Interface IdentifierConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDB2Dictionary, AbstractSQLServerDictionary, AccessDictionary, CacheDictionary, DB2Dictionary, DBDictionary, DefaultIdentifierConfiguration, DerbyDictionary, EmpressDictionary, FirebirdDictionary, FoxProDictionary, H2Dictionary, HSQLDictionary, InformixDictionary, IngresDictionary, InterbaseDictionary, JDataStoreDictionary, MariaDBDictionary, MaxDBDictionary, MySQLDictionary, OracleDictionary, PointbaseDictionary, PostgresDictionary, SolidDBDictionary, SQLServerDictionary, SybaseDictionary

public interface IdentifierConfiguration

The IdentifierConfiguration interface. Implementers of this interface supply naming configuration information to consumers of names/identifiers.

Method Summary
 boolean delimitAll()
          Returns true if global name delimiting is enabled.
 String getConversionKey()
          Returns a key that can be used to determine whether conversion should take place.
 IdentifierRule getDefaultIdentifierRule()
          Gets the default naming rule
 String getDelimitedCase()
          Returns the case that is used when delimiting.
 String getIdentifierConcatenator()
          Returns the value used to concatenate multiple names together.
 String getIdentifierDelimiter()
          Returns the value used to delimit between individual names.
<T> IdentifierRule
getIdentifierRule(T t)
          Returns a naming rule or null if the rule is not found.
<T> Map<T,IdentifierRule>
          Returns all naming rules
 String getLeadingDelimiter()
          Returns the leading delimiter value to use when delimiting a name.
 String getSchemaCase()
          Returns the case that is used when delimiters are not used.
 boolean getSupportsDelimitedIdentifiers()
          Returns true if delimiting is supported
 String getTrailingDelimiter()
          Returns the trailing delimiter value to use when delimiting a name.

Method Detail


String getLeadingDelimiter()
Returns the leading delimiter value to use when delimiting a name.


String getTrailingDelimiter()
Returns the trailing delimiter value to use when delimiting a name.


boolean delimitAll()
Returns true if global name delimiting is enabled.


boolean getSupportsDelimitedIdentifiers()
Returns true if delimiting is supported


String getIdentifierConcatenator()
Returns the value used to concatenate multiple names together. For example: "_" used in TABLE1_TABLE2


String getIdentifierDelimiter()
Returns the value used to delimit between individual names. For example: "." used in MYSCHEMA.MYTABLE


IdentifierRule getDefaultIdentifierRule()
Gets the default naming rule


<T> Map<T,IdentifierRule> getIdentifierRules()
Returns all naming rules


<T> IdentifierRule getIdentifierRule(T t)
Returns a naming rule or null if the rule is not found.


String getDelimitedCase()
Returns the case that is used when delimiting.

upper, lower, or preserve


String getSchemaCase()
Returns the case that is used when delimiters are not used.

upper, lower, or preserve


String getConversionKey()
Returns a key that can be used to determine whether conversion should take place. Id configurations should create a key unique to their configuration. The typical key is: leading delimiter (") + name separator(.) + trailing delimiter(")

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