget(String[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
launchDebugTarget(String[], ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
launchDebugTarget(String[]) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Launches a debug target.
launchDebugTarget(String[], ILauncher) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Launches a debug target using the launcher instanceILauncher.launch(cmd).
launchForRun(String, AIRLaunchInfo, IProgress, ILaunchNotification) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
launchForRun(String, AIRLaunchInfo, IProgress, ILaunchNotification, ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
launchForRun(String, AIRLaunchInfo, IProgress, ILaunchNotification) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager2
This is, functionally, a clone of the SessionManager.launch() method.
launchForRun(String, AIRLaunchInfo, IProgress, ILaunchNotification, ILauncher) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager2
This is, functionally, a clone of the SessionManager.launch() method.
launchForRun(String, AIRLaunchInfo, IProgress, ILaunchNotification) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
launchForRun(String, AIRLaunchInfo, IProgress, ILaunchNotification, ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
lessThan(Session, Value, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 11.8.5.
LEVEL_ID - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
_level0 == LEVEL_ID, _level1 == LEVEL_ID-1, ...
line - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.BreakEvent
line number in the source file where the Player has suspended.
lineCountFor(String) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ScriptText
Count the number of lines within this string.
LineFunctionContainer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
This class extends the SwfActionContainer.
LineFunctionContainer(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.LineFunctionContainer
lineMapping(StringBuilder) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
LIST_LINE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
The line number at which the next "list" command should begin if no line number is explicitly specified.
LIST_MODULE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
The module that the next "list" command should display if no module is explicitly specified.
LIST_WORKER - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
locate(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
Locate the given offset within the swf
locateSource(String, String, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
locateSource(String, String, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SourceLocator
Callback from DJAPI to the debugger, to find a source file.
locateSource(String, String, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceLocator
locateSource(String, String, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
locateSourceLineEnd(ActionLocation) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
Ask the container to locate the next line record following the location specified in the location, without spilling over into the next action list
locateSourceLineEnd(ActionLocation, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
Location - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
The Location object identifies a specific line number with a SourceFile.
LocationCollection - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
This object is a container for source locations that represent the same underlying file and line number.
LocationCollection() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
locationLessOrEqualTo(int) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
Return a path to an ActionList that contains the given offset if an exact match is not found then return the largest that does not exceed offset.
locationLessOrEqualTo(ActionLocation, ActionList, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
locationMatches(int, int, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
LogicalOperatorsFolder - Class in flash.tools.debugger.expression
The logical operator's right hand operands are folded into FoldedExperessionNode, so that they are not evaluated by the burm.
LogicalOperatorsFolder() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.expression.LogicalOperatorsFolder
lookup(Object) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Looks for an object of the given name in this context -- for example, a member variable.
lookup(Object) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
The Context interface which goes out and gets values from the session Expressions use this interface as a means of evaluation.
lookupMembers(Object) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Looks for the members of an object.
lookupMembers(Object) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext


m_err - Variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
m_isHalted - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionIsolateStatus
Corresponding to playersession::m_isHalted, but for isolate.
m_keyboardStream - Variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
m_newline - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.DebuggerLocalizer
m_newline - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
m_newline - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
m_out - Variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
m_repeatLine - Variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
m_value - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
The variable's value.
m_waitedFor - Variable in exception flash.tools.debugger.NoResponseException
Number of milliseconds that elapsed causing the timeout -1 means unknown.
main(String[]) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
makePublic() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
map() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.IntProperties
MAX_CACHED_DATA_SIZE - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCache
MAX_STACK_DEPTH - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
MAX_TERMINATE_WAIT_MILLIS - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
membersObtained() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
membersToString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
messageArrived(DMessage, DProtocol) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
This is the core routine for decoding incoming messages and deciding what should be done with them.
messageArrived(DMessage, DProtocol) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
Collect stats on the messages
messageArrived(DMessage, DProtocol) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocolNotifierIF
Issused when a message has been received from the socket
messageArrived(DMessage, DProtocol) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
This is the core routine for decoding incoming messages and deciding what should be done with them.
messageSent(DMessage) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
Collect stats on outgoing messages
messagesReceived() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
messagesSent() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
METADATA_RETRIES - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
module2ClassName(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Convert a module to class name.
MOVIECLIP - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
MOZILLA - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Indicates the Mozilla browser, but not Firefox.
MOZILLA_FIREFOX - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Indicates Firefox.


name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ConsoleErrorFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ConsoleErrorFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.DivideByZeroFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.DivideByZeroFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ExceptionFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ExceptionFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.FaultEvent
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidTargetFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidTargetFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidURLFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidURLFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidWithFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.InvalidWithFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ProtoLimitFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ProtoLimitFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.RecursionLimitFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.RecursionLimitFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ScriptTimeoutFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ScriptTimeoutFault
name - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.StackUnderFlowFault
name() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.StackUnderFlowFault
nameOfSwf(SwfInfo) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
names() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
NAMESPACE_SCOPE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is scoped by a namespace.
needsToInvokeGetter() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
needsToInvokeGetter() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
needsToInvokeGetter() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
needsToInvokeGetter() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
NETSCAPE_NAVIGATOR - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Indicates Netscape Navigator.
NETSCAPE_PLUGIN - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Player
Indicates a Netscape-plugin Flash player, e.g.
NetscapePluginPlayer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
NetscapePluginPlayer(File, File) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.NetscapePluginPlayer
next() - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakIdentifier
nextEvent() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
nextEvent() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
nextEvent() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Removes and returns the next event from queue
nextEvent() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
nextIntToken() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
nextLongToken() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
nextToken() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
NOCODE - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
NoMatchException - Exception in flex.tools.debugger.cli
While attempting to resolve a function name or filename, no match was found.
NoMatchException() - Constructor for exception flex.tools.debugger.cli.NoMatchException
NoMatchException(String) - Constructor for exception flex.tools.debugger.cli.NoMatchException
NONE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.WatchKind
NoResponseException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
NoResponseException is thrown when the Player does not respond to the command that was issued.
NoResponseException(int) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.NoResponseException
normalizeCost(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
normalizeCost(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
NoSuchVariableException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger.expression
Thrown when a variable name cannot be resolved in the current scope
NoSuchVariableException(String) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.NoSuchVariableException
NoSuchVariableException(Object) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.NoSuchVariableException
NotConnectedException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
NotConnectedException is thrown when the Session is no longer connnected to the Player
NotConnectedException() - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.NotConnectedException
notify(IOException) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.ILaunchNotification
Notifies the listener that the launch is done, and, if it failed, an exception with information about why it failed.
NotSupportedException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
Indicates that a debugger feature is not supported by the Flash player that is being targeted.
NotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.NotSupportedException
NotSuspendedException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
NotSuspendedException is thrown when the Player is in a state for which the action cannot be performed.
NotSuspendedException() - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.NotSuspendedException
nStates - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
nStates - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
NULL - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
NUMBER - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType


OBJECT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
OPERA - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Indicates Opera.
out(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
OutAddWatch - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutAddWatch2 - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutBack - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutBinaryOp - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutCallFunction - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutConstantPool - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutContinue - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutExit - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutForward - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetActions - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetBreakReason - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetFncNames - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetFrame - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetOption - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetSwd - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetSwf - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetVariable - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutGetVariableWhichInvokesGetter - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutHome - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutIsolateEnumerate - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutLoop - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutPassAllExceptionsToDebugger - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutPlay - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutPrint - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutProcessedTag - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
outputAssembly(DebugCLI, DSwfInfo, int, int) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
Disassemble part of the swf to the output
outputAssembly(DebugCLI, SwfInfo, ActionLocation, ActionLocation) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.Extensions
outputSource(int, int, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Output a source line of code to the output channel formatting nicely
OutRemoveAllBreakpoints - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutRemoveBreakpoints - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutRemoveExceptionBreakpoint - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutRemoveWatch - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutRemoveWatch2 - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutRewind - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetActions - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetActiveIsolate - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetBreakpoints - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetExceptionBreakpoint - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetFocus - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetOption - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetProperty - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetQuality - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetSquelch - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSetVariable - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSIZE - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutStepContinue - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutStepInto - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutStepOut - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutStepOver - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutStopDebug - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutSwfInfo - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
outToString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
outToString(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
outTypeName(int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Convenience function for converting a type into a name used mainly for debugging but can also be used during trace facility of command line session
OutUnknown - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
This set of constants defines the message types SENT to the player from our debug socket (WARNING: ID space overlaps with InXXX)
OutZoom100 - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutZoomIn - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
OutZoomOut - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage


parse(Reader) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ASTBuilder
parse(Reader) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.IASTBuilder
A parser that should do a fairly good job at parsing a general expression string.
parse(Reader) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeASTBuilder
parse(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
parseExpression(String, List<ICompilerProblem>) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.DebuggerUtil
parseFileArg(int, int, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Parse arg to determine which file it specifies.
parseLineArg(int, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Parse arg to determine which line it specifies.
parseLocationArg(int, int, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
parseLocationArg(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Parse arg to figure out what module and line it specifies.
parseSwfSwd(DManager) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
Extracts information out of the SWF/SWD in order to populate function line number tables in SourceFile variabels.
path - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
full path name for SWF
path - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfUnloadedEvent
full path name for the SWF
placeObject2(PlaceObject) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
Player - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Describes a Flash player.
PLAYER_SUPPORTS_GET - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
playerCanBreakOnAllExceptions() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
playerCanCallFunctions() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
playerCanCallFunctions() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
playerCanCallFunctions(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
playerCanCallFunctions(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
playerCanCallFunctions() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
playerCanCallFunctions() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
playerCanTerminate() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
PlayerDebugException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
PlayerDebugException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the playerdebug API
PlayerDebugException() - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.PlayerDebugException
PlayerDebugException(String) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.PlayerDebugException
PlayerFaultException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger.expression
Thrown when the player generates a fault.
PlayerFaultException(FaultEvent) - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.expression.PlayerFaultException
playerForUri(String, AIRLaunchInfo) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
playerForUri(String, AIRLaunchInfo) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Returns information about the Flash player which will be used to run the given URI.
playerForUri(String, AIRLaunchInfo) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
PlayerSession - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
PlayerSessionIsolateStatus - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
PlayerSessionIsolateStatus() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionIsolateStatus
PlayerSessionManager - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
PlayerSessionManager() - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
playerSupportsGet() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
playerVersion() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
pool - Variable in class flash.tools.ActionLocation
popScope() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer.ContextStack
port - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
port number related to the URL
PREF_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
The value used for $accepttimeout controls how long (in milliseconds) accept() waits before timing out.
PREF_CONNECT_RETRY_ATTEMPTS - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
The value used for $connectretryattempts controls how many times the debugger retries connecting to the application.
PREF_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
The value used for $connecttimeout controls how long (in milliseconds) connect() waits before timing out.
PREF_CONNECT_WAIT_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
The value used for $connectwaitinterval controls how long (in milliseconds) we wait between subsequent connect() calls.
PREF_CONTEXT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$contextresponsetimeout is used to determine how long (in milliseconds) the session will wait for a player response from a request to get context, before giving up on the request and throwing an Exception.
PREF_GETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$getvarresponsetimeout is used to determine how long (in milliseconds) the session will wait, for a player response to a get variable request before giving up on the request and throwing an Exception.
PREF_HIERARCHICAL_VARIABLES - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$hiervars is used to determine whether the members of a variable are shown in a hierchical way.
PREF_INVOKE_GETTERS - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$invokegetters is used to determine whether a getter property is invoked or not when requested via getVariable() The default value is for this to be enabled.
PREF_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$responsetimeout is used to determine how long (in milliseconds) the session will wait, for a player response before giving up on the request and throwing an Exception.
PREF_SETVAR_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$setvarresponsetimeout is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that a setter in the user's code will be given to execute, before the player interrupts it with a ScriptTimeoutError.
PREF_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$sockettimeout is used to determine how long (in milliseconds) the session will wait on a Socket recv call.
PREF_SUSPEND_WAIT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$suspendwait is the amount of time (in milliseconds) that a Session will wait for the Player to suspend, after a call to suspend().
PREF_SWFSWD_LOAD_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
$swfswdloadtimeout is used to determine how long (in milliseconds) the session will wait, for a player response to a swf/swd load request before giving up on the request and throwing an Exception.
PREF_URI_MODIFICATION - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Valid values for $urimodification are 0 (off) and 1 (on).
PRIVATE_SCOPE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is a private member of its parent.
processArgs(String[]) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
processLine() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Process a single line of input and return true if the quit command was encountered
processLineRecord(ActionLocation, LineRecord) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
This is a callback function from LineFunctionContainer.combForLineRecords() We extract what we want and then update the associated module
ProcessListener - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Listens to several things about a process: captures its stdout/stderr messages, detects when the process exits, and captures its exit code.
ProcessListener(String[], Process, ILaunchNotification, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
Starts listening to stdout and stderr of the launched process.
profile - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The profile to pass to AIR 2.0's "-profile" argument, or null to omit the "-profile" argument.
propertyEnabled(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
propertyGet(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
propertyKeys() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
propertyPut(String, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
PROTECTED_SCOPE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is a protected member of its parent.
ProtoLimitFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a search up a prototype chain has reached a depth limit.
ProtoLimitFault(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.ProtoLimitFault
PUBLIC_SCOPE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is a public member of its parent.
pushScope(Context) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer.ContextStack
pushStream(LineNumberReader) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
put(long, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Appends a number to the end of the message
put(String, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
put(String, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.IntProperties
putByte(byte) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Appends a byte to the end of the message
putDescription(String, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
putDWord(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Appends 4 bytes, which form a 32b integer, into the message
putLong(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Appends 8 bytes, which form a 64b integer, into the message
putPtr(long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Appends a pointer into the message -- either 8 bytes or 4 bytes, depending on how big pointers are in the target Flash player
putString(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Place a string into the message (using UTF-8 encoding)
putWord(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Appends 2 bytes, which form a 16b integer, into the message


queryWindowsRegistry(String, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
queryWindowsRegistry(String, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
This implementation of queryWindowsRegistry() does not make any native calls.
queryWindowsRegistry(String, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Query the Windows registry.
queryWindowsRegistry(String, String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Same as queryWindowsRegistry, but allows specific access to the 32-bit or 64-bit part of the registry.


READ - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.WatchKind
READ_ONLY - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
Indicates that a variable is read-only.
readLine() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Dispose of the current line and read the next from the current stream, if its an empty line and we are console then repeat last line.
READWRITE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.WatchKind
recomputeExeLocations() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
recomputeExeLocations() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Tells the debugger to recompute the values which will be returned by getHttpExe() and getPlayerExe().
RecursionLimitFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a recursion limit has been reached
RecursionLimitFault(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.RecursionLimitFault
reduce(AS3DebuggerBURM.JBurgAnnotation, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
reduce(AS3DebuggerBURM.JBurgAnnotation, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
reduce_arrayIndexExpr(IASNode, Object, boolean, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_arrayLiteral(IASNode, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToBracketExpr_to_expression(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToDescendantsExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToMemberExpr_to_expression(IASNode, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToNameExpr_to_expression(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToQualifiedAttributeExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToQualifiedMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToQualifiedRuntimeMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToRuntimeNameExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_assignToUnqualifiedRuntimeAttributeExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_attributeName(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_booleanLiteral(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_by_concatenation(IASNode, String, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_commaExpr(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_declName(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_deleteAtBracketExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Reduce E4X expression like:
{@code delete x.
reduce_deleteBracketExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Reduce expression like:
delete o[p]
reduce_deleteDescendantsExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_deleteExprExprExpr(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_deleteMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_deleteNameExpr(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_deleteRuntimeNameExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_e4xFilter(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_embed(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_functionAsBracketExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Reduce expression like:
reduce_functionAsMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_functionAsRandomExpr(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_functionCallExpr_to_expression(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_functionCallOfSuperclassMethod_to_expression(IASNode, Object, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_functionCallSpecial_to_expression(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_logicalAndExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_logicalNotExpr(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_logicalOrExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_memberAccessExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce a MemberAccessExpression.
reduce_namespaceAccess(IASNode, IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_namespaceAsName_to_expression(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_namespaceAsName_to_multinameL(IASNode, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_namespaceAsName_to_name(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_namespaceMultinameL(IASNode, IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_namespaceRTQName(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_namespaceRTQNameL(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_nameToTypeName(Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_neqExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_newAsRandomExpr(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_newEmptyArray(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_newEmptyObject(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_newExpr(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_newMemberProperty(IASNode, Object, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_newVectorLiteral(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_nilExpr_to_expression(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_nullLiteral_to_constant_value(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_nullLiteral_to_object_literal(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_objectLiteral(IASNode, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_objectLiteralElement(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_parameterizedTypeExpression(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_parameterizedTypeName(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_postDecBracketExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_postDecMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_postDecNameExpr(IASNode, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_postIncBracketExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_postIncMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_postIncNameExpr(IASNode, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_preDecBracketExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_preDecMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_preDecNameExpr(IASNode, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_preIncBracketExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_preIncMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_preIncNameExpr(IASNode, Object, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_prePostIncDecExpr(IASNode, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_qualifiedAttributeExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_qualifiedAttributeRuntimeMemberExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_qualifiedMemberAccessExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_qualifiedMemberRuntimeNameExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_regexLiteral(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_runtimeAttributeExp(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Reduce runtime attribute expression, such as @[exp].
reduce_runtimeNameExpression(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_simpleName(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Reduce an identifier node This just returns the name of the name currently.
reduce_strictneqExpr(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_superAccess(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_ternaryExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_typedVariableExpression(IASNode, Object, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_typeNameParameterAsType(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_typeof_expr(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_typeof_name(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_unqualifiedAttributeExpr(IASNode, Object, Object, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_vectorLiteral(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_void0Literal_to_constant_value(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_void0Literal_to_object_literal(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_void0Operator(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_voidExpr_to_type_name(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_voidOperator_to_constant_value(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_voidOperator_to_expression(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_XMLContent(IASNode, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_XMLList(IASNode, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduce_XMLListConst(IASNode, Vector<String>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
reduceAntecedent(AS3DebuggerBURM.JBurgAnnotation, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
reduceAntecedent(AS3DebuggerBURM.JBurgAnnotation, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
reduceLazyExpression(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
refreshWorkers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
refreshWorkers() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Ask the player again for a list of all workers.
refreshWorkers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
remove(Location) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
remove(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
removeAllMembers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
removeFileIdRange(int, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
Removes Locations from the Collection which contain SourceFiles with Ids in the range [startingId, endingId].
removeWatch(long, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Removes a watchpoint on the given expression
requestFrame(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Asks the player to return information regarding our current context which includes this pointer, arguments for current frame, locals, etc.
requestFunctionNames(int, int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Sends a request to the player to obtain function names.
requestSwfInfo(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Request information on a particular swf, used by DSwfInfo to fill itself correctly
reset() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Allow the message to be 're-parsed' by someone else
resetWatch(Watch) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.WatchAction
RESOLVED - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
restOfLine() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
resume() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
resume() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
resume() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
resume() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Continue a halted session.
resume() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
resume() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
resumeWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
resumeWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
ROOT_ID - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The special ID for pseudo-variable "_root".
run() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
Entry point for our receive thread
run() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
A background thread which wakes up periodically and fetches the SWF and SWD from the Player for new movies that have loaded.
run() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.StreamListener
run() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
A seperate thread collects our input so that we can block in the doContinue on the main thread and then allow the user to interrupt us via keyboard input on this thread.
runningLoop() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Our main loop when the player is off running


safeValue(Value, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
Returns a "safe" (non-null) form of the specified Value -- that is, if the specified Value is null, returns a non-null Value that *represents* null.
scope(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer.ContextStack
scope() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer.ContextStack
SCOPE_CHAIN_MARKER - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
SCOPE_MASK - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableAttribute
A mask which can be used to get back only the scope-related attributes.
screenSize - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The screensize argument to pass to AIR 2.0's "-screensize" option.
ScriptLoaded - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
Either a new SWF was loaded, or else one or more scripts (ABCs) from an existing SWF were loaded.
ScriptText - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Contains the text contents of a script and is able to map line numbers to specific regions of the script (i.e. string)
ScriptText(String) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ScriptText
ScriptTimeoutFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that the player has spent far too long in a piece of ActionScript
ScriptTimeoutFault(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.ScriptTimeoutFault
Session - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
The Session object manages all aspects of debugging session with the Flash Player.
sessionManager() - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.Bootstrap
SessionManager - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
A SessionManager controls connection establishment and preferences for all debugging sessions with the Flash Player.
sessionManager() - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeBootstrap
SessionManager2 - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
setAIRLaunchInfo(AIRLaunchInfo) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setAttribute(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
setAttributes(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setAttributes(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
setAutoDelete(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setAutoDisable(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setBreakpoint(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
setBreakpoint(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setBreakpoint(int, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
setBreakpoint(int, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Set a breakpoint on a line within the given file.
setBreakpoint(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
setBreakpoint(int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
setBreakpointExpression(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setBreakpointWorker(int, int, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setBreakpointWorker(int, int, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
setClassHierarchy(String[], int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setClassName(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setClassName(String) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer.DummyAction
setCondition(ValueExp, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setCurrentLine(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
setDebuggerCallbacks(IDebuggerCallbacks) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
setDebuggerCallbacks(IDebuggerCallbacks) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Tells the session manager to use the specified IDebuggerCallbacks for performing certain operatios, such as finding the Flash Player and launching the debug target.
setDebuggerCallbacks(IDebuggerCallbacks) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
setDecoderDictionary(Dictionary) - Method in class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
setDefiningClass(int, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
setDirty() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DisplayAction
setEverythingBeforeQuery(String) - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
setExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
setExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
setExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Set an exception breakpoint.
setExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
setExceptionBreakpoint(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
setExceptionBreakpointWorker(String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setExceptionBreakpointWorker(String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
setFragment(String) - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Sets the "fragment" portion of the URL.
setIsolate(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCounter
setIsolateId(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setIsolateId(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
setIsRunLaunch(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
setLauncher(ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setLauncher(ILauncher) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Sets the ILauncher instance which is associated with this session.
setLauncher(ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
setLaunchUrl(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setLocations(LocationCollection) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setMembersObtained(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setName(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
setParameterMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Sets the query portion of the URL.
setPath(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
setPopulated() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
setPreference(String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Set a property.
setPreference(String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
Set preference If an invalid preference is passed, it will be silently ignored.
setPreference(String, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
setPreference(String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Adjust the preferences for this session; see SessionManager for a list of valid preference strings.
setPreference(String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Set preference for this manager and for subsequent Sessions that are initiated after this call.
setPreference(String, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Set preference for this manager and for subsequent Sessions that are initiated after this call.
setPreference(String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
setPreference(String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
setPreference(String, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
setPreferences(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Set preference If an invalid preference is passed, it will be silently ignored.
setProgress(int, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IProgress
Reports how much work has been done.
setPropagable(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setQuery(String) - Method in class flash.util.URLHelper
Sets the "query" portion of the URL.
setRemoved(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
setScalarMember(long, String, int, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setSession(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setSession(Session) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
setSilent(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setSingleSwf(boolean) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setSizeofPtr(int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
Sets pointer size (in bytes) expected by the Flash player; either 4 for the 32-bit player, or 8 for the 64-bit player.
setSourceExpectedCount(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
setSourceLocator(SourceLocator) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
setSourceLocator(SourceLocator) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setSourceLocator(SourceLocator) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Sets the SourceLocator for this session.
setSourceLocator(SourceLocator) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
setStatus(int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
setSwd(byte[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
setSwf(byte[]) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
setSwfFilter(String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
Attempt to set a swf as a filter for the file list that we create
setTargetIsolate(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
setType(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessage
setType(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setTypeName(String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setUnloaded() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
setValue(Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
setValue(Session, int, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
setValue(Session, int, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
setValue(Session, int, String) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Variable
Changes the value of a variable.
setValue(Session, int, String) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
setVmVersion(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
setWatch(Value, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setWatch(Watch) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
setWatch(Value, String, int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Set a watchpoint on a given variable.
setWatch(Watch) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Enables or disables a watchpoint.
setWatch(Value, String, int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
setWatch(Watch) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
setWideLines(boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DManager
shortNameOfSwf(SwfInfo) - Static method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
SHOW_BREAK_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_DIRS_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_FILES_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_FUNC_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_LOC_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_MEM_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_NET_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_PROPERTIES_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_UNKNOWN_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_URI_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
SHOW_VAR_CMD - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
similarFileInSwf(SwfInfo, SourceFile) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
Given the URL of a specfic swf determine if there is a file within it that appears to be the same as the given source file
size() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
size() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FaultActions
size() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
size2Index(int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DMessageCache
SourceFile - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
A SourceFile contains information about a specific segment of ActionScript source code.
SourceLocator - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
A callback interface which should be implemented by the client debugger (such as fdb), to locate source files.
stackTrace() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.FaultEvent
Returns the callstack in exactly the format that it came back from the player.
StackUnderFlowFault - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Signals that a stack underflow has occurred.
StackUnderFlowFault(int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.StackUnderFlowFault
STANDALONE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Player
Indicates a standalone Flash player, e.g.
StandalonePlayer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
StandalonePlayer(File) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.StandalonePlayer
startLaunchNotifier() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.ProcessListener
Creates a background thread that will call the launch notifier when the process terminates.
startListening() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
startListening() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Listens for Player attempts to open a debug session.
startListening() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
Step - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
A step completed
stepContinue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
stepContinue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepContinue() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
stepContinue() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Continue the process of stepping.
stepContinue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
stepContinue() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
stepContinueWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepContinueWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
stepInto() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
stepInto() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepInto() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
stepInto() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Step to the next executable source line within the program, will enter into functions.
stepInto() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
stepInto() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
stepIntoWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepIntoWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
stepOut() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
stepOut() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepOut() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
stepOut() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Step out of the current method/function onto the next executable soruce line.
stepOut() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
stepOut() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
stepOutWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepOutWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
stepOver() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
stepOver() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepOver() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
stepOver() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Step to the next executable source line within the program, will NOT enter into functions.
stepOver() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
stepOver() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
stepOverWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
stepOverWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
stopConnecting() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
stopConnecting() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Stops connecting to the Player for a debug session.
stopConnecting() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
stopListening() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
stopListening() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Stops listening for new Player attempts to open a debug session.
stopListening() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
StopRequest - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
StreamListener - Class in flash.tools.debugger.concrete
Reads a stream, and sends the contents somewhere.
StreamListener(Reader, Writer) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.StreamListener
Creates a StreamListener which will copy everything from 'in' to 'out'.
strictEquals(Value, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 11.9.6
STRING - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
StringIntArray - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
This class wraps a Nx2 array and provides a List interface for each of the 2 columns of the array.
StringIntArray(Object[]) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
StringIntArray() - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
StringIntArray(int) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.StringIntArray
supportsConcurrency(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
supportsConcurrency() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
supportsConcurrency() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns whether the target player supports concurrency.
supportsConcurrency() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
supportsLaunch() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSessionManager
supportsLaunch() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
Returns whether this platform supports the launch() command; that is, whether the debugger can programmatically launch the Flash player.
supportsLaunch() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
supportsWatchpoints() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
supportsWatchpoints() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
supportsWatchpoints(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
supportsWatchpoints(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
supportsWatchpoints() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
supportsWatchpoints() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns whether the target player supports watchpoints.
supportsWatchpoints() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
supportsWatchpoints() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
supportsWideLineNumbers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
supportsWideLineNumbers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
supportsWideLineNumbers(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
supportsWideLineNumbers(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
supportsWideLineNumbers() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
supportsWideLineNumbers() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
suspend() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
suspend() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
suspend() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
suspend() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Halt a running session.
suspend() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
suspend() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
SuspendedException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
SuspendedException is thrown when the Player is in a state for which the action cannot be performed.
SuspendedException() - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.SuspendedException
suspendReason() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.IsolatePlayerSession
suspendReason() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Return the reason that the player has suspended itself.
suspendReason() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
suspendReason() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Returns a SuspendReason integer which indicates why the Player has suspended execution.
SuspendReason - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Reasons for which the Flash Player will suspend itself
suspendReason() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
suspendReason() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
suspendReasonWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
suspendReasonWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
suspendWorker(int) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
suspendWorker(int) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IsolateController
SwfActionContainer - Class in flash.tools
This class implements the TagHandler interface and provides a mechanism for containing the actions associated with a SWF.
SwfActionContainer(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
SwfActionContainer(InputStream) - Constructor for class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
SwfActionContainer(InputStream, InputStream) - Constructor for class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer
SwfActionContainer.DummyAction - Class in flash.tools
Dummy Action container for housing all of our topmost level actionlists in a convenient form
SwfActionContainer.DummyAction(ActionList) - Constructor for class flash.tools.SwfActionContainer.DummyAction
swfForFile(SourceFile, int) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
Given a SourceFile locate the swf which it came from
SwfInfo - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
The SwfInfo object contains information relating to a particular swf file that was loaded by the Player.
SwfLoadedEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
This event is fired when the player has completed the loading of the specified SWF.
SwfLoadedEvent(long, int, String, String, String, long, long) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
swfSize - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
size of the loaded SWF in bytes
SwfUnloadedEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
This event is fired when the player has unloaded a swf
SwfUnloadedEvent(long, String, int) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfUnloadedEvent


terminate() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Destroys all objects related to the connection including the process that was tied to this session via SessionManager.launch(), if it exists.
terminate(Process) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.ILauncher
Terminate the process started by launch method.
terminate() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Permanently stops the debugging session and breaks the connection.
terminate() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
terminateDebugTarget(Process) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
terminateDebugTarget(Process, ILauncher) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.DefaultDebuggerCallbacks
terminateDebugTarget(Process) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Terminates a debug target process.
terminateDebugTarget(Process, ILauncher) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.IDebuggerCallbacks
Terminates a debug target process by invoking ILauncher.terminate(process)
THIS_ID - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The special ID for pseudo-variable "this".
ThreadSafeASTBuilder - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
ThreadSafeASTBuilder(Object, IASTBuilder) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeASTBuilder
ThreadSafeBootstrap - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Bootstrap
ThreadSafeFrame - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Frame
ThreadSafeIsolate - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Isolate
ThreadSafeIsolateSession - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.IsolateSession
ThreadSafeLocation - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Location
ThreadSafePlayer - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Player
ThreadSafeSession - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Session
ThreadSafeSessionManager - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.SessionManager
ThreadSafeSourceFile - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.SourceFile
ThreadSafeSourceLocator - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
ThreadSafeSourceLocator(Object, SourceLocator) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceLocator
ThreadSafeSwfInfo - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.SwfInfo
ThreadSafeValue - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Value
ThreadSafeValueExp - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.expression.ValueExp
ThreadSafeValueExp(Object, ValueExp) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValueExp
ThreadSafeVariable - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Variable
ThreadSafeWatch - Class in flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe
Thread-safe wrapper for flash.tools.debugger.Watch
toBoolean(Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 9.2
toInt32(Session, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 9.5
toNumber(Session, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 9.3
toPrimitive(Session, Value, ECMA.PreferredType, int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 9.1
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DIsolate
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DLocation
for debugging
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DModule
for debugging
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DSwfInfo
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DValue
Necessary for expression evaluation.
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
Added so that expressions such as a.b.c = e.f work in the command-line interface.
toString(Session, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 9.8
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
toString() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
toString() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.InternalProperty
toString() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.LocationCollection
for debugging
toString() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
toUint32(Session, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.ECMA
ECMA 9.6
toValue(Object) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Converts the object to a Value.
toValue() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.Context
Converts the context to a Value.
toValue(Object) - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
toValue() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionContext
TraceEvent - Class in flash.tools.debugger.events
Trace is a special operation by the player that allows text strings to be displayed during the execution of some ActionScript.
TraceEvent(String) - Constructor for class flash.tools.debugger.events.TraceEvent
TRAITS_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The return value of getTypeName() if this value represents the traits of a class.
transform_boolean_constant(IASNode, Boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_boolean_constant_to_constant(IASNode, Boolean) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform a boolean_constant to a constant_value - essentially a no-op, but need a reduction so we can assign it a cost
transform_constant_function_to_value(IASNode, Object, Vector<Object>) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Reduce a function call to a constant value.
transform_constant_value(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Transform any constant_value into an expression, so we can constant fold all sorts of expressions.
transform_double_constant(IASNode, Double) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_expression_to_constant_value(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_float_constant(IASNode, Float) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_integer_constant(IASNode, Integer) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_name_to_constant_value(IASNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_name_to_expression(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
Transform a name into an expression.
transform_non_resolving_identifier(IASNode, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_numeric_constant(IASNode, Number) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_numeric_constant_to_constant(IASNode, Number) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform a numeric_constant to a constant_value - essentially a no-op, but need a reduction so we can assign it a cost
transform_runtime_name_expression(IASNode, Object) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_string_constant(IASNode, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform_string_constant_to_constant(IASNode, String) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
transform a string_constant to a constant_value - essentially a no-op, but need a reduction so we can assign it a cost
transform_uint_constant(IASNode, Long) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerReducer
typeNameFor(int) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DVariable
Return the internal player string type representation for this variable.


unbind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol
Shutdown our receive thread
unbind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
Permanently stops the debugging session and breaks the connection to the Player
unbind() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Permanently stops the debugging session and breaks the connection.
unbind() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
unbind() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache
unbind() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.FileInfoCache
UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
A special object representing ActionScript's "undefined" value.
UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
unfoldOneLevel(FoldedExpressionNode) - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.expression.IASTFolder
Unfolds onlevel, if required will fold the children
unfoldOneLevel(FoldedExpressionNode) - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.LogicalOperatorsFolder
UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Browser
Indicates an unknown browser type.
Unknown - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.VariableType
UNKNOWN_ID - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.Value
The value returned if somone calls getId() for a Variable which stores a variable of simple type such as String or integer, rather than an Object or MovieClip.
UNRESOLVED - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.BreakAction
url - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.events.SwfLoadedEvent
URL of the loaded SWF
URLEncoder - Class in flash.util
URLHelper - Class in flash.util
URLHelper(String) - Constructor for class flash.util.URLHelper


Value - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
An ActionScript value, for example, the value of a variable or constant.
value - Variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.ExpressionCache.EvaluationResult
The value to which the expression evaluated.
ValueAttribute - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
ValueExp - Interface in flash.tools.debugger.expression
All objects in the abstract syntax tree must provide this interface.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flash.tools.debugger.concrete.BinaryOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol.ListenerIndex
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI.InitialPromptState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf() - Method in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.InternalProperty
values() - Static method in enum flash.tools.debugger.concrete.BinaryOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flash.tools.debugger.concrete.DProtocol.ListenerIndex
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI.InitialPromptState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variable - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
A Variable is any ActionScript variable, such as a String, Number, etc.
VariableAttribute - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
Specific attributes which further qualify a Variable.
VariableFacade - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
A VariableFacade provides a wrapper around a Variable object that provides a convenient way of storing parent information.
VariableFacade(Variable, long, int) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
VariableFacade(long, String, int) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.VariableFacade
VariableType - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
An identifier for the type of a Variable.
VERSION - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
VersionException - Exception in flash.tools.debugger
VersionException is thrown when the Session is connected to a Player that does not support a given operation.
VersionException() - Constructor for exception flash.tools.debugger.VersionException
versionPlatform - Variable in class flash.tools.debugger.AIRLaunchInfo
The version platform argument to pass to AIR's "-XversionPlatform" option.


waitForEvent() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.concrete.PlayerSession
waitForEvent() - Method in interface flash.tools.debugger.Session
Events provide a mechanism whereby status information is provided from the Player in a timely fashion.
waitForEvent() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
Watch - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.SuspendReason
A watchpoint was triggered
Watch - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
The Watch object represents a single watchpoint within a Session A watchpoint is a mechanism by which execution of the Player can be halted when a particular variable is accessed.
WatchAction - Class in flex.tools.debugger.cli
An object that relates a CLI debugger watchpoint with the actual Watch obtained from the Session
WatchAction(Watch) - Constructor for class flex.tools.debugger.cli.WatchAction
WatchKind - Interface in flash.tools.debugger
A descriptor for the type of watchpoint.
willExceptionBeCaught() - Method in class flash.tools.debugger.events.ExceptionFault
Returns true if there is a "catch" block that is going to catch this exception, false if not.
WORKER_DISPLAY_INTERNAL_SWAP_INFO - Static variable in class flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI
Whether the break command will show it changed workers.
wrap(Object, IASTBuilder) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeASTBuilder
Wraps an IASTBuilder inside a ThreadSafeASTBuilder.
wrap(Object, Frame) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
Wraps a Frame inside a ThreadSafeFrame.
wrap(Object, Isolate) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolate
Wraps a Watch inside a ThreadSafeWatch.
wrap(Object, IsolateSession) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolateSession
Wraps a Value inside a ThreadSafeValue.
wrap(Object, Location) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeLocation
Wraps a Location inside a ThreadSafeLocation.
wrap(Object, Player) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafePlayer
Wraps a Player inside a ThreadSafePlayer.
wrap(Object, Session) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSession
Wraps a Session inside a ThreadSafeSession.
wrap(SessionManager) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSessionManager
Wraps a SessionManager inside a ThreadSafeSessionManager.
wrap(Object, SourceFile) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
Wraps a SourceFile inside a ThreadSafeSourceFile.
wrap(Object, SourceLocator) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceLocator
Wraps a SourceLocator inside a ThreadSafeSourceLocator.
wrap(Object, SwfInfo) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
Wraps a SwfInfo inside a ThreadSafeSwfInfo.
wrap(Object, Value) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
Wraps a Value inside a ThreadSafeValue.
wrap(Object, ValueExp) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValueExp
Wraps a ValueExp inside a ThreadSafeValueExp.
wrap(Object, Variable) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
Wraps a Variable inside a ThreadSafeVariable.
wrap(Object, Watch) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
Wraps a Watch inside a ThreadSafeWatch.
wrapArray(Object, Frame[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeFrame
Wraps an array of Frames inside an array of ThreadSafeFrames.
wrapArray(Object, Isolate[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeIsolate
Wraps an array of Locations inside an array of ThreadSafeLocations.
wrapArray(Object, Location[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeLocation
Wraps an array of Locations inside an array of ThreadSafeLocations.
wrapArray(Object, SourceFile[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSourceFile
Wraps an array of SourceFiles inside an array of ThreadSafeSourceFiles.
wrapArray(Object, SwfInfo[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeSwfInfo
Wraps an array of SwfInfos inside an array of ThreadSafeSwfInfos.
wrapArray(Object, Value[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeValue
Wraps an array of Values inside an array of ThreadSafeValues.
wrapArray(Object, Variable[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeVariable
Wraps an array of Variables inside an array of ThreadSafeVariables.
wrapArray(Object, Watch[]) - Static method in class flash.tools.debugger.threadsafe.ThreadSafeWatch
Wraps an array of Watches inside an array of ThreadSafeWatches.
WRITE - Static variable in interface flash.tools.debugger.WatchKind


__array_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__array_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__boolean_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__boolean_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__boolean_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__boolean_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__comparison_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__comparison_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__constant_value_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__constant_value_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__decl_name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__decl_name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__dottedNamePart_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__dottedNamePart_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__double_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__double_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__e4x_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__e4x_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__float_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__float_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__foldedExpression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__foldedExpression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__integer_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__integer_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__new_type_name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__new_type_name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__non_resolving_identifier_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__non_resolving_identifier_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__numeric_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__numeric_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__object_literal_element_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__object_literal_element_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__object_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__object_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__qualifiedNamePart_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__qualifiedNamePart_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__required_constant_value_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__required_constant_value_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__runtime_name_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__runtime_name_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__string_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__string_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__type_name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__type_name_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__type_param_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__type_param_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__uint_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__uint_constant_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__vector_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__vector_literal_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__void_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
__void_expression_NT - Static variable in class flash.tools.debugger.expression.AS3DebuggerBURM
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