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Build streams and streams-examples from source

This tutorial assumes you are using linux or Mac OS X.

Setup Tools

You’ll need the following tools installed in your command line:

  • Git
  • Java SDK
  • Maven
  • Docker


git -version
Possible result Explanation
bash: git: No such file or directory You need to install git
git version < 2.7 You should upgrade git for security reasons
git version > 2.7 You are all good

Maven and Java SDK

Run from your command line:

mvn -version
Possible result Explanation
-bash: mvn: command not found You need to install maven
Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly. You need to install JDK
Apache Maven >= 3.2.5+\nJava Version >= 1.7.0u72) You’re all good
Apache Maven >= 3.2.5+\nJava Version >= 1.8.0u25) You’re all good
Apache Maven < 3.2.5 You need a newer version of maven
Java Version < 1.7.0u72 You need a newer version of maven
Java Version < 1.8.0u25 You need a newer JDK


Run from your command line:

docker version
Possible result Explanation
bash: docker: No such file or directory You need to install docker
Client: Version: < 1.0.0 You need a newer version of docker
Server: Version: < 1.0.0 You need a newer version of docker
Client: Version: > 1.0.0\nServer: Version: > 1.0.0 You are all good

See streams-project-index.html for more information.

Download Sources

Run from your command line:

git clone
git clone

Build Projects

Run from your command line:

export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2G"
cd incubator-streams
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true
Possible result Explanation
BUILD SUCCESSFUL You are all good
BUILD FAILED Check yourself
cd ../incubator-streams-examples
mvn clean package
Possible result Explanation
BUILD SUCCESSFUL You are all good
BUILD FAILED Check yourself