Interface DelayedProxy

All Known Implementing Classes:
DelayedArrayListProxy, DelayedHashSetProxy, DelayedLinkedHashSetProxy, DelayedLinkedListProxy, DelayedPriorityQueueProxy, DelayedTreeSetProxy, DelayedVectorProxy

public interface DelayedProxy

Implemented by proxy classes which are delay-load capable. Delay-load proxies are lazily loaded and provide some operations which allow manipulation of proxy without necessarily needing to load the proxied object.

Method Summary
 void closeBroker()
          Close the broker that is used to service this proxy.
 Broker getBroker()
          Get the broker that is used to service this proxy.
 int getDelayedField()
          Returns the expected field index even if this collection was detached.
 OpenJPAStateManager getDelayedOwner()
          Returns a state manager that can service this proxy even if the collection was detached.
 OpenJPAStateManager getOwnerStateManager()
          Returns the state manager of the owning instance.
 boolean isDetached()
          Returns whether the proxy is detached.
 boolean isDirectAccess()
          Returns whether the caller has direct-call access to the proxied object.
 void load()
          Load the proxy if it was delay-loaded.
 void setDirectAccess(boolean direct)
          Sets whether the caller has direct-call access to the proxied object.

Method Detail


void load()
Load the proxy if it was delay-loaded.


boolean isDirectAccess()
Returns whether the caller has direct-call access to the proxied object. Direct access allows calls to be made on the object without triggering a load or proxy state tracking callbacks.


void setDirectAccess(boolean direct)
Sets whether the caller has direct-call access to the proxied object. Direct access allows calls to be made on the object without triggering a load or proxy state tracking callbacks.


Broker getBroker()
Get the broker that is used to service this proxy.


void closeBroker()
Close the broker that is used to service this proxy.


OpenJPAStateManager getOwnerStateManager()
Returns the state manager of the owning instance.


OpenJPAStateManager getDelayedOwner()
Returns a state manager that can service this proxy even if the collection was detached.


int getDelayedField()
Returns the expected field index even if this collection was detached.


boolean isDetached()
Returns whether the proxy is detached.

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