
This is a small example application using the Turbine framework with the Fulcrum Workflow component.

It provides a similar demonstration using the Turbine framework to the example application included in the OpenSymphony OSWorkflow distriubution. This includes demostrating running BeanShell and BSF scripts, user authenctication etc..

It leverages the Turbine user by storing the user information in runData.getUser() object. The persistence mechanism is in memory, but it is very easy to swap in the JDBC persistence engine for OSWorkflow and use the same demo.

In this distribution is a little workflow pull tool that is used in the .vm templates as $workflow that allows easy access to some commonly used functions of the workflow service.

Workflows Screen

Workflow Detail Screen

Feedback is warmly appreciated!

Build and Deploy Example

To run this example, first check the source code out from CVS. The .war file is not online as it is 10 megabytes, and Maven will download any of the dependencies that you don't already have! Also, part of this example is to show a sample project structure as well. By downloading/building/ and deploying you get the full lifecycle.

To run this example, run 'maven war' from the fulcrum/osworkflow/example directory. This will produce the WAR file that you need to deploy to your Tomcat webapp. Make sure the name of the war file is changed to 'fulcrum-osworkflow-example' as the internal links expect that name.

Please note that a number of dependencies that are defined in project.xml cannot be resolved automatically with maven. Using these pieces of software requires stepping through the process of accepting the licensing agreeement. Maven prints out the links to the sites from where the downloads can be made manually. Once downloaded and unpacked, copy the jars to the appropriate directories:

  1. activation.jar ${maven.repo.local}/jaf/jars/activation.jar
  2. mail.jar (it includes the content of smtp.jar, pop.jar and imap.jar) ${maven.repo.local}/javamail/jars/mail.jar
  3. jndi.jar ${maven.repo.local}/jndi/jars/jndi.jar

The dependency on jdbc can be commented out of project.xml. It should be part of your recent Java edition.

Change the project.properties in the example directory to override the stated dependencies as explained in the user documentation of maven.



  maven.jar.activation = ${maven.repo.local}/jaf/jars/activation.jar
  maven.jar.javamail = ${maven.repo.local}/javamail/jars/mail.jar
  maven.jar.jndi = ${maven.repo.local}/jndi/jars/jndi.jar

  maven.checkstyle.format = turbine

  # display the date on the site
  maven.xdoc.date = left
  # Display the version the web site is documenting
  maven.xdoc.version = ${pom.currentVersion}
