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build(Document) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds work from the given document.
build(InputStream) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
byOrganisation(Element, Organisation) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds a by-organisation model from xml.
byOrganisation(Element, Map<String, Organisation>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds a by-organisation model from xml.


collectByOrganisations(Element, Map<String, Organisation>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Collects by-organisation children.
collectContents(Document, Map<String, License>, Map<String, Organisation>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Collects contents of the document.
collectResources(Element) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder


DuplicateElementException - Exception in org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml
Indicates that a duplicate of an existing element has been unexpectedly encountered.
DuplicateElementException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.DuplicateElementException
Constructs an exception indicating that a duplicate of an existing element has been unexpectedly encountered.


getActualElement() - Method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.UnexpectedElementException
Gets the name of the element that occured.
getExpectedElement() - Method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.UnexpectedElementException
Gets the name of the element that was expected.
getId() - Method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.MissingIDException
Gets the ID whose linked element is missing.
getLinkedElement() - Method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.MissingIDException
Gets the name of the missing element linked by ID.
getLinkingElement() - Method in exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.MissingIDException
Gets the name of the present element linked to a missing element by an ID.


InvalidXmlException - Exception in org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml
Indicates that the XML document breaks a semantic rule.
InvalidXmlException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.InvalidXmlException


JDomBuilder - Class in org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml
Builds a model from xml using JDOM.
JDomBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder


license(Element) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds a license model from xml.
license(Element, Map<String, License>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Finds the license with an id matching that referenced by the element.


mapLicenses(Document) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Collects license definitions within document.
mapNotices(Document) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Collects notices in the given documents.
mapOrganisations(Document) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Collects organisation definitions within document.
MissingIDException - Exception in org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml
Indicates that the element linked by ID is missing.
MissingIDException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.MissingIDException
Constructs an instance.


org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml - package org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml
organisation(Element) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds an organisation model from xml.
organisation(Element, Map<String, Organisation>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Finds the organisation linked by ID from the given element.


parameters(Element) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds a list of parameter values by name.
primaryCopyrightNotice(Document) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Gets the additional primary copyright notice from the document.
primaryLicense(Document, Map<String, License>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Finds the primary license for the given document from the given licenses.
primaryNotice(Document) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Retrieves the text of the primary notice.
primaryOrganisationId(Document) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Retrieves the ID of the primary organisation.
publicDomain(Map<String, Organisation>, Element) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Collects child organisations of public domain.


resource(Element) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds a resource.


UnexpectedElementException - Exception in org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml
Indicates that an unexpected element occurred in the xml.
UnexpectedElementException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.UnexpectedElementException
Constructs an instance.


withinDirectory(Element, Map<String, License>, Map<String, Organisation>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds a within directory model from XML.
withLicense(Element, Map<String, License>, Map<String, Organisation>) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Builds a with-license model from xml.
withLicenses(Map<String, License>, Map<String, Organisation>, Element) - Method in class org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Collects child with-licenses.
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