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collect(String, String, PropertySource) - Method in interface org.apache.tamaya.spi.PropertyValueCombinationPolicy
Method that is called for each value evaluated by a PropertySource for the given key.
ConfigException - Exception in org.apache.tamaya
Exception class (runtime exception) for configuration issues.
ConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.tamaya.ConfigException
Creates a new configuration exception.
ConfigException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.tamaya.ConfigException
Creates a new configuration exception.
ConfigOperator - Interface in org.apache.tamaya
Models a function that maps a given Configuration to another Configuration.
ConfigQuery<T> - Interface in org.apache.tamaya
Models a function that maps a given Configuration to something else.
Configuration - Interface in org.apache.tamaya
A configuration models a aggregated set current properties, identified by a unique key, but adds higher level access functions to a PropertySource.
ConfigurationContext - Interface in org.apache.tamaya.spi
Central SPI for programmatically dealing with the setup of the configuration system.
ConfigurationContextBuilder - Interface in org.apache.tamaya.spi
A builder for creating new or adapting instances of ConfigurationContext.
ConfigurationProvider - Class in org.apache.tamaya
Static access to the Configuration for the very application.
ConfigurationProviderSpi - Interface in org.apache.tamaya.spi
SPI that must be implemented to provide the component that manages all Configuration instances in a system.
convert(String) - Method in interface org.apache.tamaya.spi.PropertyConverter
Convert the given configuration keys from it' String representation into the required target type.
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