Uses of Interface

Packages that use FilterListener
org.apache.openjpa.conf OpenJPA Configuration This package provides base OpenJPA configuration interfaces. 
org.apache.openjpa.datacache OpenJPA Data Cache OpenJPA's data and query caching frameworks. 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel OpenJPA-JDBC Runtime Kernel Runtime services for the JDBC OpenJPA implementation. 
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps OpenJPA-JDBC Expression Tree 
org.apache.openjpa.kernel OpenJPA Runtime Kernel This package provides a common OpenJPA runtime environment that can be adapted for use with various data store mechanisms. 
org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps OpenJPA Expression Tree 
org.apache.openjpa.persistence OpenJPA JPA This package provides an JPA facade to OpenJPA. 
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta OpenJPA MetaModel This package provides an implementation of Metamodel API of JPA 2.0 Specification. 

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.conf

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.conf that return FilterListener
 FilterListener[] OpenJPAConfigurationImpl.getFilterListenerInstances()
 FilterListener[] OpenJPAConfiguration.getFilterListenerInstances()
          Return the query filter listeners.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.conf with parameters of type FilterListener
 void OpenJPAConfigurationImpl.setFilterListeners(FilterListener[] listeners)
 void OpenJPAConfiguration.setFilterListeners(FilterListener[] listeners)
          Set the query filter listeners.

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.datacache

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.datacache that return FilterListener
 FilterListener QueryCacheStoreQuery.getFilterListener(String tag)

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel that return FilterListener
 FilterListener JDBCStoreQuery.getFilterListener(String tag)

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps

Subinterfaces of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps
 interface JDBCFilterListener
          JDBC extension to the FilterListener.

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps that implement FilterListener
 class GetColumn
          Returns the SQL alias of the named column for use in a query.
 class JDBCStringContains
          Deprecated. Use matches() instead.
 class JDBCWildcardMatch
          Deprecated. Use matches() instead.
 class SQLEmbed
          Simple listener which embeds its SQL argument into the query.
 class SQLExpression
          Deprecated. Use SQLEmbed directly
 class SQLValue
          Deprecated. Use SQLEmbed directly

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps with parameters of type FilterListener
 Value JDBCExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener, Value target, Value arg)

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.kernel

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel that return FilterListener
 FilterListener StoreQuery.getFilterListener(String tag)
          Return the standard filter listener for the given tag, or null.
 FilterListener QueryImpl.getFilterListener(String tag)
 FilterListener QueryContext.getFilterListener(String tag)
          Return the filter listener for the given tag, or null.
 FilterListener ExpressionStoreQuery.getFilterListener(String tag)
 FilterListener DelegatingQuery.getFilterListener(String tag)
 FilterListener AbstractStoreQuery.getFilterListener(String tag)
static FilterListener Filters.hintToFilterListener(Object hint, ClassLoader loader)
          Convert the user-given hint value to a filter listener.
static FilterListener[] Filters.hintToFilterListeners(Object hint, ClassLoader loader)
          Convert the user-given hint value to an array of filter listeners.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel that return types with arguments of type FilterListener
 Collection<FilterListener> QueryImpl.getFilterListeners()
 Collection<FilterListener> QueryContext.getFilterListeners()
          The set of filter listeners.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel with parameters of type FilterListener
 void QueryImpl.addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
 void Query.addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Register a filter listener for the query.
 void DelegatingQuery.addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
 void QueryImpl.removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
 void Query.removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Remove a filter listener from the query.
 void DelegatingQuery.removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps that implement FilterListener
 class StringContains
          Deprecated. Use matches() instead.
 class WildcardMatch
          Deprecated. Use matches() instead.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps that return FilterListener
 FilterListener Resolver.getFilterListener(String tag)
          Return the filter listener for the given tag, or null if none.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel.exps with parameters of type FilterListener
 Value InMemoryExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener, Value target, Value arg)
 Value ExpressionFactory.newExtension(FilterListener listener, Value target, Value args)
          Return the value of the given extension.

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.persistence

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence with parameters of type FilterListener
 OpenJPAQuery<X> QueryImpl.addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> OpenJPAQuerySPI.addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Register a filter listener for the query.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> OpenJPAQuery.addFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Deprecated. cast to QueryImpl instead. This method pierces the published-API boundary, as does the SPI cast.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> QueryImpl.removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
 OpenJPAQuery<X> OpenJPAQuerySPI.removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Remove a filter listener from the query.
 OpenJPAQuery<X> OpenJPAQuery.removeFilterListener(FilterListener listener)
          Deprecated. cast to QueryImpl instead. This method pierces the published-API boundary, as does the SPI cast.

Uses of FilterListener in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence.meta that return FilterListener
 FilterListener MetamodelImpl.getFilterListener(String tag)

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