Interface PreparedQueryCache.Exclusion

All Known Implementing Classes:
PreparedQueryCacheImpl.StrongExclusion, PreparedQueryCacheImpl.WeakExclusion
Enclosing interface:

public static interface PreparedQueryCache.Exclusion

A structure to describe the strength and reason for excluding a query from the cache.

Method Summary
 String getPattern()
          The pattern (either the exact query string or a regular expression) that denotes this exclusion.
 String getReason()
          Gets the human-readable reason for excluding this query from being cached.
 boolean isStrong()
          Affirms if this exclusion is strong i.e. can never be reversed.
 boolean matches(String id)
          Affirms if this exclusion matches the given identifier.

Method Detail


boolean isStrong()
Affirms if this exclusion is strong i.e. can never be reversed.


String getReason()
Gets the human-readable reason for excluding this query from being cached.


String getPattern()
The pattern (either the exact query string or a regular expression) that denotes this exclusion.


boolean matches(String id)
Affirms if this exclusion matches the given identifier.

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