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mshadow::expr::UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim > Struct Template Reference

unpack local (overlap) patches of image to column of mat, can be used to implement convolution, this expression allow unpack of a batch this is a version support unpacking multiple images after getting unpacked mat, we can use: output = dot( weight, mat ) to get covolved results, the relations: More...

#include <tensor_expr_ext.h>

Inheritance diagram for mshadow::expr::UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim >:
mshadow::expr::MakeTensorExp< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim >, SrcExp, 2 > mshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim >, type::kMapper >

Public Member Functions

 UnpackPatchToColXExp (const SrcExp &img, index_t psize, index_t pstride)
- Public Member Functions inherited from mshadow::expr::MakeTensorExp< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim >, SrcExp, 2 >
const UnpackPatchToColXExp
< SrcExp, srcdim > & 
real_self (void) const
 true self of subtype
- Public Member Functions inherited from mshadow::expr::Exp< MakeTensorExp< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim >, SrcExp, dim >, type::kMapper >
const MakeTensorExp
< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp,
srcdim >, SrcExp, dim > & 
self (void) const
< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp,
srcdim >, SrcExp, dim > & 
refself (void)

Public Attributes

const SrcExp & img_
 source operand
index_t psize_
 patch size
index_t pstride_
 patch stride
index_t i_channel_
 number of input channel
index_t i_height_
 height of img
index_t i_width_
 width of img
- Public Attributes inherited from mshadow::expr::MakeTensorExp< UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim >, SrcExp, 2 >
Shape< dim > shape_
 the shape of this expression

Detailed Description

template<typename SrcExp, int srcdim>
struct mshadow::expr::UnpackPatchToColXExp< SrcExp, srcdim >

unpack local (overlap) patches of image to column of mat, can be used to implement convolution, this expression allow unpack of a batch this is a version support unpacking multiple images after getting unpacked mat, we can use: output = dot( weight, mat ) to get covolved results, the relations:

Template Parameters
SrcExpsource expression
dstdimdestination dimension

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: