Class UpperExpression

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.UpperExpression
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Aggregate, Expression, OrderByItem, PredicateOperand, SelectItem, Visitable

public class UpperExpression
extends Object

Denotes UPPER(e) Expression.

Pinaki Poddar
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Expression _e
protected  UnaryFunctionalOperator _op
static String CLOSE_BRACE
static String COMMA
static String EMPTY
static String OPEN_BRACE
static String SPACE
Constructor Summary
UpperExpression(Expression op)
Method Summary
 Expression abs()
          Absolute value.
 OrderByItem asc()
          Return an OrderByItem referencing the SelectItem and specifying ascending ordering.
 String asExpression(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
          Get a JPQL fragment as used in WHERE clause.
 String asJoinable(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
          Gets the string representation in FROM clause.
 String asProjection(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
          Gets the string representation in SELECT projection.
 Predicate between(Calendar arg1, Calendar arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(Calendar arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(Date arg1, Date arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(Date arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(Number arg1, Number arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(Number arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1, Calendar arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1, Date arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1, Number arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1, String arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(String arg1, PredicateOperand arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Predicate between(String arg1, String arg2)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.
 Expression concat(Expression... exprs)
          Concatenate a string with other string(s).
 Expression concat(String... str)
          Concatenate a string with other string(s).
 OrderByItem desc()
          Return an OrderByItem referencing the SelectItem and specifying descending ordering.
 Expression distinct()
          Specify that duplicates are to be removed before the aggregate operation is invoked.
 Expression dividedBy(Expression expr)
 Expression dividedBy(Number num)
 Predicate equal(boolean arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate equal(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate equal(Class cls)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate equal(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate equal(Enum<?> e)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate equal(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate equal(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 Predicate equal(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.
 String getAliasHint(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
          Gets the hint to be used while creating alias.
 Expression getOperand()
 UnaryFunctionalOperator getOperator()
 Predicate greaterEqual(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate greaterEqual(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate greaterEqual(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate greaterEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate greaterEqual(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate greaterThan(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate greaterThan(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate greaterThan(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate greaterThan(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate greaterThan(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.
 Predicate in(Class... classes)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate in(Enum<?>... enums)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate in(Expression... params)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate in(Number... nums)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate in(String... strings)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.
 Predicate in(Subquery subquery)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of a subquery result.
 Predicate isNull()
          Create a predicate for testing whether the value of the expression is null.
 Expression length()
          String length This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.
 Predicate lessEqual(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate lessEqual(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate lessEqual(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate lessEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate lessEqual(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.
 Predicate lessThan(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate lessThan(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate lessThan(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate lessThan(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate lessThan(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.
 Predicate like(PredicateOperand pattern)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate like(PredicateOperand pattern, char escapeChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate like(PredicateOperand pattern, PredicateOperand escChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate like(String pattern)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate like(String pattern, char escChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Predicate like(String pattern, PredicateOperand escapeChar)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.
 Expression locate(Expression expr)
          Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.
 Expression locate(Expression str, Expression position)
          Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position.
 Expression locate(Expression str, int position)
          Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position.
 Expression locate(String str)
          Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.
 Expression locate(String str, Expression position)
          Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position.
 Expression locate(String str, int position)
          Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position.
 Expression lower()
          Convert string to lowercase.
 Predicate member(PathExpression arg)
          Create a predicate for testing whether the expression is a member of the association or element collection denoted by the path expression.
 Expression minus()
          Unary minus.
 Expression minus(Expression expr)
 Expression minus(Number num)
 Expression mod(Expression expr)
          Modulo operation.
 Expression mod(int num)
          Modulo operation.
 Predicate notEqual(boolean arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate notEqual(Calendar arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate notEqual(Class cls)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate notEqual(Date arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate notEqual(Enum<?> e)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate notEqual(Number arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate notEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Predicate notEqual(String arg)
          Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.
 Expression plus(Expression expr)
 Expression plus(Number num)
 Expression sqrt()
          Square root.
 Expression substring(Expression start)
          Extract a substring starting at specified position through to the end of the string.
 Expression substring(Expression start, Expression len)
          Extract a substring.
 Expression substring(Expression start, int len)
          Extract a substring.
 Expression substring(int start)
          Extract a substring starting at specified position through to the end of the string.
 Expression substring(int start, Expression len)
          Extract a substring.
 Expression substring(int start, int len)
          Extract a substring.
 Expression times(Expression expr)
 Expression times(Number num)
 Expression trim()
          Trim leading and trailing blanks.
 Expression trim(char c)
          Trim leading and trailing occurrences of character from the string.
 Expression trim(char c, TrimSpec spec)
          Trim occurrences of the character from leading or trailing (or both) positions of the string, as specified by trim spec.
 Expression trim(Expression expr)
          Trim leading and trailing occurrences of character specified by the expression argument from the string.
 Expression trim(Expression expr, TrimSpec spec)
          Trim occurrences of the character specified by the expression argument from leading or trailing (or both) positions of the string, as specified by trim spec.
 Expression trim(TrimSpec spec)
          Trim leading, trailing blanks (or both) as specified by trim spec.
 Expression upper()
          Convert string to uppercase.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.Expression
abs, concat, concat, dividedBy, dividedBy, in, in, in, in, in, in, isNull, length, locate, locate, locate, locate, locate, locate, lower, member, minus, minus, minus, mod, mod, plus, plus, sqrt, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, substring, times, times, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, upper
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.SelectItem
asc, desc
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.PredicateOperand
between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, between, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, equal, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterEqual, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, greaterThan, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessEqual, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, lessThan, like, like, like, like, like, like, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual, notEqual
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.Visitable

Field Detail


protected final Expression _e


protected final UnaryFunctionalOperator _op


public static final String SPACE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String OPEN_BRACE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CLOSE_BRACE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String COMMA
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String EMPTY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UpperExpression(Expression op)
Method Detail


public Expression getOperand()


public UnaryFunctionalOperator getOperator()


public Expression distinct()
Description copied from interface: Aggregate
Specify that duplicates are to be removed before the aggregate operation is invoked.

Specified by:
distinct in interface Aggregate


public String asExpression(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: Visitable
Get a JPQL fragment as used in WHERE clause.

Specified by:
asExpression in interface Visitable


public String asProjection(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: Visitable
Gets the string representation in SELECT projection.

Specified by:
asProjection in interface Visitable


public Expression abs()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Absolute value. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
abs in interface Expression
expression corresponding to the absolute value


public Expression concat(String... str)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Concatenate a string with other string(s). This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
concat in interface Expression
str - - string(s)
expression denoting the concatenation of the strings, starting with the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.


public Expression concat(Expression... exprs)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Concatenate a string with other string(s). This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
concat in interface Expression
exprs - - expression(s) corresponding to string(s)
expression denoting the concatenation of the strings, starting with the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.


public Expression dividedBy(Number num)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Division. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
dividedBy in interface Expression
num - - divisor
expression denoting the result of dividing the number corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked by the argument


public Expression dividedBy(Expression expr)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Division. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
dividedBy in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to the divisor
expression denoting the result of dividing the number corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked by the number denoted by the argument


public Predicate in(String... strings)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.

Specified by:
in in interface Expression
conditional predicate


public Predicate in(Number... nums)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.

Specified by:
in in interface Expression
conditional predicate


public Predicate in(Enum<?>... enums)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.

Specified by:
in in interface Expression
conditional predicate


public Predicate in(Class... classes)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.

Specified by:
in in interface Expression
conditional predicate


public Predicate in(Expression... params)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of the argument list.

Specified by:
in in interface Expression
conditional predicate


public Predicate in(Subquery subquery)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression value is a member of a subquery result.

Specified by:
in in interface Expression
conditional predicate


public Predicate isNull()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the value of the expression is null.

Specified by:
isNull in interface Expression
conditional predicate


public Expression length()
Description copied from interface: Expression
String length This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
length in interface Expression
expression denoting the length of the string.


public Expression locate(String str)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked. The search is started at position 1 (first string position). This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
locate in interface Expression
str - - string to be located
expression denoting the first position at which the string was found or expression denoting 0 if the string was not found


public Expression locate(Expression expr)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked. The search is started at position 1 (first string position). This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
locate in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to the string to be located
expression denoting the first position at which the string was found or expression denoting 0 if the string was not found


public Expression locate(String str,
                         int position)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
locate in interface Expression
str - - string to be located
position - - position at which to start the search
expression denoting the first position at which the string was found or expression denoting 0 if the string was not found


public Expression locate(String str,
                         Expression position)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
locate in interface Expression
str - - string to be located
position - - expression corresponding to position at which to start the search
expression denoting the first position at which the string was found or expression denoting 0 if the string was not found


public Expression locate(Expression str,
                         int position)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
locate in interface Expression
str - - expression corresponding to the string to be located
position - - position at which to start the search
expression denoting the first position at which the string was found or expression denoting 0 if the string was not found


public Expression locate(Expression str,
                         Expression position)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Locate a string contained within the string corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked, starting at a specified search position. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
locate in interface Expression
str - - expression corresponding to the string to be located
position - - expression corresponding to position at which to start the search
expression denoting the first position at which the string was found or expression denoting 0 if the string was not found


public Expression lower()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Convert string to lowercase. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
lower in interface Expression
expression denoting the string in lowercase


public Predicate member(PathExpression arg)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Create a predicate for testing whether the expression is a member of the association or element collection denoted by the path expression. The argument must correspond to a collection-valued association or element collection of like type.

Specified by:
member in interface Expression
arg - - a path expression that specifies a collection-valued association or an element collection
conditional predicate


public Expression minus()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Unary minus. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
minus in interface Expression
expression denoting the unary minus of the expression


public Expression minus(Number num)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Subtraction. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
minus in interface Expression
num - - subtrahend
expression denoting the result of subtracting the argument from the number corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.


public Expression minus(Expression expr)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Subtraction. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
minus in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to subtrahend
expression denoting the result of subtracting the number denoted by the argument from the number corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.


public Expression mod(int num)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Modulo operation. This must be invoked on an expression corresponding to an integer value

Specified by:
mod in interface Expression
num - - integer divisor
expression corresponding to the integer remainder of the division of the integer corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked by the argument.


public Expression mod(Expression expr)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Modulo operation. This must be invoked on an expression corresponding to an integer value

Specified by:
mod in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to integer divisor
expression corresponding to the integer remainder of the division of the integer corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked by the argument.


public Expression plus(Number num)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Addition. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
plus in interface Expression
num - - number to be added
expression denoting the sum


public Expression plus(Expression expr)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Addition. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
plus in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to number to be added
expression denoting the sum


public Expression sqrt()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Square root. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
sqrt in interface Expression
expression corresponding to the square root


public Expression substring(int start)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Extract a substring starting at specified position through to the end of the string. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
substring in interface Expression
start - - start position (1 indicates first position)
expression denoting the extracted substring


public Expression substring(Expression start)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Extract a substring starting at specified position through to the end of the string. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
substring in interface Expression
start - - expression denoting start position (1 indicates first position)
expression denoting the extracted substring


public Expression substring(int start,
                            int len)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Extract a substring. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
substring in interface Expression
start - - start position (1 indicates first position)
len - - length of the substring to be returned
expression denoting the extracted substring


public Expression substring(int start,
                            Expression len)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Extract a substring. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
substring in interface Expression
start - - start position (1 indicates first position)
len - - expression denoting length of the substring to return
expression denoting the extracted substring


public Expression substring(Expression start,
                            int len)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Extract a substring. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
substring in interface Expression
start - - expression denoting start position (1 indicates first position)
len - - length of the substring to return
expression denoting the extracted substring


public Expression substring(Expression start,
                            Expression len)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Extract a substring. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
substring in interface Expression
start - - expression denoting start position (1 indicates first position)
len - - expression denoting length of the substring to return
expression denoting the extracted substring


public Expression times(Number num)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Multiplication. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
times in interface Expression
num - - multiplier
expression denoting the result of multiplying the argument with the number corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.


public Expression times(Expression expr)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Multiplication. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a number.

Specified by:
times in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to the multiplier
expression denoting the result of multiplying the number denoted by the argument with the number corresponding to the expression on which the method was invoked.


public Expression trim()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Trim leading and trailing blanks. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
trim in interface Expression
expression denoting trimmed string


public Expression trim(TrimSpec spec)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Trim leading, trailing blanks (or both) as specified by trim spec. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
trim in interface Expression
spec - - trim specification
expression denoting trimmed string


public Expression trim(char c)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Trim leading and trailing occurrences of character from the string. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
trim in interface Expression
c - - character to be trimmed
expression denoting trimmed string


public Expression trim(char c,
                       TrimSpec spec)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Trim occurrences of the character from leading or trailing (or both) positions of the string, as specified by trim spec. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
trim in interface Expression
c - - character to be trimmed
spec - - trim specification
expression denoting trimmed string


public Expression trim(Expression expr)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Trim leading and trailing occurrences of character specified by the expression argument from the string. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
trim in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to the character to be trimmed
expression denoting trimmed string


public Expression trim(Expression expr,
                       TrimSpec spec)
Description copied from interface: Expression
Trim occurrences of the character specified by the expression argument from leading or trailing (or both) positions of the string, as specified by trim spec. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
trim in interface Expression
expr - - expression corresponding to the character to be trimmed
spec - - trim specification
expression denoting trimmed string


public Expression upper()
Description copied from interface: Expression
Convert string to uppercase. This method must be invoked on an expression corresponding to a string.

Specified by:
upper in interface Expression
expression denoting the string in uppercase


public OrderByItem asc()
Description copied from interface: SelectItem
Return an OrderByItem referencing the SelectItem and specifying ascending ordering. The SelectItem must correspond to an orderable value.

Specified by:
asc in interface SelectItem
order-by item


public OrderByItem desc()
Description copied from interface: SelectItem
Return an OrderByItem referencing the SelectItem and specifying descending ordering. The SelectItem must correspond to an orderable value.

Specified by:
desc in interface SelectItem
order-by item


public Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1,
                         PredicateOperand arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
arg2 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1,
                         Number arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
arg2 - - numeric
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(Number arg1,
                         PredicateOperand arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - numeric
arg2 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(Number arg1,
                         Number arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - numeric
arg2 - - numeric
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1,
                         String arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
arg2 - - string
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(String arg1,
                         PredicateOperand arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - string
arg2 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(String arg1,
                         String arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - string
arg2 - - string
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1,
                         Date arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
arg2 - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(Date arg1,
                         PredicateOperand arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - date
arg2 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(Date arg1,
                         Date arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - date
arg2 - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(PredicateOperand arg1,
                         Calendar arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
arg2 - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(Calendar arg1,
                         PredicateOperand arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - calendar
arg2 - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate between(Calendar arg1,
                         Calendar arg2)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand lies between (inclusive) the two arguments.

Specified by:
between in interface PredicateOperand
arg1 - - calendar
arg2 - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(PredicateOperand arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
cls - - entity class
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(Number arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - numeric
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(String arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - string value
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(boolean arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - boolean value
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(Date arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(Calendar arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate equal(Enum<?> e)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing equality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
equal in interface PredicateOperand
e - - enum
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
greaterEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterEqual(Number arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
greaterEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - numeric
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterEqual(String arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
greaterEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - string
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterEqual(Date arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
greaterEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterEqual(Calendar arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
greaterEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterThan(PredicateOperand arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterThan(Number arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - numeric
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterThan(String arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - string
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterThan(Date arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate greaterThan(Calendar arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is greater than the argument.

Specified by:
greaterThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
lessEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessEqual(Number arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
lessEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - numeric
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessEqual(String arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
lessEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - string
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessEqual(Date arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
lessEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessEqual(Calendar arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than or equal to the argument.

Specified by:
lessEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessThan(PredicateOperand arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.

Specified by:
lessThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessThan(Number arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.

Specified by:
lessThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - numeric
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessThan(String arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.

Specified by:
lessThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - string
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessThan(Date arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.

Specified by:
lessThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate lessThan(Calendar arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand is less than the argument.

Specified by:
lessThan in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate like(PredicateOperand pattern)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.

Specified by:
like in interface PredicateOperand
conditional predicate


public Predicate like(PredicateOperand pattern,
                      PredicateOperand escChar)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.

Specified by:
like in interface PredicateOperand
conditional predicate


public Predicate like(PredicateOperand pattern,
                      char escapeChar)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.

Specified by:
like in interface PredicateOperand
conditional predicate


public Predicate like(String pattern)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.

Specified by:
like in interface PredicateOperand
conditional predicate


public Predicate like(String pattern,
                      PredicateOperand escapeChar)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.

Specified by:
like in interface PredicateOperand
conditional predicate


public Predicate like(String pattern,
                      char escChar)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing whether the PredicateOperand satisfies the given pattern.

Specified by:
like in interface PredicateOperand
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(PredicateOperand arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - PredicateOperand instance or parameter
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(Class cls)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
cls - - entity class
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(Number arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - numberic value
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(String arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - string value
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(boolean arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - boolean value
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(Date arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - date
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(Calendar arg)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
arg - - calendar
conditional predicate


public Predicate notEqual(Enum<?> e)
Description copied from interface: PredicateOperand
Create a predicate for testing inequality with the specified argument.

Specified by:
notEqual in interface PredicateOperand
e - - enum
conditional predicate


public String getAliasHint(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: Visitable
Gets the hint to be used while creating alias.

Specified by:
getAliasHint in interface Visitable


public String asJoinable(org.apache.openjpa.persistence.query.AliasContext ctx)
Description copied from interface: Visitable
Gets the string representation in FROM clause.

Specified by:
asJoinable in interface Visitable

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