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Class org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn

Removed Constructors
ClientCnxn(String, int, ZooKeeper, ClientWatchManager)  
ClientCnxn(String, int, ZooKeeper, ClientWatchManager, long, byte[]) Creates a connection object.

Added Constructors
ClientCnxn(String, HostProvider, int, ZooKeeper, ClientWatchManager, ClientCnxnSocket, boolean) Creates a connection object.
ClientCnxn(String, HostProvider, int, ZooKeeper, ClientWatchManager, ClientCnxnSocket, long, byte[], boolean) Creates a connection object.

Added Methods
boolean getDisableAutoResetWatch() tests use this to check on reset of watches
long getLastZxid()  
int getSessionTimeout()  
int getXid()  
void saslCompleted()  
void sendPacket(Record, Record, AsyncCallback, int)  
void setDisableAutoResetWatch(boolean) tests use this to set the auto reset
void start()  
ReplyHeader submitRequest(RequestHeader, Record, Record, WatchRegistration, WatchDeregistration)  

Removed Fields
boolean disableAutoWatchReset This controls whether automatic watch resetting is enabled.

Added Fields
ZooKeeperSaslClient zooKeeperSaslClient  

Changed Fields
int packetLen Change from non-final to final.