Class PrototypeFactory<K,T>

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.persistence.jest.PrototypeFactory<K,T>

public class PrototypeFactory<K,T>
extends Object

A factory for a specific type of objects registered by a key. The client registers a type indexed by name. The client can get a new instance of the registered type. The requested registered type not necessarily have to have a no-arg constructor. The constructor arguments can be passed during new instance request. Based on the arguments, a matching constructor, if any, is located and invoked. type of key for this registry base type of the objects to construct

Pinaki Poddar

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Set<K> getRegisteredKeys()
          Gets the keys registered in this factory.
 T newInstance(K key, Object... args)
          Create a new instance of the type registered before with the given key, if any.
 void register(K key, Class<? extends T> prototype)
          Register the given class with the given key.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PrototypeFactory()
Method Detail


public void register(K key,
                     Class<? extends T> prototype)
Register the given class with the given key.

key - a non-null key.
prototype - a type.


public T newInstance(K key,
                     Object... args)
Create a new instance of the type registered before with the given key, if any. The given arguments are used to identify a constructor of the registered type and passed to the constructor of the registered type.

key - a key to identify a registered type.
args - arguments to pass to the constructor of the type.
null if no type has been registered against the given key.


public Set<K> getRegisteredKeys()
Gets the keys registered in this factory.

immutable set of registered keys.

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