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singa::LRNLayer Class Reference

Local Response Normalization edge. More...

#include <neuron_layer.h>

Inheritance diagram for singa::LRNLayer:
singa::NeuronLayer singa::Layer

Protected Attributes

int batchsize_
 shape of the bottom layer feature
int channels_
int height_
int width_
int lsize_
 size local response (neighbor) area
float alpha_
float beta_
float knorm_
Blob< float > norm_
- Protected Attributes inherited from singa::Layer
LayerProto layer_proto_
Blob< float > data_
Blob< float > grad_
std::vector< Layer * > srclayers_
std::vector< Layer * > dstlayers_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from singa::Layer
virtual const std::vector
< Param * > 
GetParams () const
 Layers that have paramters must override this function. More...
virtual ConnectionType src_neuron_connection (int k) const
 Return the connection type between one neuron of this layer and its source layer. More...
virtual ConnectionType dst_layer_connection () const
 Return the connection type of this layer and all dst layers. More...
virtual const std::string DebugString (int step, int flag)
 For print debug info about each layer, e.g., norm of feature vector, norm of parameters. More...
int partition_dim () const
int partition_id () const
int type () const
const std::string & name () const
 Return name of this layer.
virtual const Blob< float > & data (const Layer *from) const
virtual Blob< float > * mutable_data (const Layer *from)
virtual const Blob< float > & grad (const Layer *from) const
virtual Blob< float > * mutable_grad (const Layer *from)
const std::vector< Layer * > srclayers () const
 return LayerS that connected to this layer
const std::vector< Layer * > dstlayers () const
 return LayerS that this layer connected to
int srclayers_size () const
int dstlayers_size () const
void clear_dstlayers ()
void clear_srclayers ()
void add_srclayer (Layer *src)
void add_dstlayer (Layer *dst)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from singa::Layer
static LayerCreate (const LayerProto &proto)

Detailed Description

Local Response Normalization edge.

b_i=a_i/x_i^beta x_i=knorm+alpha*{j=max(0,i-n/2}^{min(N,i+n/2}(a_j)^2 n is size of local response area. a_i, the activation (after ReLU) of a neuron convolved with the i-th kernel. b_i, the neuron after normalization, N is the total num of kernels

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