Interface Extent<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
DelegatingExtent, ExtentImpl

public interface Extent<T>

Representation of all members of a persistent class.

Abe White, Patrick Linskey

Method Summary
 void closeAll()
          Close all open iterators.
 Broker getBroker()
          The broker that generated the extent.
 Class<T> getElementType()
          The class of extent elements.
 FetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
          Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for this extent.
 boolean getIgnoreChanges()
          Whether this extent will ignore changes made in the current transaction.
 boolean hasSubclasses()
          Whether the extent includes subclasses.
 Iterator<T> iterator()
          Return an iterator over the extent members.
 List<T> list()
          Returns a list of all objects represented by this extent.
 void lock()
          Synchronizes on an internal lock.
 void setIgnoreChanges(boolean ignoreChanges)
          Whether this extent will ignore changes made in the current transaction.
 void unlock()
          Release the internal lock.

Method Detail


FetchConfiguration getFetchConfiguration()
Return the (mutable) fetch configuration for this extent.


boolean getIgnoreChanges()
Whether this extent will ignore changes made in the current transaction.


void setIgnoreChanges(boolean ignoreChanges)
Whether this extent will ignore changes made in the current transaction.


List<T> list()
Returns a list of all objects represented by this extent. This method creates a List by traversing the entire iterator returned by a call to iterator(). This means that Collection.size() will work correctly, but if the extent represents a large data set, this method may be quite slow and may consume quite a bit of memory.


Iterator<T> iterator()
Return an iterator over the extent members.


Broker getBroker()
The broker that generated the extent.


Class<T> getElementType()
The class of extent elements.


boolean hasSubclasses()
Whether the extent includes subclasses.


void closeAll()
Close all open iterators.


void lock()
Synchronizes on an internal lock.


void unlock()
Release the internal lock.

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