Class XMLSchemaSerializer

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.lib.meta.XMLMetaDataSerializer
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.XMLSchemaSerializer
All Implemented Interfaces:
SchemaSerializer, MetaDataSerializer

public class XMLSchemaSerializer
extends XMLMetaDataSerializer
implements SchemaSerializer

Serializes Schemas to XML matching the document type definition defined by the XMLSchemaParser. The serializer actually works at the fine-grained table level to allow you to split schemas among multiple files. Serializers are not thread safe.

Abe White

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.meta.MetaDataSerializer
Constructor Summary
XMLSchemaSerializer(JDBCConfiguration conf)
Method Summary
 void addAll(Schema schema)
          Add the given schema's objects to the set of objects that will be serialized.
 void addAll(SchemaGroup group)
          Add all the objects in the given group to the set of objects that will be serialized.
 void addSequence(Sequence seq)
 void addTable(Table table)
          Add the given table to the set of tables that will be serialized.
 void clear()
          Clear the set of objects to be serialized.
protected  Collection getObjects()
          Return the current set of objects for serialization.
 Sequence[] getSequences()
 Table[] getTables()
          Return the set of tables that will be serialized.
 boolean removeAll(Schema schema)
          Remove the given schema's objects from the set to be serialized.
 boolean removeAll(SchemaGroup group)
          Remove all schemas in the given group from the set to be serialized.
 boolean removeSequence(Sequence seq)
 boolean removeTable(Table table)
          Remove the given table from the set to be serialized.
protected  void serialize(Collection objs)
          Serialize the given set of objects.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.lib.meta.XMLMetaDataSerializer
addAttribute, addComments, addComments, addText, currentBackupFile, endElement, getAttributes, getFileMap, getLog, getSourceFile, isVerbose, prepareWrite, reset, serialize, serialize, serialize, serialize, serialize, serialize, setLog, startElement
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.lib.meta.MetaDataSerializer
serialize, serialize, serialize, serialize

Constructor Detail


public XMLSchemaSerializer(JDBCConfiguration conf)
Constructor. Supply configuration.

Method Detail


public Table[] getTables()
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Return the set of tables that will be serialized.

Specified by:
getTables in interface SchemaSerializer


public void addTable(Table table)
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Add the given table to the set of tables that will be serialized.

Specified by:
addTable in interface SchemaSerializer


public boolean removeTable(Table table)
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Remove the given table from the set to be serialized.

Specified by:
removeTable in interface SchemaSerializer
true if table was removed, false if not in set


public Sequence[] getSequences()


public void addSequence(Sequence seq)


public boolean removeSequence(Sequence seq)


public void addAll(Schema schema)
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Add the given schema's objects to the set of objects that will be serialized.

Specified by:
addAll in interface SchemaSerializer


public void addAll(SchemaGroup group)
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Add all the objects in the given group to the set of objects that will be serialized.

Specified by:
addAll in interface SchemaSerializer


public boolean removeAll(Schema schema)
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Remove the given schema's objects from the set to be serialized.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface SchemaSerializer
true if any objects in schema removed, false if none in set


public boolean removeAll(SchemaGroup group)
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Remove all schemas in the given group from the set to be serialized.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface SchemaSerializer
true if any objects in the group were removed, false if none in set


public void clear()
Description copied from interface: SchemaSerializer
Clear the set of objects to be serialized.

Specified by:
clear in interface SchemaSerializer


protected Collection getObjects()
Description copied from class: XMLMetaDataSerializer
Return the current set of objects for serialization.

Specified by:
getObjects in class XMLMetaDataSerializer


protected void serialize(Collection objs)
                  throws SAXException
Description copied from class: XMLMetaDataSerializer
Serialize the given set of objects.

Specified by:
serialize in class XMLMetaDataSerializer

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