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1   package org.apache.fulcrum.osworkflow;
4   /*
5    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
6    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
7    * distributed with this work for additional information
8    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
9    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
10   * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
11   * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
12   *
13   *
14   *
15   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
16   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
18   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
19   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
20   * under the License.
21   */
23  import java.util.ArrayList;
24  import java.util.Collections;
25  import java.util.List;
26  import java.util.Map;
27  import com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertySet;
28  import com.opensymphony.workflow.InvalidInputException;
29  import com.opensymphony.workflow.Workflow;
30  import com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException;
31  import com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.ActionDescriptor;
32  import com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.WorkflowDescriptor;
33  import com.opensymphony.workflow.query.WorkflowQuery;
34  /***
35   * WorkflowInstance represents a specific instance of a workflow.  Therefore it has
36   * all the context information like what state it is in, what it's actions are etc.
37   *
38   * @author <a href="">Eric Pugh</a>
39   * @version $Id: 535465 2007-05-05 06:58:06Z tv $
40   */
41  public class WorkflowInstance
42  {
43      /*** The workflow that this instance is a type of */
44      private Workflow workflow;
46      /*** The id of this workflow */
47      private long id;
49      /***
50       * @return long id of this workflow
51       */
52      public long getId()
53      {
54          return id;
55      }
56      /***
57       * Make sure that the user can't construct a workflow instance directly.
58       * Must use the service instead.
59       *
60       */
61      private WorkflowInstance()
62      {
63          // can't use this version
64      }
66      /***
67       * Simple constructor to create a workflow instance with the workflow, and the id of an
68       * instance of the workflow.
69       * @param workflow The workflow this instance belongs to
70       * @param id The id of this workflow instance
71       */
72      public WorkflowInstance(Workflow workflow, long id)
73      {
74          this.workflow = workflow;
75 = id;
76      }
77      /***
78       * @param String workflowName The name of the workflow to be checked
79       * @param int initialStep  The initial step I want to check
80       * @return boolean whether we can initialize at this step or not
81       * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
82       */
83      public boolean canInitialize(String workflowName, int initialStep)
84          throws WorkflowException
85      {
86          return workflow.canInitialize(workflowName, initialStep);
87      }
88      /***
89       * Whether you can modify the entry state of this workflow instance
90       *
91       * @param int step The step to check
92       * @return Whether we can modify the entry state
93       * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
94       */
95      public boolean canModifyEntryState(int step) throws WorkflowException
96      {
97          return workflow.canModifyEntryState(getId(), step);
98      }
99      /***
100      * Modify the state of the specified workflow instance.
101      * @param entryState the new state to change the workflow instance to.
102      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If a problem occurs
103      */
104     public void changeEntryState(int entryState) throws WorkflowException
105     {
106         workflow.changeEntryState(getId(), entryState);
107     }
108     /***
109      * Perform an action on the the workflow instance.
110      * @param actionId The action id to perform (action id's are listed in the workflow descriptor).
111      * @param inputs The inputs to the workflow instance.
112      * @throws InvalidInputException if a validator is specified and an input is invalid.
113      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If a problem occurs
114      */
115     public void doAction(int actionId, Map inputs)
116         throws InvalidInputException, WorkflowException
117     {
118         workflow.doAction(getId(), actionId, inputs);
119     }
120     /***
121      * Returns whether another workflow equals this workflow.  Doesn't compare
122      * the id's.
123      * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
124      */
125     public boolean equals(Object obj)
126     {
127         return workflow.equals(obj);
128     }
129     /***
130      * Executes a special trigger-function using the context of the workflow instance.
131      *
132      * @param triggerId The id of the special trigger-function
133      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
134      */
135     public void executeTriggerFunction(int triggerId) throws WorkflowException
136     {
137         workflow.executeTriggerFunction(getId(), triggerId);
138     }
139     /***
140      * Get the available actions for the workflow instance.
141      * @param inputs The inputs map to pass on to conditions
142      * @return An array of action id's that can be performed on the specified entry
143      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified id does not exist, or if its workflow
144      * descriptor is no longer available or has become invalid.
145      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
146      */
147     public int[] getAvailableActions(Map inputs) throws WorkflowException
148     {
149         return workflow.getAvailableActions(getId(), inputs);
150     }
151     /***
152      * Returns a Collection of Step objects that are the current steps of the workflow instance.
153      *
154      * @return The steps that the workflow instance is currently in.
155      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
156      */
157     public List getCurrentSteps() throws WorkflowException
158     {
159         return workflow.getCurrentSteps(getId());
160     }
161     /***
162      * Return the state of the workflow instance.
163      * @return int The state id of the specified workflow
164      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
165      */
166     public int getEntryState() throws WorkflowException
167     {
168         return workflow.getEntryState(getId());
169     }
170     /***
171      * Returns a list of all steps that are completed for the workflow instance.
172      *
173      * @return a List of Steps
174      * @see com.opensymphony.workflow.spi.Step
175      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
176      */
177     public List getHistorySteps() throws WorkflowException
178     {
179         return workflow.getHistorySteps(getId());
180     }
181     /***
182      * Get the PropertySet for the workflow instance.
183      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
184      */
185     public PropertySet getPropertySet() throws WorkflowException
186     {
187         return workflow.getPropertySet(getId());
188     }
189     /***
190      * Get a collection (Strings) of currently defined permissions for the workflow instance.
191      * @return A List of permissions specified currently (a permission is a string name).
192      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
193      */
194     public List getSecurityPermissions() throws WorkflowException
195     {
196         return workflow.getSecurityPermissions(getId());
197     }
198     /***
199      * Get the workflow descriptor for the workflow instance.
200      *
201      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
202      */
203     public WorkflowDescriptor getWorkflowDescriptor() throws WorkflowException
204     {
205         return workflow.getWorkflowDescriptor(getWorkflowName());
206     }
207     /***
208      * Get the name of the specified workflow instance.
209      * @return The name
210      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
211      */
212     public String getWorkflowName() throws WorkflowException
213     {
214         return workflow.getWorkflowName(getId());
215     }
216     /***
217      * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
218      */
219     public int hashCode()
220     {
221         return workflow.hashCode();
222     }
223     /***
224      * Execute a workflow query and returns the list of workflows
225      * @param query The workflow query
226      * @return a List of workflows
227      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
228      */
229     public List query(WorkflowQuery query) throws WorkflowException
230     {
231         return workflow.query(query);
232     }
233     /***
234      * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
235      */
236     public String toString()
237     {
238         return workflow.toString();
239     }
240     /***
241      * Get the available actions for the workflow instance.
242      * @return An list of actions that can be performed on the specified entry
243      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified id does not exist, or if its workflow
244      * descriptor is no longer available or has become invalid.
245      * @throws com.opensymphony.workflow.WorkflowException If there is a problem
246      */
247     public List getAllAvailableActions() throws WorkflowException
248     {
249         List actions = new ArrayList();
250         int actionIds[] =
251             workflow.getAvailableActions(getId(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
252         for (int i = 0; i < actionIds.length; i++)
253         {
254             ActionDescriptor action =
255                 getWorkflowDescriptor().getAction(actionIds[i]);
256             actions.add(action);
257         }
258         return actions;
259     }
260 }