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Package org.apache.zookeeper

Added Classes and Interfaces
AsyncCallback.Children2Callback This callback is used to retrieve the children and stat of the node.
AsyncCallback.MultiCallback This callback is used to process the multiple results from a single multi call.
KeeperException.NotReadOnlyException @see Code#NOTREADONLY
KeeperException.SessionMovedException @see Code#SESSIONMOVED
MultiResponse Handles the response from a multi request.
MultiTransactionRecord Encodes a composite transaction.
Op Represents a single operation in a multi-operation transaction.
OpResult Encodes the result of a single part of a multiple operation commit.
OpResult.CheckResult A result from a version check operation.
OpResult.CreateResult A result from a create operation.
OpResult.DeleteResult A result from a delete operation.
OpResult.ErrorResult An error result from any kind of operation.
OpResult.SetDataResult A result from a setData operation.
SaslClientCallbackHandler This is used by the SASL mechanisms to get further information to complete the authentication.
Shell A base class for running a Unix command.
Shell.ExitCodeException This is an IOException with exit code added.
Shell.ShellCommandExecutor A simple shell command executor.
Transaction Provides a builder style interface for doing multiple updates.

Changed Classes and Interfaces
ClientCnxn This class manages the socket i/o for the client.
Environment Provide insight into the runtime environment.
KeeperException.BadArgumentsException @see Code#BADARGUMENTS
KeeperException.BadVersionException @see Code#BADVERSION
KeeperException.Code Codes which represent the various KeeperException types.
KeeperException.InvalidACLException @see Code#INVALIDACL
KeeperException.NoChildrenForEphemeralsException @see Code#NOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS
KeeperException.NoNodeException @see Code#NONODE
KeeperException.NodeExistsException @see Code#NODEEXISTS
KeeperException.NotEmptyException @see Code#NOTEMPTY
Watcher.Event.KeeperState Enumeration of states the ZooKeeper may be at the event
ZooKeeper This is the main class of ZooKeeper client library.
ZooKeeperMain The command line client to ZooKeeper.