addMetaData(Object, Object) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextHit
ALL_SCOPE - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
The ALL_SCOPE scope provides the context annotation that are found in all three of the other scopes (LEFT, MIDDLE, and RIGHT).
analyzeContext(List<? extends Annotation>, int) - Method in interface org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnalyzer
This method is called by the ContextAnnotator.
analyzeContext(List<? extends Annotation>, int) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnalyzerAdapter
analyzeContext(List<? extends Annotation>, int) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation.NegationContextAnalyzer
This method analyzes a list of tokens looking for a negation pattern as specified by the class NegationFSM.
analyzeContext(List<? extends Annotation>, int) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status.StatusContextAnalyzer
Analyze a list of tokens looking for a status pattern as specified by the class StatusIndicatorFSM.


consumeHit(JCas, Annotation, int, ContextHit) - Method in interface org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextHitConsumer
Implementation determines how context data is stored to the CAS.
consumeHit(JCas, Annotation, int, ContextHit) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextHitConsumerAdapter
consumeHit(JCas, Annotation, int, ContextHit) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.NamedEntityContextHitConsumer
consumeHit(JCas, Annotation, int, ContextHit) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation.NegationContextHitConsumer
consumeHit(JCas, Annotation, int, ContextHit) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status.StatusContextHitConsumer
CONTEXT_ANALYZER_CLASS_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"ContextAnalyzerClass" is a required, single, string parameter that specifies the context analyzer class that determines if a "hit" is found within a processed scope.
CONTEXT_ANNOTATION_CLASS_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"ContextAnnotationClass" is a required, single, string parameter that specifies the annotation type of the context annotations (often "tokens") that make up the context relative to a focus annotation within a scope that is being examined.
CONTEXT_HIT_CONSUMER_CLASS_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"ContextHitConsumerClass" is a required, single, string parameter that specifies the context hit consumer class that will process context hits that are found.
ContextAnalyzer - Interface in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
A context analyzer analyzes a set of annotations that make up a context and produces context hits which are consumed by context hit consumers.
contextAnalyzer - Variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
ContextAnalyzerAdapter - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
ContextAnalyzerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnalyzerAdapter
ContextAnnotator - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
The context annotator iterates through focus annotations and analyzes the surrounding context of each.
ContextAnnotator() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
contextConsumer - Variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
ContextHit - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
Object represents a hit relating to a focus annotation.
ContextHit(int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextHit
ContextHitConsumer - Interface in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
A context hit consumer is called by the context annotator when a context hit is returned by its context analyzer.
ContextHitConsumerAdapter - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
ContextHitConsumerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextHitConsumerAdapter
createContextAnnot(JCas, Annotation, int, ContextHit) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.NamedEntityContextHitConsumer
CTX_HIT_KEY_STATUS_TYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status.StatusContextAnalyzer


FOCUS_ANNOTATION_CLASS_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"FocusAnnotationClass" is a required, single, string parameter that specifies the annotation type of the focus annotations that are going to be examined by this annotator.


getLeftScopeContextAnnotations(JCas, Annotation, Annotation) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
getMetaData(Object) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextHit
getMiddleScopeContextAnnotations(JCas, Annotation) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
getRightScopeContextAnnotations(JCas, Annotation, Annotation) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
getScopeContextAnnotations(JCas, Annotation, Annotation, int) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator


initialize(UimaContext) - Method in interface org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnalyzer
This will be called by the ContextAnnotator during its initialize method
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnalyzerAdapter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.NamedEntityContextAnalyzer
isBoundary(Annotation, int) - Method in interface org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnalyzer
This method is called by the ContextAnnotator.
isBoundary(Annotation, int) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnalyzerAdapter
isBoundary(Annotation, int) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.NamedEntityContextAnalyzer


LEFT_SCOPE - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
leftScopeSize - Variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator


MAX_LEFT_SCOPE_SIZE_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"MaxLeftScopeSize" is a required, single, integer parameter that specifies the maximum size of the left scope.
MAX_RIGHT_SCOPE_SIZE_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"MaxRightScopeSize" is a required, single, integer parameter that specifies the maximum size of the right scope.
MIDDLE_SCOPE - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
Provides context annotations that are "inside" the focus annotation.


NamedEntityContextAnalyzer - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
This context analyzer provides code that is shared by the StatusContextAnalyzer and NegationContextAnalyzer which are both analyzers that examine the contexts surrounding named entity annotations.
NamedEntityContextAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.NamedEntityContextAnalyzer
NamedEntityContextHitConsumer - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
NamedEntityContextHitConsumer() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.NamedEntityContextHitConsumer
NegationContextAnalyzer - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation
NegationContextAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation.NegationContextAnalyzer
NegationContextHitConsumer - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation
NegationContextHitConsumer() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation.NegationContextHitConsumer


org.apache.ctakes.necontexts - package org.apache.ctakes.necontexts
org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation - package org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.negation
org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status - package org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status


process(JCas) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator


RIGHT_SCOPE - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
rightScopeSize - Variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator


SCOPE_ORDER_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"ScopeOrder" is a required, multiple, string parameter that specifies the order that the scopes should be processed in.
scopes - Variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
StatusContextAnalyzer - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status
StatusContextAnalyzer() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status.StatusContextAnalyzer
StatusContextHitConsumer - Class in org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status
StatusContextHitConsumer() - Constructor for class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.status.StatusContextHitConsumer


WINDOW_ANNOTATION_CLASS_PARAM - Static variable in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.ContextAnnotator
"WindowAnnotationClass" is a required, single, string parameter that specifies the annotation type of the windows that specify the hard boundaries of scopes.
wrapAsFsmTokens(List<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class org.apache.ctakes.necontexts.NamedEntityContextAnalyzer
This method converts Token annotations to TextTokens required by the fsm library used by both subclasses of this class.


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