Uses of Class

Packages that use DelegatingConnection
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel Runtime services for the JDBC OpenJPA implementation. 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction Utilities for generating SQL. 
org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc Database Connectivity Includes an implementation of the DataSource APIs around a normal JDBC 1.x driver. 

Uses of DelegatingConnection in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel

Subclasses of DelegatingConnection in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel
static class JDBCStoreManager.ClientConnection
          Connection returned to client code.
protected  class JDBCStoreManager.RefCountConnection
          Connection wrapper that keeps an internal ref count so that it knows when to really close.

Uses of DelegatingConnection in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Subclasses of DelegatingConnection in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql
protected static class PostgresDictionary.PostgresConnection
          Connection wrapper to work around the postgres empty result set bug.
protected static class SybaseDictionary.SybaseConnection
          Connection wrapper to cache the Connection.getCatalog() result, which takes a very long time with the Sybase Connection (and which we frequently invoke).

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type DelegatingConnection
protected  org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager PostgresDictionary.getLargeObjectManager(DelegatingConnection conn)
          Get the native PostgreSQL Large Object Manager used for LOB handling.
protected  org.postgresql.PGConnection PostgresDictionary.getPGConnection(DelegatingConnection conn)
          Get the native PostgreSQL connection from the given connection.

Uses of DelegatingConnection in org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc

Subclasses of DelegatingConnection in org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc
 class ConfiguringConnectionDecorator.ConfiguringConnection
          Decorator to configure connection components correctly.
protected  class LoggingConnectionDecorator.LoggingConnection
          Logging connection.

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