Contact us

The communication between the developers and the user community in the Apache Turbine project is intended to be as open and accessible as possible. This is why we prefer to have public mailing lists to which everyone can subscribe and which are archived.

For bug reporting and issue tracking, Turbine uses the JIRA bug tracker at the Apache Software Foundation. Please report bugs using the tracker, if you send them to the mailing lists, most of the times a member of the Turbine Community will point you there anyway. Using the bug tracker makes sure that your bug report is recorded and processed in a timely manner.

Mailing lists

Please be aware that sending confidential or private data to these lists is strongly discouraged and if this happens, we can not do anything to remove or erase this information from public archives.

We also strongly frown upon disclaimers attached to mails sent to these lists that declare the contents to be confidential, private or only intended for the recipient. But we understand that these disclaimers are often beyond your control. However, by sending mail to a Turbine mailing list, the intended recipient is the general public.

List name Address Archives Subscribe Unsubscribe Purpose
general Send a message Main archive Mark Mail archive Subscribe Unsubscribe Discuss matters relating to the Turbine project as a whole (e.g. matters relating to possible changes to procedures, the project website, etc.).
user Send a message Main archive Mark Mail archive Subscribe Unsubscribe General discussion for developers wanting to use Apache Turbine or components of it.
dev Send a message Main archive Mark Mail archive Subscribe Unsubscribe Watch the Turbine development process. Participate in Turbine development yourself.
commits   Main archive Mark Mail archive Subscribe Unsubscribe Monitor the changes to the Turbine Source Code repository.
tdk-dev   Main archive Mark Mail archive     Decommissioned list relating to the now closed TDK sub-project.
List name Description
general This list is used for general, Turbine project related, discussion and announcements. This list is not for specific questions on how to do something using Turbine but for questions about Turbine. Usually very low volume.
user This mailing list is intended for questions around using Apache Turbine and its sub projects in your own code and pretty much everything else related to Turbine. If you are a developer and want to use Turbine, subscribe here. This list has a moderate volume.
dev Found a bug, have a patch, want to improve Turbine? Subscribe to this mailing list, this is where all the developers hang out. Please do not ask questions on how to use Turbine unless it is related to a problem with Turbine itself. This list has low to moderate volume.
commits This list reflects all the commit messages to the Turbine Subversion source code repository.

Issue Tracking

Currently Turbine uses a single issue tracker with the various Turbine sub projects configured as components:

Project Issue tracker Component
Turbine core - trunk JIRA Core
Turbine core - 2.3 branch JIRA Turbine 2.3
Fulcrum - all components JIRA Fulcrum
Turbine Site JIRA Site

Contacting the Apache Turbine PMC

The Apache Turbine Project Management Committee (PMC) provides oversight to the project and is legally responsible for all software releases. It reports to the Board of the Apache Software Foundation quarterly. The reports are archived and public.

The Apache Turbine PMC can be reached at