Class DistributedJDBCBrokerFactory

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.kernel.AbstractBrokerFactory
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCBrokerFactory
          extended by org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc.DistributedJDBCBrokerFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BrokerFactory, Closeable, DistributedBrokerFactory

public class DistributedJDBCBrokerFactory
extends JDBCBrokerFactory
implements DistributedBrokerFactory

A factory for distributed JDBC datastores.

Pinaki Poddar
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
DistributedJDBCBrokerFactory(DistributedJDBCConfiguration conf)
Method Summary
 Slice addSlice(String name, Map properties)
          Adds the given slice with the given properties.
 DistributedJDBCConfiguration getConfiguration()
          Return the configuration for this factory.
protected  Object getFactoryInitializationBanner()
          Return an object to be written to the log when this broker factory initializes.
static JDBCBrokerFactory getInstance(ConfigurationProvider cp)
          Factory method for obtaining a possibly-pooled factory from properties.
static JDBCBrokerFactory getInstance(DistributedJDBCConfiguration conf)
          Factory method for constructing a factory from a configuration.
 DistributedBroker newBroker()
          Return a broker with default settings.
static DistributedJDBCBrokerFactory newInstance(ConfigurationProvider cp)
          Factory method for constructing a factory from properties.
protected  org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc.DistributedJDBCStoreManager newStoreManager()
          Return a new StoreManager for this runtime.
protected  void synchronizeMappings(ClassLoader loader)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCBrokerFactory
getInstance, getProperties, newBrokerImpl, postCreationCallback, synchronizeMappings
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.kernel.AbstractBrokerFactory
addLifecycleListener, addListeners, addTransactionListener, assertOpen, close, configureBroker, createDelegatingStoreManager, findBroker, findTransactionalBroker, getOpenBrokers, getPooledFactoryForKey, getPoolKey, getSupportedProperties, getUserObject, isClosed, loadPersistentTypes, lock, makeReadOnly, newBroker, newBroker, newBroker, newBroker, newBroker, pool, putUserObject, readResolve, releaseBroker, removeLifecycleListener, removeTransactionListener, setup, toPoolKey, unlock
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.kernel.BrokerFactory
addLifecycleListener, addTransactionListener, assertOpen, close, getProperties, getSupportedProperties, getUserObject, isClosed, lock, newBroker, newBroker, postCreationCallback, putUserObject, removeLifecycleListener, removeTransactionListener, unlock

Constructor Detail


public DistributedJDBCBrokerFactory(DistributedJDBCConfiguration conf)
Method Detail


public static DistributedJDBCBrokerFactory newInstance(ConfigurationProvider cp)
Factory method for constructing a factory from properties. Invoked from Bootstrap.newBrokerFactory().


public static JDBCBrokerFactory getInstance(ConfigurationProvider cp)
Factory method for obtaining a possibly-pooled factory from properties. Invoked from Bootstrap.getBrokerFactory().


public static JDBCBrokerFactory getInstance(DistributedJDBCConfiguration conf)
Factory method for constructing a factory from a configuration.


public DistributedJDBCConfiguration getConfiguration()
Description copied from class: AbstractBrokerFactory
Return the configuration for this factory.

Specified by:
getConfiguration in interface BrokerFactory
getConfiguration in class AbstractBrokerFactory


public Slice addSlice(String name,
                      Map properties)
Description copied from interface: DistributedBrokerFactory
Adds the given slice with the given properties. This newly added slice will be configured to brokers constructed by this factory after this call.

Specified by:
addSlice in interface DistributedBrokerFactory
name - logical name of the to be added slice. Must be different from any currently available slices.
properties - key-value pair of configuration for the slice to be added. The keys must have openjpa.slice.<name>.* as prefix.
See Also:
DistributedConfiguration.getAvailableSliceNames(), DistributedConfiguration#addSlice(String, Map)


protected org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc.DistributedJDBCStoreManager newStoreManager()
Description copied from class: AbstractBrokerFactory
Return a new StoreManager for this runtime. Note that the instance returned here may be wrapped before being passed to the AbstractBrokerFactory.newBroker() method.

newStoreManager in class JDBCBrokerFactory


public DistributedBroker newBroker()
Description copied from interface: BrokerFactory
Return a broker with default settings.

Specified by:
newBroker in interface BrokerFactory
newBroker in class AbstractBrokerFactory


protected void synchronizeMappings(ClassLoader loader)
synchronizeMappings in class JDBCBrokerFactory


protected Object getFactoryInitializationBanner()
Description copied from class: AbstractBrokerFactory
Return an object to be written to the log when this broker factory initializes. This happens after the configuration is fully loaded.

getFactoryInitializationBanner in class AbstractBrokerFactory

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