Chapter 10. Lifecycle Events

Table of Contents

Types of Lifecycle Events
Callbacks on Persistent Objects
Callbacks on Non-Persistent Listeners
Combining Listeners with DataChannelFilters

An application might be interested in getting notified when a Persistent object moves through its lifecycle (i.e. fetched from DB, created, modified, committed). E.g. when a new object is created, the application may want to initialize its default properties (this can't be done in constructor, as constructor is also called when an object is fetched from DB). Before save, the application may perform validation and/or set some properties (e.g. "updatedTimestamp"). After save it may want to create an audit record for each saved object, etc., etc.

All this can be achieved by declaring callback methods either in Persistent objects or in non-persistent listener classes defined by the application (further simply called "listeners"). There are eight types of lifecycle events supported by Cayenne, listed later in this chapter. When any such event occurs (e.g. an object is committed), Cayenne would invoke all appropriate callbacks. Persistent objects would receive their own events, while listeners would receive events from any objects.

Cayenne allows to build rather powerful and complex "workflows" or "processors" tied to objects lifecycle, especially with listeners, as they have full access to the application evnironment outside Cayenne. This power comes from such features as filtering which entity events are sent to a given listener and the ability to create a common operation context for multiple callback invocations. All of these are discussed later in this chapter.

Types of Lifecycle Events

Cayenne defines the following 8 types of lifecycle events for which callbacks can be regsitered:

Table 10.1. Lifecycle Event Types
Event Occurs...
PostAdd right after a new object is created inside ObjectContext.newObject(). When this event is fired the object is already registered with its ObjectContext and has its ObjectId and ObjectContext properties set.
PrePersist right before a new object is committed, inside ObjectContext.commitChanges() and ObjectContext.commitChangesToParent() (and prior to "validateForInsert()").
PreUpdate right before a modified object is committed, inside ObjectContext.commitChanges() and ObjectContext.commitChangesToParent() (and prior to "validateForUpdate()").
PreRemove right before an object is deleted, inside ObjectContext.deleteObjects(). The event is also generated for each object indirectly deleted as a result of CASCADE delete rule.
PostPersist right after a commit of a new object is done, inside ObjectContext.commitChanges().
PostUpdate right after a commit of a modified object is done, inside ObjectContext.commitChanges().
PostRemove right after a commit of a deleted object is done, inside ObjectContext.commitChanges().
  • After an object is fetched inside ObjectContext.performQuery().

  • After an object is reverted inside ObjectContext.rollbackChanges().

  • Anytime a faulted object is resolved (i.e. if a relationship is fetched).

Callbacks on Persistent Objects

Callback methods on Persistent classes are mapped in CayenneModeler for each ObjEntity. Empty callback methods are automatically created as a part of class generation (either with Maven, Ant or the Modeler) and are later filled with appropriate logic by the programmer. E.g. assuming we mapped a 'post-add' callback called 'onNewOrder' in ObjEntity 'Order', the following code will be generated:

public abstract class _Order extends CayenneDataObject {
    protected abstract void onNewOrder();

public class Order extends _Order {

    protected void onNewOrder() {
        //TODO: implement onNewOrder

As onNewOrder() is already declared in the mapping, it does not need to be registered explicitly. Implementing the method in subclass to do something meaningful is all that is required at this point.

As a rule callback methods do not have any knowledge of the outside application, and can only access the state of the object itself and possibly the state of other persistent objects via object's own ObjectContext.


Validation and callbacks: There is a clear overlap in functionality between object callbacks and DataObject.validateForX() methods. In the future validation may be completely superceeded by callbacks. It is a good idea to use "validateForX" strictly for validation (or not use it at all). Updating the state before commit should be done via callbacks.

Callbacks on Non-Persistent Listeners


While listener callback methods can be declared in the Modeler (at least as of this wrting), which ensures their automatic registration in runtime, there's a big downside to it. The power of the listeners lies in their complete separation from the XML mapping. The mapping once created, can be reused in different contexts each having a different set of listeners. Placing a Java class of the listener in the XML mapping, and relying on Cayenne to instantiate the listeners severly limits mapping reusability. Further down in this chapter we'll assume that the listener classes are never present in the DataMap and are registered via API.

A listener is simply some application class that has one or more annotated callback methods. A callback method signature should be void someMethod(SomePersistentType object). It can be public, private, protected or use default access:

 public class OrderListener { 
   public void setDefaultsForNewOrder(Order o) {
      o.setCreatedOn(new Date());

Notice that the example above contains an annotation on the callback method that defines the type of the event this method should be called for. Before we go into annotation details, we'll show how to create and register a listener with Cayenne. It is always a user responsibility to register desired application listeners, usually right after ServerRuntime is started. Here is an example:

First let's define 2 simple listeners.

public class Listener1 {

    void postAdd(Persistent object) {
        // do something

public class Listener2 {

    @PostRemove({ MyEntity1.class, MyEntity2.class })
    void postRemove(Persistent object) {
        // do something

    @PostUpdate({ MyEntity1.class, MyEntity2.class })
    void postUpdate(Persistent object) {
        // do something

Ignore the annotations for a minute. The important point here is that the listeners are arbitrary classes unmapped and unknown to Cayenne, that contain some callback methods. Now let's register them with runtime:

ServerRuntime runtime = ...

LifecycleCallbackRegistry registry = 

registry.addListener(new Listener1());
registry.addListener(new Listener2());

Listeners in this example are very simple. However they don't have to be. Unlike Persistent objects, normally listeners initialization is managed by the application code, not Cayenne, so listeners may have knowledge of various application services, operation transactional context, etc. Besides a single listener can apply to multiple entities. As a consequence their callbacks can do more than just access a single ObjectContext.

Now let's discuss the annotations. There are eight annotations exactly matching the names of eight lifecycle events. A callback method in a listener should be annotated with at least one, but possibly with more than one of them. Annotation itself defines what event the callback should react to. Annotation parameters are essentially an entity filter, defining a subset of ObjEntities whose events we are interested in:

// this callback will be invoked on PostRemove event of any object 
// belonging to MyEntity1, MyEntity2 or their subclasses
@PostRemove({ MyEntity1.class, MyEntity2.class })
void postRemove(Persistent object) {
// similar example with multipe annotations on a single method
// each matching just one entity
void postCommit(MyEntity1 object) {

As shown above, "value" (the implicit annotation parameter) can contain one or more entity classes. Only these entities' events will result in callback invocation. There's also another way to match entities - via custom annotations. This allows to match any number of entities without even knowing what they are. Here is an example. We'll first define a custom annotation:

public @interface Tag {


Now we can define a listener that will react to events from ObjEntities annotated with this annotation:

public class Listener3 {

    @PostAdd(entityAnnotations = Tag.class)
    void postAdd(Persistent object) {
        // do something

As you see we don't have any entities yet, still we can define a listener that does something useful. Now let's annotate some entities:

public class MyEntity1 extends _MyEntity1 {


public class MyEntity2 extends _MyEntity2 {


Combining Listeners with DataChannelFilters

A final touch in the listeners design is preserving the state of the listener within a single select or commit, so that events generated by multiple objects can be collected and processed all together. To do that you will need to implement a DataChannelFilter, and add some callback methods to it. They will store their state in a ThreadLocal variable of the filter. Here is an example filter that does something pretty meaningless - counts how many total objects were committed. However it demonstrates the important pattern of aggregating multiple events and presenting a combined result:

public class CommittedObjectCounter implements DataChannelFilter {

    private ThreadLocal<int[]> counter;

    public void init(DataChannel channel) {
        counter = new ThreadLocal<int[]>();

    public QueryResponse onQuery(ObjectContext originatingContext, Query query, DataChannelFilterChain filterChain) {
        return filterChain.onQuery(originatingContext, query);

    public GraphDiff onSync(ObjectContext originatingContext, GraphDiff changes, int syncType,
            DataChannelFilterChain filterChain) {
        // init the counter for the current commit
        counter.set(new int[1]);

        try {
            return filterChain.onSync(originatingContext, changes, syncType);
        } finally {

            // process aggregated result and release the counter
            System.out.println("Committed " + counter.get()[0] + " object(s)");

    @PostPersist(entityAnnotations = Tag.class)
    @PostUpdate(entityAnnotations = Tag.class)
    @PostRemove(entityAnnotations = Tag.class)
    void afterCommit(Persistent object) {

Now since this is both a filter and a listener, it needs to be registered as such:

CommittedObjectCounter counter = new CommittedObjectCounter();

ServerRuntime runtime = ...
DataDomain domain = runtime.getDataDomain();

// register filter

// register listener