View Javadoc
1   package org.apache.turbine.util.uri;
4   import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
5   import org.apache.fulcrum.parser.ParameterParser;
6   import org.apache.turbine.util.RunData;
7   import org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData;
9   /**
10   * This class allows you to keep all the information needed for a single
11   * link at one place. It keeps your query data, path info, the server
12   * scheme, name, port and the script path. It is tuned for usage with a
13   * Template System e.g. Velocity.
14   *
15   * If you must generate a Turbine Link in a Template System, use this class.
16   *
17   * @author <a href="">Henning P. Schmiedehausen</a>
18   * @version $Id: 1886259 2021-02-06 16:54:03Z tv $
19   */
21  public class TemplateURI
22          extends TurbineURI
23  {
24      /**
25       * Empty C'tor. Uses Turbine.getDefaultServerData().
26       *
27       */
28      public TemplateURI()
29      {
30          super();
31      }
33      /**
34       * Constructor with a RunData object
35       *
36       * @param runData A RunData object
37       */
38      public TemplateURI(RunData runData)
39      {
40          super(runData);
41      }
43      /**
44       * Constructor, set explicit redirection
45       *
46       * @param runData A RunData object
47       * @param redirect True if redirection allowed.
48       */
49      public TemplateURI(RunData runData, boolean redirect)
50      {
51          super(runData, redirect);
52      }
54      /**
55       * Constructor, set Template
56       *
57       * @param runData A RunData object
58       * @param template A Template Name
59       */
60      public TemplateURI(RunData runData, String template)
61      {
62          super(runData);
63          setTemplate(template);
64      }
66      /**
67       * Constructor, set Template, set explicit redirection
68       *
69       * @param runData A RunData object
70       * @param template A Template Name
71       * @param redirect True if redirection allowed.
72       */
73      public TemplateURI(RunData runData, String template, boolean redirect)
74      {
75          super(runData, redirect);
76          setTemplate(template);
77      }
79      /**
80       * Constructor, set Template and Action
81       *
82       * @param runData A RunData object
83       * @param template A Template Name
84       * @param action An Action Name
85       */
86      public TemplateURI(RunData runData, String template, String action)
87      {
88          this(runData, template);
89          setAction(action);
90      }
92      /**
93       * Constructor, set Template and Action, set explicit redirection
94       *
95       * @param runData A RunData object
96       * @param template A Template Name
97       * @param action An Action Name
98       * @param redirect True if redirection allowed.
99       */
100     public TemplateURI(RunData runData, String template, String action, boolean redirect)
101     {
102         this(runData, template, redirect);
103         setAction(action);
104     }
106     /**
107      * Constructor with a ServerData object
108      *
109      * @param serverData A ServerData object
110      */
111     public TemplateURI(ServerData serverData)
112     {
113         super(serverData);
114     }
116     /**
117      * Constructor, set explicit redirection
118      *
119      * @param serverData A ServerData object
120      * @param redirect True if redirection allowed.
121      */
122     public TemplateURI(ServerData serverData, boolean redirect)
123     {
124         super(serverData, redirect);
125     }
127     /**
128      * Constructor, set Template
129      *
130      * @param serverData A ServerData object
131      * @param template A Template Name
132      */
133     public TemplateURI(ServerData serverData, String template)
134     {
135         super(serverData);
136         setTemplate(template);
137     }
139     /**
140      * Constructor, set Template, set explicit redirection
141      *
142      * @param serverData A ServerData object
143      * @param template A Template Name
144      * @param redirect True if redirection allowed.
145      */
146     public TemplateURI(ServerData serverData, String template, boolean redirect)
147     {
148         super(serverData, redirect);
149         setTemplate(template);
150     }
152     /**
153      * Constructor, set Template and Action
154      *
155      * @param serverData A ServerData object
156      * @param template A Template Name
157      * @param action An Action Name
158      */
159     public TemplateURI(ServerData serverData, String template, String action)
160     {
161         this(serverData, template);
162         setAction(action);
163     }
165     /**
166      * Constructor, set Template and Action, set explicit redirection
167      *
168      * @param serverData A ServerData object
169      * @param template A Template Name
170      * @param action An Action Name
171      * @param redirect True if redirection allowed.
172      */
173     public TemplateURI(ServerData serverData, String template, String action, boolean redirect)
174     {
175         this(serverData, template, redirect);
176         setAction(action);
177     }
179     /**
180      * Constructor, user Turbine.getDefaultServerData(), set Template and Action
181      *
182      * @param template A Template Name
183      * @param action An Action Name
184      */
185     public TemplateURI(String template, String action)
186     {
187         this();
188         setTemplate(template);
189         setAction(action);
190     }
192     /**
193      * Sets the template= value for this URL.
194      *
195      * By default it adds the information to the path_info instead
196      * of the query data. An empty value (null or "") cleans out
197      * an existing value.
198      *
199      * @param template A String with the template value.
200      */
201     public void setTemplate(String template)
202     {
203         if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(template))
204         {
205             add(PATH_INFO, CGI_TEMPLATE_PARAM, template);
206         }
207         else
208         {
209             clearTemplate();
210         }
211     }
213     /**
214      * Clears the template= value for this URL.
215      *
216      */
217     public void clearTemplate()
218     {
219         removePathInfo(CGI_TEMPLATE_PARAM);
220     }
222     /*
223      * ========================================================================
224      *
225      * Protected / Private Methods
226      *
227      * ========================================================================
228      *
229      */
231     /**
232      * Method for a quick way to add all the parameters in a
233      * ParameterParser.
234      *
235      * <p>If the type is P (0), then add name/value to the pathInfo
236      * hashtable.
237      *
238      * <p>If the type is Q (1), then add name/value to the queryData
239      * hashtable.
240      *
241      * @param type Type of insertion (@see #add(char type, String name, String value))
242      * @param pp A ParameterParser.
243      */
244     @Override
245     protected void add(int type,
246             ParameterParser pp)
247     {
248         for (Object name : pp.keySet())
249         {
250             String key = (String) name;
252             if (!key.equalsIgnoreCase(CGI_ACTION_PARAM) &&
253                     !key.equalsIgnoreCase(CGI_SCREEN_PARAM) &&
254                     !key.equalsIgnoreCase(CGI_TEMPLATE_PARAM))
255             {
256                 String[] values = pp.getStrings(key);
257                 if(values != null)
258                 {
259                     for (String value : values)
260                     {
261                         add(type, key, value);
262                     }
263                 }
264                 else
265                 {
266                     add(type, key, "");
267                 }
268             }
269         }
270     }
271 }