Release Notes 5.8.7

Tapestry 5.8.7 is a bugfix release, being a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.7.0+ projects.

Improvements made

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter Priority Priority Priority Priority P Status Resolution
TAP5-2780 JSONObject does not conform to equals/hashCode contract Improvement Jun 23, 2024 Aug 03, 2024 Ben Weidig Ben Weidig Minor Closed Fixed
TAP5-2777 Update the closure compiler for better support of modern JavaScript Task May 01, 2024 Aug 03, 2024 Ben Weidig Chris Poulsen Minor Closed Fixed
TAP5-2771 Upgrade to Spock 2.3 Dependency upgrade Jan 28, 2024 Aug 03, 2024 Volker Lamp Volker Lamp Minor Closed Fixed
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Bugs fixed

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter Priority Priority Priority Priority P Status Resolution
TAP5-2779 Tapestry 5.8.3 to 5.8.7 issues caused by the multiple classloader feature Bug May 07, 2024 Aug 10, 2024 Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo Major Closed Fixed
TAP5-2775 ClassNotFoundException when in production mode and parameter type is array Bug Apr 20, 2024 Jul 24, 2024 Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo Thiago Henrique De Paula Figueiredo Major Closed Fixed
TAP5-2605 JS minimizer regression bug in 5.5.0-beta-1 Bug Jan 05, 2019 Aug 03, 2024 Ben Weidig Balázs Palcsó Major Closed Fixed
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