Apache Turbine Project Board Report, August 2008


The project continues on with its typical activity pattern, i.e. occasional bursts of development.

The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.

Community changes

No new committers were voted in since the last board report.

No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.

Turbine core project

Subsequent to the release of Turbine 2.3.3 RC1, a long standing memory leak was highlighted and fixed. The 2.3.3 release is now ready to go and only awaits the attention of the release manager to produce the artefacts and call for a vote.

Releases since the last board report:

  • Turbine 2.3.3 RC1

Fulcrum component project

Thomas Vandahl continues to port various enhancements made to Turbine 2.3.3 to the separated fulcrum components as well as generally cleaning up code and adding documentation.

Siegfried Goeschl continues to commit tweaks and more significant enhancements to a number of fulcrum components (notably the addition of Spring integration for the YAAFI container and the ability to run an embedded Jetty container as a service) and on migrating the build process to Maven 2.

No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.

META project

No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.