Package org.apache.flex.compiler.parsing

This package contains classes and interfaces involved in parsing AS and MXML.

See: Description

Package org.apache.flex.compiler.parsing Description

This package contains classes and interfaces involved in parsing AS and MXML.

An AS file is tokenized to a sequence of IASToken objects, using a tokenizer produced by a JFlex .lex file. The tokens are then used to build an abstract syntax tree for the AS file whose root is an IFileNode. This process is driven by a parser produced from an ANTLR .g file.

An MXML file is tokenized to a sequence of IMXMLToken objects, using a tokenizer produced by a JFlex .lex file. The tokens are then used to build an syntactic representation of the MXML file as tags and attributes (MXMLData). An abstract syntax tree for the MXML file is built from the MXMLData.

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