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Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 7.2 with sun_checks.xml ruleset. rss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
2 0 0 83


Category Rule Violations Severity
blocks LeftCurly 1  Error
coding HiddenField 5  Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression 1  Error
design DesignForExtension 9  Error
javadoc JavadocMethod 9  Error
JavadocPackage 2  Error
JavadocStyle 6  Error
JavadocType 1  Error
JavadocVariable 3  Error
misc FinalParameters 11  Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile 1  Error
modifier ModifierOrder 1  Error
regexp RegexpSingleline
  • format: "\s+$"
  • maximum: "0"
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • minimum: "0"
12  Error
sizes LineLength 21  Error



Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error misc NewlineAtEndOfFile File does not end with a newline.
 Error javadoc JavadocPackage Missing file.
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 87). 47
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 89). 52
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
 Error modifier ModifierOrder 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 52
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 130). 57
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter config should be final. 60
 Error coding HiddenField 'config' hides a field. 60
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4j' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'run' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4j' final or making the method 'run' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 64
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 86). 66
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). 67
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 136). 70
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 138). 71
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). 72
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 114). 76
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 95). 79
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 132). 83
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 101). 86
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 146). 87
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 147). 88
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 161). 89
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 94
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter args should be final. 94


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Error javadoc JavadocPackage Missing file.
 Error javadoc JavadocType Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
 Error blocks LeftCurly '{' at column 1 should be on the previous line. 30
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 32
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 33
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 35
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 42
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 43
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 45
 Error javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 85). 53
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 55
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 56
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 58
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 68
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 69
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 71
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter twitter should be final. 77
 Error coding HiddenField 'twitter' hides a field. 77
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 95). 81
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'withTwitter' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'withTwitter' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 81
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 81
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter twitter should be final. 81
 Error coding HiddenField 'twitter' hides a field. 81
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 86
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 87
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 89
 Error javadoc JavadocStyle First sentence should end with a period. 99
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 100
 Error regexp RegexpSingleline Line has trailing spaces. 102
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter neo4j should be final. 108
 Error coding HiddenField 'neo4j' hides a field. 108
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'withNeo4j' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'withNeo4j' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 112
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 112
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter neo4j should be final. 112
 Error coding HiddenField 'neo4j' hides a field. 112
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'toString' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'toString' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 117
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'getAdditionalProperties' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'getAdditionalProperties' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 122
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 122
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'setAdditionalProperty' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'setAdditionalProperty' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 128
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 128
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter name should be final. 130
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter value should be final. 130
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 94). 134
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'withAdditionalProperty' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'withAdditionalProperty' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 134
 Error javadoc JavadocMethod Missing a Javadoc comment. 134
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter name should be final. 134
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter value should be final. 134
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'hashCode' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'hashCode' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 139
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 109). 141
 Error design DesignForExtension Class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' looks like designed for extension (can be subclassed), but the method 'equals' does not have javadoc that explains how to do that safely. If class is not designed for extension consider making the class 'TwitterFollowNeo4jConfiguration' final or making the method 'equals' static/final/abstract/empty, or adding allowed annotation for the method. 144
 Error misc FinalParameters Parameter other should be final. 145
 Error coding SimplifyBooleanExpression Expression can be simplified. 149
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 88). 152
 Error sizes LineLength Line is longer than 80 characters (found 155). 153