Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReplicationPolicy
org.apache.openjpa.slice Extended OpenJPA Interfaces for distributed databases. 
org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc Implements Distributed version of JDBCStoreManager and JDBCStoreQuery. 

Uses of ReplicationPolicy in org.apache.openjpa.slice

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.slice that implement ReplicationPolicy
static class ReplicationPolicy.Default
          Implements a default replication policy to replicate the given instance across all available slices.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.slice that return ReplicationPolicy
 ReplicationPolicy DistributedConfiguration.getReplicationPolicyInstance()
          Gets the policy that governs how new replicated instances will be replicated across the available slices.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.slice with parameters of type ReplicationPolicy
 void DistributedConfiguration.setReplicationPolicyInstance(ReplicationPolicy policy)
          Sets the policy that governs how new replicated instances will be replicated across the available slices.

Uses of ReplicationPolicy in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc that return ReplicationPolicy
 ReplicationPolicy DistributedJDBCConfigurationImpl.getReplicationPolicyInstance()

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.slice.jdbc with parameters of type ReplicationPolicy
 void DistributedJDBCConfigurationImpl.setReplicationPolicyInstance(ReplicationPolicy policy)

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