Apache SINGA
A distributed deep learning platform .
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mshadow::op Namespace Reference

operations for algorithm More...


struct  sigmoid
struct  sigmoid_grad
struct  relu
 Rectified Linear Operation. More...
struct  relu_grad
struct  tanh
struct  tanh_grad
struct  softplus
struct  softplus_grad
struct  bnll
struct  bnll_grad
struct  square
struct  stanh
 scaled tanh, hard code the scale factor More...
struct  stanh_grad
struct  threshold
 used for generate Bernoulli mask More...
struct  power
 used for generate element of power More...
struct  sqrtop
struct  mul
 mul operator More...
struct  plus
 plus operator More...
struct  minus
 minus operator More...
struct  div
 divide operator More...
struct  right
 get rhs More...
struct  identity
 identity function that maps a real number to it self More...

Detailed Description

operations for algorithm

namespace for operators