Class SourceAnnotationHandler

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SourceAnnotationHandler
extends Object
implements MetadataProcessor<TypeElement,Element>

Extracts persistent metadata information by analyzing available annotation in *.java source files. Requires JDK6 Annotation Processing environment available.

Pinaki Poddar

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.AnnotatedFilter annotatedFilter
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.AccessFilter fieldAccessFilter
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.KindFilter fieldFilter
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.GetterFilter getterFilter
protected static List<Class<? extends Annotation>> mappingAnnos
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.KindFilter methodFilter
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.TransientFilter nonTransientFilter
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.AccessFilter propertyAccessFilter
          Set of Inclusion Filters based on member type, access type or transient annotations.
protected  org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.SetterFilter setterFilter
Constructor Summary
SourceAnnotationHandler(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv, CompileTimeLogger logger)
          Construct with JDK6 annotation processing environment.
Method Summary
 TypeMirror box(TypeMirror t)
 int determineMemberAccess(Element m)
          Determine the access type of the given member.
 int determineTypeAccess(TypeElement type)
          Determine the access type of the given type.
static boolean equalsByValue(Enum<?> e, Object v)
          Affirms if the given enum equals the given value.
 String extractFieldName(ExecutableElement method)
static Object getAnnotationValue(Element decl, Class<? extends Annotation> anno)
          Gets the value of the given annotation, if present, in the given declaration.
static Object getAnnotationValue(Element e, Class<? extends Annotation> anno, String attr)
          Gets the value of the given attribute of the given annotation, if present, in the given declaration.
 Set<Element> getPersistentMembers(TypeElement type)
          Gets the list of persistent fields and/or methods for the given type.
 TypeElement getPersistentSupertype(TypeElement cls)
static boolean isAnnotated(Element e)
          Affirms if the given element is annotated with any javax.persistence.
static boolean isAnnotatedWith(Element e, Class<? extends Annotation> anno)
          Affirms if the given declaration has the given annotation.
static boolean isAnnotatedWith(Element e, Set<String> annos)
          Affirms if the given element is annotated with any of the given annotations.
static boolean isBoolean(TypeMirror type)
          Affirms if the given mirror represents a primitive or non-primitive boolean.
static boolean isBooleanGetter(ExecutableElement method)
          Affirms if the given method matches the following signature public boolean isXyz() public Boolean isXyz()
static boolean isGetter(ExecutableElement method)
static boolean isMethod(Element e)
          Affirms if the given element represents a method.
 boolean isMixedAccess(TypeElement t)
          Affirms if the members of given type are using both field and property based access.
static boolean isNormalGetter(ExecutableElement method)
          Affirms if the given method matches the following signature public T getXXX() where T is any non-void type.
static boolean isRootObject(TypeMirror type)
          Affirms if the given mirror represents root java.lang.Object.
static boolean isSetter(ExecutableElement method)
          Affirms if the given method matches the following signature public void setXXX(T t)
static boolean isVoid(TypeMirror type)
          Affirms if the given mirror represents a void.
static boolean startsWith(String full, String head)
          Affirms if the given full string starts with the given head.
static String toString(Collection<? extends Element> elements)
 List<Exception> validateAccess(TypeElement t)
          Gets the violations, if any.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.AccessFilter propertyAccessFilter
Set of Inclusion Filters based on member type, access type or transient annotations. Used to determine the subset of available field/method that are persistent.


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.AccessFilter fieldAccessFilter


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.KindFilter fieldFilter


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.KindFilter methodFilter


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.TransientFilter nonTransientFilter


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.AnnotatedFilter annotatedFilter


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.GetterFilter getterFilter


protected org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta.SourceAnnotationHandler.SetterFilter setterFilter


protected static List<Class<? extends Annotation>> mappingAnnos
Constructor Detail


public SourceAnnotationHandler(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv,
                               CompileTimeLogger logger)
Construct with JDK6 annotation processing environment.

Method Detail


public int determineTypeAccess(TypeElement type)
Description copied from interface: MetadataProcessor
Determine the access type of the given type.

Specified by:
determineTypeAccess in interface MetadataProcessor<TypeElement,Element>
an integer denoting the type of access. The integer value corresponds to ClassMetaData#getAccessType().


public int determineMemberAccess(Element m)
Description copied from interface: MetadataProcessor
Determine the access type of the given member.

Specified by:
determineMemberAccess in interface MetadataProcessor<TypeElement,Element>
an integer denoting the type of access. The integer value corresponds to FieldMetaData#getAccessType().


public List<Exception> validateAccess(TypeElement t)
Description copied from interface: MetadataProcessor
Gets the violations, if any.

Specified by:
validateAccess in interface MetadataProcessor<TypeElement,Element>
null or empty list if no exceptions.


public boolean isMixedAccess(TypeElement t)
Description copied from interface: MetadataProcessor
Affirms if the members of given type are using both field and property based access.

Specified by:
isMixedAccess in interface MetadataProcessor<TypeElement,Element>


public Set<Element> getPersistentMembers(TypeElement type)
Gets the list of persistent fields and/or methods for the given type. Scans relevant @AccessType annotation and field/method as per JPA specification to determine the candidate set of field/methods.

Specified by:
getPersistentMembers in interface MetadataProcessor<TypeElement,Element>


public static Object getAnnotationValue(Element decl,
                                        Class<? extends Annotation> anno)
Gets the value of the given annotation, if present, in the given declaration. Otherwise, null.


public static Object getAnnotationValue(Element e,
                                        Class<? extends Annotation> anno,
                                        String attr)
Gets the value of the given attribute of the given annotation, if present, in the given declaration. Otherwise, null.


public static String toString(Collection<? extends Element> elements)


public String extractFieldName(ExecutableElement method)


public static boolean isAnnotated(Element e)
Affirms if the given element is annotated with any javax.persistence.* or org.apache.openjpa.* annotation.


public static boolean isAnnotatedWith(Element e,
                                      Class<? extends Annotation> anno)
Affirms if the given declaration has the given annotation.


public static boolean isAnnotatedWith(Element e,
                                      Set<String> annos)
Affirms if the given element is annotated with any of the given annotations.

annos - null checks for any annotation that starts with 'javax.persistence.' or 'openjpa.*'.


public TypeMirror box(TypeMirror t)


public TypeElement getPersistentSupertype(TypeElement cls)
Specified by:
getPersistentSupertype in interface MetadataProcessor<TypeElement,Element>


public static boolean isBoolean(TypeMirror type)
Affirms if the given mirror represents a primitive or non-primitive boolean.


public static boolean isVoid(TypeMirror type)
Affirms if the given mirror represents a void.


public static boolean isMethod(Element e)
Affirms if the given element represents a method.


public static boolean isNormalGetter(ExecutableElement method)
Affirms if the given method matches the following signature public T getXXX() where T is any non-void type.


public static boolean isBooleanGetter(ExecutableElement method)
Affirms if the given method matches the following signature public boolean isXyz() public Boolean isXyz()


public static boolean isGetter(ExecutableElement method)


public static boolean isSetter(ExecutableElement method)
Affirms if the given method matches the following signature public void setXXX(T t)


public static boolean isRootObject(TypeMirror type)
Affirms if the given mirror represents root java.lang.Object.


public static boolean startsWith(String full,
                                 String head)
Affirms if the given full string starts with the given head.


public static boolean equalsByValue(Enum<?> e,
                                    Object v)
Affirms if the given enum equals the given value.

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