Uses of Class

Packages that use DataCacheStoreMode
org.apache.openjpa.kernel OpenJPA Runtime Kernel This package provides a common OpenJPA runtime environment that can be adapted for use with various data store mechanisms. 
org.apache.openjpa.persistence OpenJPA JPA This package provides an JPA facade to OpenJPA. 

Uses of DataCacheStoreMode in org.apache.openjpa.kernel

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.kernel declared as DataCacheStoreMode
 DataCacheStoreMode FetchConfigurationImpl.ConfigurationState.cacheStoreMode

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel that return DataCacheStoreMode
 DataCacheStoreMode FetchConfigurationImpl.getCacheStoreMode()
 DataCacheStoreMode FetchConfiguration.getCacheStoreMode()
          Gets the current storage mode for data cache.
 DataCacheStoreMode DelegatingFetchConfiguration.getCacheStoreMode()
static DataCacheStoreMode DataCacheStoreMode.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static DataCacheStoreMode[] DataCacheStoreMode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.kernel with parameters of type DataCacheStoreMode
 void FetchConfigurationImpl.setCacheStoreMode(DataCacheStoreMode mode)
 void FetchConfiguration.setCacheStoreMode(DataCacheStoreMode mode)
          Sets the current storage mode for data cache.
 void DelegatingFetchConfiguration.setCacheStoreMode(DataCacheStoreMode mode)

Uses of DataCacheStoreMode in org.apache.openjpa.persistence

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence that return DataCacheStoreMode
 DataCacheStoreMode FetchPlanImpl.getCacheStoreMode()
 DataCacheStoreMode FetchPlan.getCacheStoreMode()
          Gets the current storage mode for data cache.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.persistence with parameters of type DataCacheStoreMode
 FetchPlan FetchPlanImpl.setCacheStoreMode(DataCacheStoreMode mode)
 FetchPlan FetchPlan.setCacheStoreMode(DataCacheStoreMode mode)
          Sets the current storage mode for data cache.

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